Barcode reader can be used in Assets and/or Inventory module, this functional specification contains the entities and processes that are common and specific of each module. Barcode readers can be used in processes like: stocks take, goods receipt, goods return, transfers and basically in every transaction that involves either an asset item or catalog item.
This information will be populated only if at least one of the general parameters ‘Inventory Module Uses Barcode Reader’ or ‘Assets Module Uses Barcode Reader’ is True.
Assets & Inventories Commons ►Support Entities ► Barcode Configurations
Barcode Cofiguration Screen Fields and Tabs
Barcode Configuration screen includes following Fields and Tabs:
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identification number, automatically generated by the system. |
Active | Default value is True. If user switches it to false, then this configuration will not apply in future transactions. |
Applies For Assets | False by default. If set to True it signify that the Barcode Configuration applies for Assets. This field is active only if General Parameter ‘Assets Module uses Barcode Reader’ is set to True. |
Applies For Inventory | False by default. If set to True it signify that the Barcode Configuration applies for Inventory. |
Configuration Date | Automatically posted by the system. User can not change it. It keeps the record when the configuration is made. |
Language | Language to describe the Barcode Configuration. |
Abbreviation | Short form of the Barcode Configuration. |
Description | Key information and description of the Barcode Configuration. |
Institution tab | A collection of one or more institutions that are entitled for using this particular Barcode Configuration. |
Barcode Exporting Format tab | Collection of one or more exporting formats. |
Every barcode reader can have its own specific format to store information in their memory therefore the system will send the information in standard way, so the user can convert such format into the format that barcode reads. Some mobile devices can be easily adapted to get information from standard formats as well. User can configure as many formats as needed to export information. Such information will be exported to a CSV or XLS (excel spreadsheet format), so the information can be stored in mobile devices such as handhelds, or third party software, that information can be used to print labels, stocks take processes, etc.
Barcode Exporting Format tab screen includes following fields:
Fields | Description |
Barcode Format Type | There are two possible value- Inventory and Assets. Depend on the configuration. |
Active | True by Default. If the user switches it to false, this configuration format can not be used in future exporting transactions. |
Is Customized Format | False by Default. This attribute will allow incorporating possible customized formats in the future. |
Barcode Exporting Custom Format | Respective customized format of the Barcode. |
Language | Language to describe Exporting Format. |
Name | Short Description. |
Description | Instructions and key information of the format. |
Barcode Exporting Format Detail tab | Configuration of the order of Asset attributes that system should export. |
Barcode Exporting Custom Format is a way of customizing format that is used to export asset and inventory items. The user will be able to use this section of the Support Entities to gain information on the different types of Exporting Custom Formats, their characteristics, the differences between the different formats and other important piece of information. This allows users to decide which method they are looking to inquire about and see which assets and inventories are exported in what methods.
Assets & Inventories Commons ►Support Entities ► Barcode Exporting Custom Format
Barcode Exporting Custom Format screen includes following Fields:
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identification number. |
Barcode Format Type | There are only two possible values: ‘Inventory’: Only if attribute ‘Applies for Inventory’ in Barcode Configuration is True. ‘Assets’: Only if attribute in Barcode Configuration ‘Applies for Assets’ is True. |
Language | Language to describe the Barcode Exporting Custom Format. |
Name | Name of the Barcode Exporting Custom Format. |
Description | Description of the Barcode Exporting Custom Format. |
The Goods/Services Request Groups section collects all the different Goods/Services Requests and organizes them into groups based on similar characteristics and functionality. The Support Entities section will aid users by helping them understand what goods and services belong to which groups.
Assets & Inventories Commons ►Support Entities ► Goods/Service Request Group
Goods/Services Request Group screen includes following fields:
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique identification code. |
Active | If checked, then available for use in future. |
Custom Domain Type | Custom Domain Type attribute for Goods/Services Request Group. |
Language | Language used to describe Goods/Services Request Group. |
Abbreviation | A brief description of this Goods/Services Request Group. |
Description | A detailed description of this Goods/Services Request Group. |
This entity contains the different types of insurance for the insurance for the insurance policies. The most common types of commercial insurance are property, liability and workers' compensation. In general, property insurance covers damages to business property; liability insurance covers damages to third parties; and workers' compensation insurance covers on-the-job injuries to employees. Depending on the business, institution may want additional specialized coverages.
Fields | Description |
Id | This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system. |
Is Property Insurance | This entity when checked is used for the Insurance policies that would cover properties. |
Is Employee Insurance | This entity when checked is used for the Insurance policies that would cover employees. |
Is Warehouse Insurance | This entity when checked is used for the Insurance policies that would cover warehouses. |
Language | Country specific language used. |
Name | Name of the insurance type. |
Description | This entity provided the description of the Insurance Type. |
Active | The default value is true. When his value is changed to False, such insurance type can't be selected again it will remain for references purposes only. |
This entity contains the responsables employees of the warehouses.
Fields | Description |
Code | This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system. |
Active | The default value is true. When his value is changed to False, such insurance type can't be selected again it will remain for references purposes only. |
Institution | Institutions which is asset warehouse. |
Employee | Employee Code ID of a person who is the responsible of the warehouse . |
Goods/Services Request is to provide a unique entry point of registering and processing goods and services requests based on a workflow that starts in the Institution Unit where the goods and services are required. The registry process provides a helpful feature based on souring packages which are predefined sets of Inventory Items (this is applicable only for Inventory type Goods) with predefined specific quantities.
The Asset and Inventory Departments are responsible for identifying the warehouse suppliers based on suggested warehouses provided by the system. Finally the warehouses are responsible of the delivery process made through a 'Dispatch Order'. Each requested Item has an individual progress of the supply process, meaning that partial delivery of Goods/Services Requests is allowed, updating the Good and Services Request status to’Delivered' when all its related items have been fully delivered to the Institution Unit.
When there is no availability of the items requested (in the case of goods) or for the case of Replenishment Requests (from a particular Warehouse), the system mark those items as candidates for a Purchase Requisition, and once this Purchase Requisition has been issued by the Purchasing Department Responsible (initially this generates the Purchase Requisition to the FreeBalance Application Classic Application), the system updates via web service the PR number as a reference to the Goods/Services Request Item.
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Goods/Services Requests
Good/Services Request screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique Id, automatically generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Automatically assigned by the system with current fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | Automatically assigned by the system with current fiscal Period |
Created On | Automatically populated by the system. |
is Replenishment Request | Default value is false, read only attribute, this value will be true only for G/S Requests generated by the Replenishment Request Process. |
Request Status | These are the possible status for the goods/services request. This can change for different workflow configurations. |
Registered By | Automatically populated by the system, the user could change it. |
Request Institution Unit | This is the institution unit that requires the goods/services. |
Priority | This attribute can take one of the following values Low, Medium, High |
Minimum Required Date | The minimum required date to receive the goods/services. |
Maximum Required Date | The maximum required date to receive the goods/service |
Reception of Goods Responsible | The employee responsible of receiving the goods or the acceptance of the services in the Institution Unit. |
Language | Language use to enter the Goods/Services Request. |
Abbreviation | Shot description of G/S Request |
Description | Shot description of G/S Request. |
Created By | User who created the G/S Request, Automatically populated by the system. |
Approved By | Automatically populated by the system when workflow reaches the Approved Stage. |
Approved Date | Automatically populated by the system when workflow reaches the Approved Stage. |
Request Sourcing Packages Tab | This entity represents the different sourcing packages associated to a Goods/Services Request. Sourcing Packages are predefined item/quantity for a specific activity or destination, e.g. Training Courses. |
Request Items tab | This entity represents the G/S Request Items belonging to a particular G/S Request. |
Attachment Tab | Allows attaching files that may be relevant for the G/S Request. |
The information regarding the attachment. It further contains the description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here.
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
ID | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Selected | If checked indicates that the attachment will be selected. |
Language | Country Specific Language used to enter the description information. |
Title | Title of attachment uploaded. |
Description | Any description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here. |
Attachment | The uploaded document, this attribute will have the physical file document within the database. |
Date Time | The date and time the attachment was uploaded or Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned. |
Date | Manually enter date by User, attachment creation date. |
User | Users uploading the attachment. |
This tab contains the details information about the Inventory Item Request.
Request Items Fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Correlative | Indicates if and how the request item is correlative. |
Item | Select the Item required for the request. |
Required Quantity | This value can be either entered manually or generated automatically by the system. If generated by the system, the value cannot be modified. |
Adjusted Quantity | This value specifies a positive or negative quantity over the Required Quantity. The Quantity can only be changed by those who are responsible for inventory. |
Authorized Quantity | The user will enter the authorized quantity if any, should be greater than Zero. |
Dispatched Quantity | This attribute is read only, user can not edit this value. |
Supply Status | This attribute will be by default as 'Not assigned' until the Start to Supply process is executed and the G/S request status has been set to 'In Supply Process', the value will depend on the G/S Request Start Supply process executed by the Goods/Services Supply Responsible. |
Unit of Measure | Assign a measurement unit to the goods/service being requested. |
Requisition | This is the reference to a Purchase Requisition that was generated in order to supply this G/S Request Item. |
Language | Country Specific Languages chosen for entering Description and Remarks. |
Description | The intended objective of the goods/services that are being required. |
Remarks | Additional information related to this G/S Request item. |
Attachments Tab | Additional files related to the Request Item. |
Applicable Taxes Tab | Taxes that are associated with the Request Item. |
Custody Transaction Assets Tab | This Tab is used to include custody transaction assets to an item request. |
This tab holds the information regarding taxes that are associated with the Request Item.
Field | Description |
Tax | The tax associated for the G/S Request Item, by default taxes populates based on Catalogue Item Predefined Tax Information. |
Percentage | This field displays the percentage value of the Request Item Tax. The value can be changed if required. |
The information regarding the attachment. It further contains the description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here.
Attachment Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
ID | Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters. |
Selected | If checked indicates that the attachment will be selected. |
Language | Country Specific Language used to enter the description information. |
Title | Title of attachment uploaded. |
Description | Any description of the attachment or additional information not included in the uploaded document can be included here. |
Attachment | The uploaded document, this attribute will have the physical file document within the database. |
Date Time | The date and time the attachment was uploaded or Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned. |
User | The user uploading the attachment. |
Language | Country Specific Language used to enter the description information. |
Tab allows users to lookup and add one or more Custody Transaction Assets.
For details regarding Custody Transaction Assets, refer to the link below:
A collection of zero or more Material Request Sourcing Packages (applicable for Inventory Items only).
Request Sourcing Packages Tab screen Fields
Field | Description |
Correlative | Indicates if and how the sourcing package is correlative. |
Sourcing Package | This field represents the different sourcing packages associated to a Goods/Services Request. Sourcing Packages are predefined item/quantity for a specific activity or destination, e.g. Training Courses. |
Quantity | Number of Sourcing Packages is required. |
This is the entity that supports the inventory-out from a particular warehouse in order to supply the goods requested by a Goods/Services Request from a Institution.
Dispatch And Return Order supports the inventory-out from a particular warehouse in order to supply the goods requested by a Goods/Services Request. Entity since more than one Dispatch Order might be required to supply a specific Goods/Services Request.
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Dispatch And Return Order
Dispatch Order screen Fields
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification code, System Auto generated. |
Fiscal Year | Automatically assigned by the system with current fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | Automatically assigned by the system with current fiscal Period |
Order Type | When system generates the dispatch order from a start supply process the value is going to be 'dispatch order' and this attribute will read only and user cannot edit this value. |
Automatically Reserved | Default value is 'False' |
Created On | Automatically generated by the system |
Delivery Expected Date | This value cannot be less than Minimum Required Date (if applicable) neither greater than Maximum Required Date if it's not null for the G/S Request associated to this Dispatch Order. |
Delivered Date | This value will be updated when this Dispatch/ Return Order has been set to 'Delivered'. |
Dispatch/Return Order Status | Registered is the initial state of the created dispatch order, assigned automatically by the system |
Delivery By | This is the employee who is responsible of delivering the goods |
Receiving By | This value will be updated when this Dispatch Order has been set to 'Delivered'. |
Requestor Institution | This is the institution unit that requires the goods/services. |
Supplier Institution | Selects the supplier institution using lookup data. |
Goods Service Request | System will displays this attribute only if attribute Is automatically Reserved? is equal to true otherwise will hide this attribute , system will Automatically populated this attribute with the ID of the Goods/ Services Request that generated this Dispatch Order Lookup button should be available when this field is populated, so then drill down to relevant Goods/ Services Request provided. |
Language | Language use to enter the Dispatch And Return Order |
Created By | Display Only Field Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created Date | Display Only Field System Current Datetime.Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Description | Shot description of Dispatch Order. |
Remarks | When order type is equal to 'Return order' then user can select edit this value, System should allow to user only select Employees based on his Data Access Security. |
Dispatch Order/Return Order Item | A collection of 1 or more Dispatch Order/ Return Order Items. A dispatch order may have as many items the Goods/Services Request has. |
Dispatch Order/Return Order Item screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Inventory Item | The Inventory Item in the Source/Destination Warehouse. |
Source Asset Item | A collection of zero or more attachments associated to the Asset Item |
Target Asset Item | A collection of zero or more attachments associated to the Asset Item |
Inventory Transaction | In the source warehouse the system should create a transaction within Inventory Transactions |
Goods Service Request Item | The intended objective or destination for the goods/services that are being required. |
Quantity | A collection of 1 or more G/S Request Items. |
Unit Cost | Number of Sourcing Packages required. |
Total Amount | This is the Unit Cost based on the Costing Method associated to the particular Inventory Item |
Dispatch Order Item Perishable Lot Tab | This tab represents a perishable lot associated to a Dispatch Order Item |
Start Supply process determines the warehouses that is the suppliers of the goods if the requested items are available, in the case of service type items these automatically markes as candidates for a Purchase Requisition. The system must suggest the warehouse suppliers based on Availability of the majority of the items for the G/S Request Items (remember that is more efficient to supply all the items in a single dispatch order); proximity of the warehouses can also be evaluated but not by the system since a geographical referential point is needed for all Warehouses and Institution Units, taking in consideration a special feature in the software for distance calculation (geographical referential points calculations).
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Start Supply
Field | Description |
Goods Services Request | Allow users to select the Goods/Services Request that you are attempting to assign a warehouse supplier. |
Understanding Start Supply screen Features
This entity is related with Warranty-Maintenance and it will store information related to any incident, such as warranty claim, or an issue logged for maintenance.
Asset and Inventories Commons ► Warranty Maintenance ► Warranty Maintenance Claim
Warranty Maintenance Claim screen fields
Fields | Description |
Id | This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Selects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list. |
Fiscal Period | Selects fiscal period from dropdown menu list. |
Warranty Maintenance Policy | This entity contains list of pre-created information related with the warranty or maintenance information of the Asset Item. |
Institution | System should allow to user only select Institutions based on his Data Access Security. |
Responsible Employee | This entity provides details regarding the Employee Code ID of a person who is in charge of claim. |
Workflow Status | These are the possible status for the claim. This can change for different workflow configurations. |
Warranty Maintenance Location | These is the possible types of locations. Possible types could be On-site or Off-site. |
Maintenance Type | These are the possible maintenance types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Preventive 2. Minor repair 3. Major repair |
Warranty Type | These are the possible warranty types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Repair 2. Replacement 3. Compensation |
Language | Select language as per drop down options. |
Description | Description, observations or remarks related to the claim. |
Created By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created On | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage. |
Approved On | Read Only Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage |
Warranty Maintenance Claim Item Tab | Item related to the Warranty maintennance Claim. |
Attachments Tab | Attachment related to the claim. |
System allows to attach files to support the Warranty Maintenance Claim.
Attachments Tab screen fields
Field | Description |
ID | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Attachment Classification | Reference to attachment classification. |
Language | Country specific language for the title and description. |
Title | Title of the Attachments. |
Description | Description of the attachments. |
Attachment | System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc. |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | Uploading Date of the attachment. |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Language | Mandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. |
A collection of one or more Asset Items that are covered by this warranty-maintenance claim.
Warranty Maintenance Claim Item screen fields
Fields | Description |
Warranty Maintenance Asset Item | Asset Items that are covered by this warranty-maintenance claim |
Asset Item Operational Status | Asset Item Operational Status’ equals one of these values; 'in Stock', 'In Use', 'Leased' and In Transit. |
Language | The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. It represents the language of the document. |
Remarks | Additional information related to this Warranty Maintenance Claim Item. |
Defects | Addition filds for enter any Defects regarding Warranty Maintenance Claim Item. |
Warranty Maintenance Policy contains information related with the warranty or maintenance information of the Asset Item.
Asset and Inventories Commons ► Warranty Maintenance ► Warranty Maintenance Policy
Warranty Maintenance Policy screen fields
Fields | Description |
Id | This is the unique identifier which is automatically generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Selects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list. |
Fiscal Period | Selects fiscal period from dropdown menu list. |
Information Type | It is a closed domain where the possible types status for the insurance policy are Warranty and Maintenance |
Workflow Status | These are the possible status for the claim. This can change for different workflow configurations. |
Institution | System should allow to user only select Institutions based on his Data Access Security. |
Provider | Company who is providing the warranty or contract maintenance, it usually would be same vendor who sold the Asset Item. Look up functionality is needed. |
Employee | Employee Code ID of a person who authorizes the warranty-maintenance. Lookup. System should allow to user only select Employees based on his Data Access Security. |
Purchase Order | The Purchase Order ID which is related to warranty-maintenance. The system will present a list of Open PO's with a lookup utility. |
Warranty Maintenance Location | These is the possible types of locations. Possible types could be On-site or Off-site. |
Maintenance Type | These are the possible maintenance types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Preventive 2. Minor repair 3. Major repair |
Warranty Type | These are the possible warranty types for the claim. Possible types could be: 1. Repair 2. Replacement 3. Compensation |
Number of Years | Default value will be Years (End Date-Start Date) user can change it. |
Cost | The Default value for this is zero. Should be greater or equal to zero. |
Language | Select language as per drop down options. |
Observations | Description, observations or remarks related to the claim. |
Created By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created On | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Approved By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage. |
Approved On | Read Only Populated automatically by the system when corresponding Workflow reaches its Approved by Accounting Office stage |
Warranty Maintenance Claim Item Tab | Item related to the Warranty maintennance Claim. |
Attachments Tab | Attachment related to the Warranty Maintenance Policy. |
System allows to attach files to support the Warranty Maintenance Policy.
Attachments Tab screen fields
Field | Description |
ID | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Attachment Classification | Reference to attachment classification. |
Language | Country specific language for the title and description. |
Title | Title of the Attachments. |
Description | Description of the attachments. |
Attachment | System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc. |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | Uploading Date of the attachment. |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Language | Mandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. |
Insurance can help organization manage the risks of relatively rare, but expensive events, throughout their employee life such as car accident, theft or fire. Without the protection of an insurance policy, one would be responsible for covering the loss you experienced.
Assets and Inventories Common ► Insurance ► Insurance Claim
Insurance Policy screen Fields
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification code for the Insurance Claim. |
Insurance Claim Type | Type of Insurance Claim is selected in this field from drop down box. For example, First Party Claim or a Third Party Claim. |
Insurance Claim Workflow Status | Workflow Status of Insurance Claim is shown in this field. |
Fiscal Year | Bydefault current fiscal year, Selects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list. |
Fiscal period | Bydefault current fiscal period, Selects fiscal period from the dropdown menu list. |
Insurance Policy | Insurance Policy is selected from the lookup option. |
Institution Code | Institution Code is selected from the lookup option. |
Employee | Employee is selected from lookup option. |
Occurrence Date | Occurrence Date of the loss to be selected from calendar button. |
Language | Country specific language to be selected from drop down box. |
Cause | Cause of loss is mentioned in this field. |
Claims Made Date | Date on which claim is made is selected from calendar button. |
Currency | Currency is selected from drop down box. |
Exchange Rate | Exchange rate of the selected currency is shown in this field by the system. |
Claim Amount(Domestic) | Claim amount in domestic currency is shown in this field. |
Claim Amount(Foreign) | Claim amount in foreign currency is shown in this field. |
Deductible Amount(Domestic) | Deductible amount in domestic currency is shown in this field. |
Deductible Amount(Foreign) | Deductible amount in foreign currency is shown in this field. |
Authorized Payment(Domestic) | Amount of authorized payment expressed in domestic currency. |
Authorized Payment(Foreign) | Amount of authorized payment expressed in foreign currency. |
Created By | Users by whom Insurance Claim is created. |
Created Date | Date of creation of Insurance Claim. |
Approved By | Users by whom claim has been approved. |
Approved Date | Date of approval is entered by system in this field. |
Warehouse Insurance Claim | Details regarding Insurance claim of Warehouse is added from this tab. |
Asset Item Insurance Claim | Details regarding Insurance claim of Asset Item is added from this tab. |
Employee Insurance Claim | Details regarding Insurance claim of employee is added from this tab. |
Attachments | Documents having additional information are added from this tab. |
Details regarding Insurance claim of Asset Item is added from this tab.
Asset Item Insurance Claim screen fields
Fields | Description |
Insurance Policy AssetItem | User has only the access provided by to select Asset Item based on his Data Access Security. |
Language | Country specific Language used |
Remarks | Remarks associated with the policy asset item. |
System allows to attach files to support the Insurance Claim.
Attachments Tab screen fields
Field | Description |
ID | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Attachment Classification | Reference to attachment classification. |
Language | Country specific language for the title and description. |
Title | Title of the Attachments. |
Description | Description of the attachments. |
Attachment | System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc. |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | Uploading Date of the attachment. |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Language | Mandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. |
Details regarding Insurance claim of employee is added from this tab.
Employee Insurance Claim screen fields
Fields | Description |
Insurance Policy Employee | User has only the access provided by to select Employee based on his Data Access Security |
Language | Country specific Language used. |
Remarks | Remarks associated with the policy asset item. |
Details regarding Insurance claim of Warehouse is added from this tab
Warehouse Insurance Claim Status Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Insurance Policy Warehouses | User has only the access provided by to select Warehouses based on his Data Access Security. |
Language | Country specific Language used. |
Remarks | Remarks associated with the policy warehouse. |
Insurance can help organization manage the risks of relatively rare, but expensive events, throughout their employee life such as car accident, theft or fire. Without the protection of an insurance policy, one is responsible for covering the loss one experienced.
Assets and Inventories Common ► Insurance ► Insurance Policy
Insurance Policy screen Fields
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identification code for the Insurance Policy. |
Workflow Status | Workflow Status of the record is shown. |
Fiscal year | By default current fiscal year, Selects fiscal year from the dropdown menu list. |
Fiscal Period | By default current fiscal period, Selects fiscal period from the dropdown menu list. |
Institution Code | Institution Code is selected from lookup button. |
Insurance Company | Insurance company involved is selected from lookup button. |
Agent | Insurance Agent is selected from lookup button. |
Insurance Type | Type of insurance is selected from drop down box. |
Policy Number | Insurance Policy number is entered in this field. |
Issue Date | Issue date of the insurance is selected from calendar button. |
Effective Date | Effective date of the insurance is selected from calendar button. |
Expiration Date | Expire Date of the insurance is selected from calendar button. |
Days of Grace to Renew | Days of grace to renew is entered in this field. |
Renewable | Whether the policy is renewable, is mentioned in this field by checking or unchecking the check box. |
Renewal Date | Renewable Date is shown in this field. |
Employee | Employee for whom the policy is taken, is selected from lookup button. |
Purchase Order | Purchase Order is selected from lookup button. |
Currency | Currency use is selected from drop down box. |
Exchange Rate | Exchange Rate for the currency generated by the system. |
Premium Amount(Domestic) | Amount of insurance premium expressed in domestic currency. |
Premium Amount(Foreign) | Amount of insurance premium expressed in foreign currency. |
Coverage Amount(Domestic) | Coverage amount of the insurance policy expressed in domestic currency. |
Coverage Amount(Foreign) | Coverage amount of the insurance policy expressed in foreign currency. |
Deductible Amount(Domestic) | Deductible amount of the insurance policy expressed in domestic currency. |
Deductible Amount(Foreign) | Deductible amount of the insurance policy expressed in foreign currency. |
Language | Country specific language is selected from drop down box. |
Coverage Terms | Coverage Terms are mentioned in this field. |
Exclusions | Exclusions are mentioned in this field. |
Renewal Terms | Renewal Terms of the Insurance Policy |
Insurance Policy Operational Status | Operational Status of the Insurance Policy is selected from the drop down box. |
Renewed Insurance Policy | If it is a renewed insurance policy, Name of the Insurance policy is mentioned renewed is mentioned in this field. |
Automatically Renewed Insurance Policy | Name of automatically renewed insurance policy is mentioned in this field. |
Created By | Users by whom Insurance Policy is created. |
Created Date | Date of creation of the Insurance policy. |
Approved By | Users by whom the Insurance Policy is approved. |
Approved Date | Date of approval of the Insurance Policy is emntioned in this field. |
Insurance Policy Warehouse Tab | Records of warehouse is added from this tab. |
Insurance Policy Asset Item Tab | Records of Asset item is added from this tab. |
Insurance Policy Employee Tab | Records of employee is added from this tab. |
Insurance Policy Payment Tab | Records of payment is added from this tab. |
Attachments Tab | Attachments required are added from this tab. |
System allows to attach files to support the Insurance Policy.
Attachments Tab screen fields
Field | Description |
ID | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. |
Attachment Classification | Reference to attachment classification. |
Language | Country specific language for the title and description. |
Title | Title of the Attachments. |
Description | Description of the attachments. |
Attachment | System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc. |
Date Time | Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Date | Uploading Date of the attachment. |
User | Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system. |
Language | Mandatory field, language of the document. The system will suggest the default language; however the user can change such language. |
Insurance Policy Asset Item entity contains all insured Asset Items by an Insurance Policy.
Insurance Policy Asset Item tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Asset Item | Asset item that covered under the Insurance policy |
Policy Amount Dc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Policy Amount Fc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse in foreign currency. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Deductible Amount(Domestic) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Deductible Amount(Foreign) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident in foreign currency. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Language | Language use to enter Insurance Policy Warehouse |
Special Coverage Terms | Important terms of the Insurance Policy. |
Insurance Policy operational status | Read Only These are the possible operational status for the insured warehouses. Possible status could be: Application Process Active Coverage Expired Cancelled |
Insurance Policy Employee entity contains all insured Employees by an Insurance Policy.
Insurance Policy Employee tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Employee | Reference to selected Employee ID of insured Employee during Search Criteria filtering. |
Policy Amount Dc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Policy Amount Fc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse in foreign currency. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Deductible Amount(Domestic) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Deductible Amount(Foreign) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident in foreign currency. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Language | Language use to enter Insurance Policy Warehouse |
Special Coverage Terms | Important terms of the Insurance Policy. |
Insurance Policy operational status | Read Only These are the possible operational status for the insured warehouses. Possible status could be: Application Process Active Coverage Expired Cancelled |
This entity is related with Insurance Policy and it will only store information related with any Insurance Payment received.
Insurance Policy Payment tab screen fields
Fields | Description |
Insurance Claim | Insurance Claim ID of Insurance Claim. |
Received Amount Domestic | Received Amount Domestic Zero by default. Should be greater than 0.00 |
Received Amount Foreign | Received Amount Foreign Zero by default. Should be greater than 0.00 |
Last Updated Date Time | Display only attribute. Automatically populated by the system when user updates this information. |
Last Updated By | Display only information. Automatically populated by the system when current user saves or update this information. |
Language | Language use to enter the Insurance Policy Payment |
Description | Description of the Insurance Policy Payment received. |
Zero by default. Should be greater than 0.00 |
Insurance Policy Warehouse entity contains all insured Warehouses by an Insurance Policy.
Insurance Policy Warehouse screen fields
Fields | Description |
Warehouse | Warehouse institution for the Insurance policy |
Policy Amount Dc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Policy Amount Fc | Default value is 0.00 The amount of coverage of insured warehouse in foreign currency. Should be equal or greater than 0.00 |
Deductible Amount(Domestic) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Deductible Amount(Foreign) | The amount which insured agree to pay, per claim or per accident in foreign currency. This is subtracted from the total amount paid by the insurer. |
Language | Language use to enter Insurance Policy Warehouse |
Special Coverage Terms | Important terms of the Insurance Policy. |
Insurance Policy operational status | Read Only These are the possible operational status for the insured warehouses. Possible status could be: Application Process Active Coverage Expired Cancelled |
This is the entity that supports the inventory-out from a particular warehouse in order to supply the goods requested by a Goods/Services Request from an Institution. This entity also support the inventory- in from a particular Institution that wants to return the items to the warehouse, these return orders are going to be related to a determinate dispatch orderThis is the entity that supports the inventory-out from a particular warehouse in order to supply the goods requested by a Goods/Services Request from an Institution. This entity also support the inventory- in from a particular Institution that wants to return the items to the warehouse, these return orders are going to be related to a determinate dispatch order
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Operating Period
Operating Period screen Fields
Field | Description |
ID | Unique identifier. Automatically generated by the system. Not shown to users. |
Institution | Institution Code ID of Institution which the operating period affects. Lookup. |
Employee | Employee Code ID of person who authorize the operating period. Lookup. |
Start Date | Start Date per operating period. |
End Date | End Date per operating period. Should be greater than Start Date. |
Operational Process Status | These are the possible operational process for the operating period. Possible operational process could be Dispatch Order and Inventory Transfer. |
Operational Period Status | Operating Period status contains period status for specific processes. |
Language | Country specific Language used to register description. |
Description | Summary information of the operating period. |
Created By | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
Created On | Read Only. Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. |
This report shows a list of the Material Items requested by Institution Units. It contains information of each Requested Item such as Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Required Quantity, Total Cost, Supply Status, Issue Date, Institution Unit, etc. Some filters are available such as Institution Unit, Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Supply Status, Issue Dates Range, Items with or without Purchase Requisitions, etc.
An example of the report is shown below.
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Reports ► Material Requests
Material Request Report screen fields
Fields | Description |
Institution Unit | Users can look up and select an Institution as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
G/S Request | Users can look up and select an G/S Request as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Catalogue Item | Users can look up and select an Catalogue Item as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Supply Status | Users can click on dropdpwn and select supply ststus as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Issue Date From | Filter by the Issue Date From |
Issue Date To | Filter by the Issue Date From |
Priority | Users can click on dropdpwn and select priority as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Max Required Date From | filter by Max Required Date From |
Max Required Date To | filter by Max Required Date To |
Replenishment | If checked indicates that the report is filtered according to the Replenishment attribute. |
Request Group | Users can click on dropdpwn and select request group as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Register Employee | Users can look up and select an Register Employee as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Reception Employee | Users can look up and select an Reception Employee as filter criteria for the Material Request Report. |
Is Purchase Requisition | If checked indicates that the report is filtered according to the Purchase Requisition attribute. |
Purchase Requisition | Users can enter purchase requisition information to filter the report by. |
Sort By | Click the “Move Selected Item”, “Move All Item”, “Remove Selected Item”, “Remove All Item” icons to add and remove filter criteria to / from the selected list and click the “Move Selected Item to Top of List”, “Move Selected Item up one in List”, “Move Selected Item down one in List”, “Move Selected Item to Down of List” icons to move the items in the selected list up and down to put them in the desired order of appearance. |
G/S Request | By the preferred ascending and descending order using the Red Arrow icons. |
The Material Request Report shows a list of the Material Items requested by Institution Units.
To GENERATE this report, follow the steps below:
The Material Request Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Institution Units, Request IDs, Catalogue Item IDs, Status Supplies, Issue Date From, Issue Date To, Max Required Date From, Max Required Date To, Replenishments, Request Groups, Register Employees, Reception Employees, and Purchase Requisitions will be included in the Report, as well as the Institution Units, Request IDs, Catalogue Item IDs, Register Employees and Reception Employees allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
, and
This report displays a list of the Material Items (Inventory Items) dispatched by Warehouse Suppliers to Institution Units. It contains information of each Dispatched Item such as Dispatch Order ID, Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Quantity, Total Cost, Dispatch Order Status, Issue Date, Warehouse Supplier, and Institution Unit to Deliver.
Inventories ► Reports ► Other Reports ► Material Dispatches
Material Dispatches Report Filter Fields
Field | Description |
Warehouse Supplier | Users can lookup and select a Warehouse Supplier as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Institution Unit to Deliver | Users can lookup and select an Institution Unit to Deliver as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Catalogue Item | Users can lookup and select a Catalogue Item as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Dispatch Order | Users can lookup and select a Dispatch Order as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Delivery Responsible Employee | Users can lookup and select a Delivery Responsible Employee as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Employee who Received | Users can lookup and select an Employee who Received as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Request ID | Users can lookup and select a Request ID as filter criteria for the Material Dispatches Report. |
Dispatch Order Status | Filter Criteria to filter the report by the Dispatch Order status of the items. |
Issue Date | Users can use begging and end date that the Inventory issue was made. |
Sort By | Click the “Move Selected Item”, “Move All Item”, “Remove Selected Item”, “Remove All Item” icons to add and remove filter criteria to / from the selected list and click the “Move Selected Item to Top of List”, “Move Selected Item up one in List”, “Move Selected Item down one in List”, “Move Selected Item to Down of List” icons to move the items in the selected list up and down to put them in the desired order of appearance. |
Dispatch Order | By the preferred ascending and descending order using the Red Arrow icons. |
This report shows a list of the Material Items requested by Institution Units. It contains information of each Requested Item such as Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Required Quantity, Total Cost, Supply Status, Issue Date, Institution Unit, etc.
Some filters are available such as Institution Unit, Request ID, Catalogue Item ID, Supply Status, Issue Dates Range, Items with or without Purchase Requisitions, etc.
Material Request screen includes following filds:
Fields | Description |
Institution Unit | The institution unit that requires the goods/services. |
G/S Request | The Good/Service request of which the report is generating. |
Catalogue Item | The requested catalogue item. |
Supply Status | Supply Status of the request. |
Issue Date From | The From issuing date. |
Issue Date To | The To issuing date. |
Priority | Priority of the request. |
Max Required Date From | Maximum required From Date. |
Max Required Date To | Maximum required To Date. |
Replenisment | Refers to if the request replenisment or not. |
Request Group | Refers to the Good/Service Request Group. |
Register Employee | Refers to the respective registered employee. |
Reception Employee | Refers to the respective employee. |
Is Purchase Requisition | Refers to if the request proceed for Purchase Requisition. |
Purchase Requisition | The respective Purchase Requisition. |
Sort By | Sort by criteria to filter the report. |
Attachment | Size |
Material request nav.jpg | 5.39 KB |
Material request.jpg | 113.8 KB |
This report shows the status of the Material Requested to a Supplier Warehouse. It contains information of each Request such as Request ID, Status, Issue Date, Priority, Quantity of Items Required, Quantity of Items Fully Supplied, Quantity of Items Not Fully Supplied, Institution Unit that requires, etc.
Some filters are available such as Request ID, Status (Delivered, In Supply Process, etc), Issue Dates Range, Priority, Institution Unit that requires, etc.
Assets & Inventories Commons ► Reports ► Material Request status
Material Request Status screen includes following fields:
Fields | Description |
Replenishment | Sgnifies the request is replenishment or not. |
Issue Date From | The from issuing date. |
Issue Date To | The to Issuing date. |
Max Req Date From | The maximum request date from. |
Max Req Date To | The maximum request date to. |
Request Id | The Id of Goods/Service request for which the report will generate. |
Supplier Warehouse | Refers to the warehouse institution. |
Institution Unit | The requested institution. |
Priority | The priority of the request. |
Status | Status of the request. |
Sort by | Sort by criteria to filter the report. |