Payment Item Per Period


This entity keeps records of the details of each Payroll calculated for the Institutions.

Following types or records can be found here:

  1. "Not Processed" also known as "Estimated" Payroll which is a forecast of the collection payroll.
  2. "Confirmed" also known as "Calculated" payroll which is the draft for Accounts Receivables.
  3. "Finalized" also known as "Approved" this is the final stage of a payroll. Once this stage is reached no updates can be done to it.


Social Security Management ► Affiliation and Contribution Management ► Payment Item Per Period

Payment Item Per Period Screen Fields

Application IdUnique identifier of each record. Automatically assigned by the system.
Workflow StatusDisplays the current workflow status of the record. Depending on the workflow configuration setting, the basic stages are: Created, Request for Approval, Active.
StatusStatus of the record in a Payroll.
OriginIndicates the origin of the Payment Item Per Period.
Contribution AssignmentAllows user to select contribution assignment from look up functionality.
Member InstitutionAllows user to select Member Institution from look up functionality.
Payment ItemAllows user to select Payment Item from look up functionality.
Pay CodeAllows user to select pay code from drop down list.
Pay PeriodAllows user to select pay period from drop down list.
Start DateStart date of the Contribution Assignment.
End DateEnd date of the Contribution Assignment.
Number of DaysNumber of worked days.
Number of Pay PeriodsNumber of Pay Periods.
RateDefines the Rate of the contribution.
Calculated AmountCalculated Amount of the contribution assignment.
Corrected AmountCorrected Amount of the contribution assignment.
Coding BlockIf the record is created manually user must indicate the coding block.
Fiscal YearDropdown to select Arrear Fiscal Year.
Arrear Pay PeriodDropdown to select Arrear Pay Period.