Declaration Analysis

The HR Department of the Line Ministry or the Department of Civil Servants Revenue Declaration will perform via the application the Declaration Analysis Process which will provide information about incidents found in each Declaration Form submitted by the Civil Servant.
The Declaration Analysis Process consists of a set of comparison criteria (rules) that were previously defined by the legislation. Those criteria might be categorized as:
  • Low level of impact rules can describe the comparison of fields from the Declaration Form of the current year against previous year, to find the difference of data for both years.
  • High level of impact rules can describe the comparison between revenues and commitments, and also with assets from the Declaration of the current year as well some comparisons with previous year.
As a result of the Declaration Analysis Process, the application will identify those Declaration Forms that don’t match for some rules, and will allow the user to visualize grouping by level.
The valid dates to the Declaration Analysis Process are allowed to make between May 01 and September 30 of current year. (The date can be changed according to the project law).

Declaration Analysis Result


Contains all the incidents and rules that which matched with the condition, for each declaration form analyzed.

Users access the Declaration Analysis Result form within the menu through this navigation path: Human Resources Financial Disclosure Declaration Analysis Declaration Analysis Result

A screenshot of the Declaration Analysis Result feature is available here.

Note that position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.

Visible Fields

IdUnique identifier for Declaration Analysis Results, automatically assigned by the system.  This ID is unique per declaration, re-starting the sequence with 1 for each declaration.
Analysis YearReference to declaration year, displays the year of the analysis of the declaration. Users are able to put the year for which the analysis is required.
DeclarationDisplays the unique code of the declaration referenced.
Declaration Analysis RuleDisplays the unique code of the declaration declaration analysis rule referenced.
Result Left OperandAfter performing the rule, it presents the result of applying the left operand rule.
Result Right OperandAfter performing the rule, it presents the result of applying the right operand rule.
Result Difference ArgumentShows the result difference argument after applying the rule
Rule Result
Shows the final result of the rule:
  • Passed
  • Failed



The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image.

Button ImageDescription
Find button allow users to generate the list of existing declaration analysis results.
The Lookup button allows users to browse the related features and select a record from the presented list, the selected item is populated in the field for use as filter criterion. Within Declaration Analysis Result, it is used to select analysis year, declaration and declaration analysis rule.


Declaration Analysis Rule


Allows users to store the information of the rules (table, attribute, operator, values, etc.) that apply in the declaration analysis for a specific year.

Users access Declaration Analysis Rule from within the menu through this navigation path: Human Resources Financial Disclosure Declaration Analysis Declaration Analysis Rule

A screenshot of the Declaration Analysis Rule feature is available here.

Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.

Visible Fields

IdUnique identifier code for the analysis rule. It is a user define field.
ActiveDefault value for this field is true.  If this value is changed to false, it can’t be used again and the record remains for reference purposes only.
Declaration ScheduleAllows to enter a declaration year which contains the year of the rule analyzed.
Rule Type
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Exclusion
  • Low Level Impact
  • High Level Impact
Left Operand Entity
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Financial Disclosure Declaration
  • Revenues Information
  • Assets Information
  • Share Capital Assets Information
  • Commitments Information
Left Operand AttributeAllows to enter the attribute names that belong to the entity name selected on left operand entity.
Left Operand Filter Operator
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • All Records
  • Individual
Left Operand Filter AttributeAllows to enter filter attribute names that belong to the entity name selected on left operand entity.
Left Operand Filter ValueAllows to enter value to be filtered, is related with the value selected in left operand filter attribute.
Left Operand Filter Year
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Current Year
  • Previous Year
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Equal to (=)
  • Not equal to (<>)
  • Greater than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Difference by (Dif)
Is Right Operand a ValueDefault value for this field is true.  It is a flag that used to indicate if the right operand is a value or a constant.
Right Operand Entity
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Financial Disclosure Declaration
  • Relatives Information
  • Revenues Information
  • Assets Information
  • Share Capital Assets Information
  • Commitments Information
Right Operand Attribute
Allows to enter attribute names that belong to the entity name selected on right operand entity.
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.
Right Operand Filter Operator
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • All Records
  • Individual
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.
Right Operand Filter Attribute
Allows to enter attribute names that belong to the entity name selected on right operand entity
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.
Right Operand Filter Value
Allows to enter the value to be filtered, is related with the value selected in right operand filter attribute.
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.
Right Operand Filter Year
This attribute takes one of the following values:
  • Current Year
  • Previous Year
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.
Difference Argument Value
Allows to enter the value that is used by the operator as a difference argument value.
This field is disabled when it is not mandatory.



Button ImageDescription
The New button allows users to switch to insert mode. This action button allows users to manually create Declaration Analysis Rule.
The Search button allows users to switch to search mode.
Once an entity has been created or searched for, users may view results when necessary.
Click to Save a created record . The record is then added to the system and a window appears to notify the record has been saved.