Pay Periods Tab


This entity allows the user to set up the periods that a pay code applies. This is the catalog entity that must be configured to handle the Pay Periods.

Pay Periods Tab Screen Fields

SequenceThis is manually entered by the user. This is to decide the order of pay periods will be calculated. This is not necessarily a unique number. Many of the records can have 1 and many can have 2
Fiscal YearFiscal year the pay period belongs to.
StatusTo indicate if the period is Open or Closed. When the Deadline for Payroll is reached, system will execute the Payroll calculation Process and, in that process, system will change de value for this field. If this field = "Closed" no transactions can be recorded for this Pay Period. Only one record can be = "Open" in a Fiscal Year at a time per Pay Code. Default value = "Not Processed".
Rate Date for Estimated PayrollDate estimated to generate the estimated payroll. User defined.
Date for Collections PayrollDate estimated to generate the collection payroll. User defined.
Deadline for PayrollLast day the payroll most be paid. User defined.
From DateStart date of the period. User defined.
To DateEnd date of the Period. User defined.
LanguageRequired language can be selected to register the description.
Period NameUser defined name of the period.
Pay Period Institution tabList of Institutions to be processed in the collection Payroll.


Pay Period Institution Tab


This entity allows the users to set up the Institutions to be included in a collection payroll in a pay period.

Pay Period Institution Tab Screen Fields

SequenceSystem generated sequence number.
Member InstitutioInstitution included in the list for the collection payroll.
StatusThis indicates the status of a payroll for a specific Member Institution. Default value = "Projected".
Receipt NumberWhen Status = "Finalized" system assign the value using as reference Billing Receipt Number parameter. This parameter has the INITIAL billing receipt number and then when the pay period institution is being created, system will retrieve the max billing receipt number adding 1. If the max is zero, then system will set what is defined on the system parameter as the Initial Billing Receipt Number