The Revenue Management module enables to analyze sales data and facilitates timely collection of amounts owing. The Revenue Management module also has an effective billing system, through which exact amounts owed to the organization can be tracked at any time.
Features of the Revenue Management module:
Collection Agencys are used to categorize Revenue Debit Notes for the use of grouping and providing further details/filtering options in the generation of revenue reports.
Revenue Management ► Support Entities ► Collection Agency
Fields | Description |
Id | Classification unique ID can be either system generated or manual. |
Active | This is a check box. Default value is ‘checked’. |
Language | Country specific language used to register the abbreviation and description. |
Name | Collection Agency’s name. |
Address tab includes the address details of the collection agency.
Address screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Is Main | Checkbox is use to check it and make it as main address. |
Region | Click the lookup button to select the region. |
Address Type | Select the address type using the drop doen menun. |
Address | The address of the collection agency. |
Location | The address Location. |
City | Name of the city. |
State | Name of the State. |
Zip Code | Zip code of the address. |
Country | Select the country using drop down menu. |
Contact tab mention includes the contact details of the collection agency.
Contact screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Is Main | Checkbox is use to check it and make it as main Contact. |
Contact Type | Select the Contact type using the drop doen menu. |
Contact Location Type | Select type of the contact location using drop down list. |
Contact Value | Provide the contact value into the text box. |
Language | Select the language using drop down list. |
Description | Mention the description of the contact. |
Used to keep track of how much cash in hand officers have. Based on what they have received/collected and not deposited in the back yet.
Revenue Management ► Support Entities ► National Collection Officers
National Collection Officers Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Unique ID. Automatically Assigned by the System. |
Workflow Status | Calculated/Updated Display Only Field, updated by the system. Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: (Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Rejected, and Cancelled.) |
Name Of The Officer | Name of the National Collection Officer. |
Officer Identification Number | National Collection Officer Identification Number |
Bond Number | Bond Number of the National Collection Officer |
Bond Issue Date | Issued Date of the Bond |
Bond Expiry Date | Expiry date of the Bond |
Revenue Collection Agency | Revenue Collection Agency is used to restrict which Officers can be selected, based on the Institution of the Transaction. |
Active | Default value is TRUE. If this value is switched to FALSE, then this record can't be referenced in new transactions |
Collecting Accounts | List of TBA related to NCO |
Addresses | Allow user to define the type of address. |
Contacts | Allow user to define the type of contact location types. |
Revenue Voucher Classifications are used to categorize Revenue Invoices for grouping uses and provide further details/filtering options in the generation of revenue reports
Revenue Management ► Support Entity ► Revenue Invoice Classifications
Revenue Invoice Classifications Screen Fields and Tab
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | The unique identification code, visible to the user, auto-generated by the system. |
Institution | The Institution is to be selected which is relevant from the lookup button available for this field. |
Name | Name of the Invoice Classification. |
Description | The description regarding Invoice classification is to be entered in this field. |
Debt Instrument | The Default value of the field is False. The user can select it as True. |
Loan Register | The Default value of the field is False. The user can select it as True. |
Invoice Type | Type of the invoice the possible values are "Cash", "Credit", "No Cash Flow". |
Customer | This Feature allows selecting the customer for the Invoice Classification. |
Currency | The user to select the Currency. By default, it shows the country domestic currency. |
Sales Payment Type | It allows users to select the sales payment type from the drop-down button. |
Payment Method | The payment method updated by the system. The default value displays from the Revenue Parameters. |
Payment Location | Payment Location is selected from drop down box. |
Region | The region for the invoice classification selected from the dropdown list. |
Payment Mode | Payment Mode is to be selected from the drop-down list. |
Offset Code | Offset code is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Payment Terms | The system allows users to select the payment term from the lookup button. |
Description For Revenue Invoice | Description of the Revenue Invoice. |
Description For Revenue Invoice Item | Description of the Revenue Invoice Item. |
Coding Block Type Definition | Coding block entered by the user. If it is different from NULL then the system will set the attribute. |
Unit Of Measure | The unit of measurement needs to be selected here from the drop-down list. |
Unit Price Domestic | Each unit price in the Domestic currency for the invoice classification. |
Customer Name Mandatory | The default value is FALSE. If it is true then system make the Customer Name mandatory for the Invoice Classification. |
Customer Id Mandatory | The default value is FALSE. If it is true then system make the Customer ID mandatory for the Invoice Classification. |
Active | If true, the Invoice Classification can be used in new transactions. If false, the Invoice Classification cannot be used anymore and it would be there for reference purposes. |
Sub Ledger Type | Type of the Sub Ledger. |
Validate Upon Saving | The Default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE then system validates all default values and the business rule of the Invoice Classification |
Invoice Classification Valid Code Combination is the sub-entity of Invoice Classification. It stores rules to restrict the coding block selection based on the element values of each segment. The restrictions are represented using the Valid Code Combination rules defined on the platform.
Invoice Classification Valid Code Combination Tab Screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Sequence Number | It is System generated number which is starting with 1. |
Rule Expression | The Rule Expression allows the definition of the coding strings that are allowed for the given Invoice. |
Description | Description of the Rule. |
Revenue Debit Notes Classifications are used to categorize Revenue Debit Notes for the use of grouping and providing further details/filtering options in the generation of revenue reports.
Revenue Management ► Support Entities ► Debit Note Classifications
Revenue Debit Notes Classification Screen Field
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | The Unique identification code visible to the user, auto-generated by system. |
Active | When it is selected as true the Debit Note Classification can be used in new transactions. If it is false the Debit Note Classification cannot be used anymore and it would be there for reference purposes. The default value is True. |
Abbreviation | The short title for the Debit Note Classification. |
Description | Full Description of the Debit Note Classification. |
Revenue management allows users to analyze sales data and facilitates timely collection of amounts owing. The Revenues module also has an effective billing system, through which exact amounts owed to the organization can be tracked at any time.
A Revenue Voucher is a record of the sale of goods or services, defining the terms of a sales transaction and itemizing the item(s) sold. The Revenue Voucher creates the sales voucher that helps track amounts owed to the organization by its customers.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Voucher
Revenue Voucher Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code, visible to user, auto-generated by system. |
Workflow Status | This field is updated by system which depends on the worflow configuration setting for this entity. Stages are: Created, Approval requested, Approved, Cancelled and Rejected. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which the invoice relates. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period to which the invoice relates. |
Voucher Date | Current date entered by system by default. |
Aging Date | The default is the current system date, but it can be modified. The Aging Date is used for reference in the Aged Receivables Report and in statements. |
Institution | Institution for the Revenue Voucher. |
Collection Agency | Collection agency code is entered in this field. |
Revenue Voucher Classification | Users classify the Revenue Voucher according to the Organization needs. |
Invoice Type | Type of invoice is mentioned. It refers to either cash invoice or credit invoice. |
National Collection Officers | Combo box to select Name of the Officer. |
Posting Status | Posting Satus may be saved or Temp Saved. |
Temp | Serial number generated by the system when the voucher is temp saved. |
Not Posted Reason | The user will select a reason for not posting the voucher when voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Origin | Origin responsible for the creation of the Revenue Invoice. |
Batch Number | Read only field and it shows the Batch Number for imported Journal Vouchers. |
Customer | Customer code is to be entered in this field. By filling this field, the following attributes in the Invoice will be automatically defaulted by the values defined in the Customer entity: Payment Method, Payment Term, Bank account, GL Offset code, Currency and Sold to Customer. |
Sold To Customer | If the Invoice will be in different Customer Name, the user can select the Sold To Customer Code. The Invoice will be charged on the Customer Code, a hyperlink to be provided to drill down to the Customer screen, a new window to be opened to display the attributes from the Customer entity. The system should provide a lookup form to allow the user to search for a Customer using different criteria. |
Vendor | Allow user to select vendor from look up field. |
Currency | To allow the user to select the Voucher Currency. If the Currency is defined in the relevant Customer, then Default is the Customer’s Currency, else Default is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | Will show the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to Expenditures , users can change the rate if allowed in the currency parameter, otherwise this field will be ‘Display only’ and updated only by the system when the currency is selected. Default is 1. |
Is Template? | To indicate if the Invoice can be used as template for recurring vouchers. Default value is false. |
Template Name | To enter the template name that can be used for retrieval. |
Recurs on Next Period? | An indicator to automatically duplicate the Invoice next period and Temp Save it upon period closing. Default is no. |
Revenue Voucher Domestic Amount | Displays the total domestic amount of all Invoice Items. |
Revenue Voucher Foreign Amount | Displays the total foreign amount of all Invoice Items. |
Domestic Tax Amount | Displays the total domestic tax amount of all Invoice Items. |
Foreign Tax Amount | Displays the total foreign tax amount of all Invoice Items. |
Revenue Voucher Total Domestic Amount | Displays summation of Invoice Domestic Amount and Domestic Tax Amount. |
Revenue Voucher Total Foreign Amount | Displays summation of Invoice Foreign Amount and Foreign Tax Amount. |
Received Domestic Amount | Field will be updated by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current invoice is created and approved. Default is Zero. |
Received Foreign Amount | Field will be updated by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current invoice is created and approved. Default is Zero. |
Outstanding Domestic Amount | Field will be calculated by the system equals Invoice Total Domestic Amount - Received Domestic Amount. |
Outstanding Foreign Amount | Field will be calculated by the system equals Invoice Total Foreign Amount - Received Foreign Amount. |
Journal Voucher | This read only field shows the ID of theJournal Voucher auto-generated when the Invoice is approved. JV ID will be populated by the system. |
Is Automatically Generated? | To indicate if the Invoice was Automatically Generated by the system through other function or manually created by the user, default is False. If the value of this attribute is True, then the system will not allow editing the Invoice. |
Paid Status | Field updated automatically by the system when a Cash Receipt is received against the Invoice. Values may be either Yes, no , partially. If ‘Invoice Type’ equals ‘Cash’ then the value of ‘Paid’ equals Yes, else default value is No. |
Payment Method | Field will be updated automatically if defined within the Customer information, otherwise default will be as defined in the Revenue Parameters. |
Payment Location | Default value will be populated automatically from the selected customer information Default value will be populated automatically from the selected institution, if not defined in the Institution then default will populated be as defined in the Revenue Parameters. |
Payment Mode | Default value will be populated automatically from the selected customer information if defined, if not defined in the Customer, it will be populated from the selected institution, if not defined in the Institution then default will populated be as defined in the Revenue parameters. |
Treasury Bank Account | Government’s Bank Account where the payment will be Deposited. Only Bank Accounts (linked to the selected treasury bank account) having the currency same as the voucher currency will be allowed. |
Offset Code | Accounts Receivable, not required if the Invoice Type is Cash. If Selected GL Offsetcode has a currency, such currency should match with currency of the Invoice. |
Payment Term | Not required if the Invoice Type is Cash. If Invoice Type is Credit, user can select it or leave it blank. If Invoice Type is Credit and Customer Information has Payment Terms, system will default it. |
Is On Hold? | Indicator if the Invoice is on hold. Default is No. |
Bank Deposit | This attribute will be used for reconciliation purposes. |
Correction | Indicator that Invoice is a correction. |
Correction Invoice Voucher | “Read Only Field” will be updated automatically by the system if the IV is corrected through the correction function. Default is Blank. |
Invoice Status | Closed Domain, (Possible values: 'Active', 'In Tracing', 'With Collection Agency', 'Disputed', 'Deliquent' and 'To Be Written Off') |
Bank Deposit Date | Display only field, automatically populated when deposit is being made. This attribute is used for reconciliation purposes. |
Created By | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. Refers to the user who created the invoice. |
Created On | Populated automatically by the system at creation time of the record. Date on which invoice is created. |
Is Revolving Fund | This attribute indicate if IV is used for Reimbursement operation of Revolving Funds |
Financial Source | Close Domain. possible values 'DONATIONS', 'LOANS'. By Default Blank Value |
Description | Description regarding Invoices. |
Revenue Voucher Items Tab | Collection of one to many Invoice line items. |
Revenue Voucher Payment Details Tab | Collection of one to many payment details. Default as per the selected Payment Terms. |
Attachments Tab | Collection of zero to more attachments, which will be used as supporting documents. |
Collection of zero to more attachments related to Invoice, which will be used as supporting documents.
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Collection of one to many Revenue Voucher line items is entered in this screen.
Revenue Voucher Items Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of Invoice line items. |
Description | Description of invoice line item. |
Unit Of Measure | Unit of measurement for the line item. E.g. eah, metre, etc. |
Unit Price Domestic | Price per unit in domestic currency. |
Unit Price Foreign | Price per unit in foreign currency. |
UACS | Coding block of invoice line item. |
Sub Ledger Type | |
Quantity | Quantity of invoice line item. |
Domestic Price | Domestic invoice price of invoice line item. |
Foreign Price | Invoice price of line item in foreign currency. |
Revenue Voucher Item Tax Information Tab | Information regarding tax for invoice item. |
Attachments | Collection of zero to more attachement which will be used as supporting document. |
Pictures | Information regarding picture of line items. |
Attachments for Invoice Items as supporting documents are added through this screen.
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Information regarding picture of invoice line item is entered through this tab.
Picture Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Tax information regarding Invoice line item is entered from this tab.
Revenue Voucher Item Tax Information Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of Invoice item tax information. |
Tax | Tax Id to be selected from lookup button. |
Price Includes Tax | Whether price include tax, is mentioned in this field. |
Tax Percentage | Percentage or rate of tax is mentioned in this field. |
Added/Deducted | Whether tax amount is added or deducted, to be selected from this field. |
Tax Amount (Domestic) | Tax amount in domestic currency. |
Tax Amount (Foreign) | Tax amount in foreign currency. |
Revenue Voucher Payment Details Tab include the details of the payment which are related to the revenue voucher.
Revenue Voucher Payment Details Tab Fields Description
Field | Description |
Serial Number | Display Only Filed. Auto system generated item serial number. |
Payment Date | The date when the payment is issued. |
Payment Amount (Domestic) | Payment Domestic Amount, default as created by the system when Payment Term is defined in the Revenue Voucher header. If the Revenue Voucher Type is ‘Cash’ then this filed is a Read only field and amount is the total Revenue Voucher domestic amount. |
Payment Amount (Foreign) | Payment Foreign Amount, default as created by the system when Payment Term is defined in the Revenue Voucher header. If the Revenue Voucher Type is ‘Cash’ then this filed is Read only and amount is the total Revenue Voucher foreign amount. |
Interest Rate | If the payment exceeds the due date interest rate is applied. Defaults defined in the selected Payment Term in the Revenue Voucher header. Default is zero. |
Interest Date | The date when the system start calculating interest on the payment. Default value is the payment due date + Interest Number of Days defined in the selected Payment Term in the Debit Note header. |
Applies Interest on Original Value | If True, the interest is calculated against the original Revenue Voucher value, if False, it is calculated against the due payment value. Default as defined in the selected Payment Term in the Revenue Voucher header. |
Interest Amount (Domestic) | Display only field, updated by the system after the payment is released to show the Domestic interest amount if any. |
Interest Amount (Foreign) | Display only field, updated by the system after the payment is released to show the Foreign interest amount if any. |
Is interest Applied | Display Only Field? Updated by the system to indicate if the interest for this payment was already applied. Default is False. It is non-mandatory field. |
Discount Rate | The discount rate that gets applied if the payment is released before the due date. Default as defined in the selected Payment Term in the Debit Note header. Zero if no value. It is mandatory field. |
Discount Date | The date when the system start calculating discount on the payment. Default value is the payment due date + discount Number of Days defined in the selected Payment Term in the Debit Note header. |
Applies Discount On Original Value | If True, the interest calculates against the original Debit Note value, if False, it calculates against the due payment value. Default as defined in the selected Payment Term in the Debit Note header. It is mandatory field. |
Discount Amount (Domestic) | Display only field, updated by the system after the payment is released to show the Foreign interest amount if any. |
Discount Amount (Foreign) | Display only field, updated by the system after the payment is released to show the Foreign interest amount if any. |
Net Payment Amount (Domestic) | Display only field, to show the Net Domestic payment amount. Domestic Payment Amount + Interest Amount – Discount Amount. |
Net Payment Amount (Foreign) | Display only field, to show the Net Foreign payment amount. Foreign Payment Amount + Interest Amount – Discount Amount. |
Received Amount (Domestic) | Display only field, updates by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current Payment is created and approved. Zero. If more than one receipt voucher is applied, this value cumulative of the entire received domestic amount. |
Received Amount (Foreign) | Display only field, updates by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current Payment is created and approved. Default is Zero. If more than one receipt voucher is applied, this value increasing of the entire received foreign amount. |
Received Interest Amount Domestic | Received Interest Amount for Domestic purpose. |
Received Interest Amount Foreign | Received Interest Amount for Foreign purpose. |
Outstanding Amount (Domestic) | Display only field. The system calculates equal Payment Domestic Amount - Received Domestic Amount- Discount Domestic Amount. If Type of Revenue Voucher is not Cash, then this value gets by default the value as in formula of previous paragraph and this value is at all times to be used to calculate interest amount. |
Outstanding Amount (Foreign) | Display Only Field. The system calculates by the equal Payment Foreign Amount - Received Foreign Amount- Discount Foreign Amount. If Type of Revenue Voucher is not Cash, then this value by default becomes the formula of previous paragraph and this value is at all times to be used to calculate interest amount. |
Total Outstanding Amount Domestic | Total outstanding amount updating automatically for domestic. |
Total Outstanding Amount Foreign | Total outstanding amount updating automatically for foreign. |
Reference Number | Read only field, gets updated by the Payment function. If Revenue Voucher Type is ‘Cash’, this field gets updated manually by users. |
Cheque Date | Read Only Field, gets updated by the Payment function. It is non-mandatory field. |
Drawn on | The date when the cheque is drawn. |
Credit Card Type | Credit Card Type of payment. |
Credit Card Number | Read only field, gets updated by the Payment function. If Revenue Voucher Type is ‘Cash’, this field gets updated manually by users. |
Credit Card Expiry Date | Read Only Field gets updated by the Payment function. It is non-mandatory field |
Credit Card Confirmation Number | Read only field, gets updated by the Payment function. If Revenue Voucher Type is ‘Cash’, this field gets updated manually by users. |
A Debit Note is an adjustment to an account. A Debit note is created when a change is made to a transaction that has already been saved.
Revenue Management ► Debit Notes
Debit Notes Field Description
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | Unique identification code of credit note. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which the debit note relates. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period to which the debit note relates. |
Voucher Date | Date of the voucher is mentioned in this field. |
Aging Date | The default value is the current system date, but the user can modify it. The Aging Date keeps track for reference in the Aged Receivables Report and in statements. |
Collection Agency | Collection agency code is to be mentioned in this field. |
Workflow Status | Field updated by the system. Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: Created, Approval requested, Approved, Cancelled and Rejected. |
Posting Status | It is automatically updated by the system according to the transactions the possible values are Saved, Tem Saved. |
Temp # | Serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved. |
Not Posted Reason | The user selects a reason for not posting the voucher when the voucher is Temp Saved, it cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Batch Number | It shows the batch number for Journal Voucher Id. |
Customer | Customer code is mentioned in this field. |
Currency | To allow the user to select the Voucher Currency. If the Currency is defined in the relevant Customer, then Default is the Customer’s Currency, else Default is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | This field shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to Expenditures. |
Is Template? | To indicate if the Invoice can be used as the template for recurring vouchers. |
Template Name | Template name for the debit note that can be used for retrieval. |
Recurs on Next Period? | An indicator to automatically duplicate the Invoice next period and Temp Save it upon period closing. The default value is No. |
Amount (Domestic) | This field displays the Total domestic amount of all Debit Note Items. The default value is Zero |
Amount (Foreign) | This field displays the Total foreign amount of all Debit Note Items. The Default value is Zero. |
Tax Amount (Domestic) | It displays the Total Domestic Tax amount of all Debit Note Items. |
Tax Amount (Foreign) | It displays the Total Foreign Tax amount of all Debit Note Items. |
Total Amount (Domestic) | The system displays the total Domestic amount including the total tax Domestic amount. |
Total Amount (Foreign) | The system displays the total Foreign amount including the total tax Foreign amount. |
Received Amount (Domestic) | The system updates the Received Domestic Amount here when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current Debit Note is created and approved. The default value is Zero. |
Received Amount (Foreign) | The system updates the Received Foreign Amount here when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current Debit Note is created and approved. The default value is Zero. |
Outstanding Amount (Domestic) | The system updates the total domestic outstanding amount automatically. |
Outstanding Amount (Foreign) | The system updates the total foreign outstanding amount automatically. |
Journal Entry Voucher | This field shows the ID of the JV auto-generated when the Debit Note is approved. JV ID will be populated by the system. |
Revenue Debit Notes Classification | This feature allows the user to classify the Invoice accordingly. The user selects the revenue debit note using the drop-down feature. |
Is Automatically Generated? | It indicates if the Debit Note was Automatically Generated by the system through other function or manually created by the user, The default value is False. |
Paid Status | It updates automatically by the system when a Cash Receipt is received against the Debit Note. The Possible values are No, Partial, Yes. |
Payment Method | It updates automatically if defined within the Customer information otherwise, the default value fetches from the Revenue voucher. |
Payment Location | It displays the value as per the selected customer information if it is available. If it is not available in customer information then it shows the location from the selected institution or from revenue parameter. |
Payment Mode | It displays the mode of the payment from the customer information or selected institution. If not available there then it shows from revenue parameter. |
Bank Account | Government’s Bank Account where the payment will be Deposited. Only Bank Accounts (linked to the selected treasury bank account) having the currency same as the voucher currency will be allowed. |
Offset Code | Offset Code information of account receivables. If Selected GL Offset code has a currency, such currency should match with the currency of this Debit Note. If it doesn't have a currency, then it can be used with any voucher currency. |
Payment Term | Displays the payment information term. It is automatically updated by the system within the customer information. |
Is On Hold? | It indicates the information if the debit note is no hold. By default value is No. |
Created By | User information who creates the debit note. It displays the user id of the creator. |
Created On | Date of debit note creation. |
Approved By | Information of the user who approved the debit note. |
Approved On | Date of the debit note approval. It automatically updated by the system. |
General Ledger Template | It displays as per the requirements when the user has selected the Is Accounting feature. |
Revenue Debit Note Template | Collection of one to many Debit Note line items |
Origin | Voucher source information. |
Description | A brief description of the debit note. |
Supporting documents for Debit Note is added through this tab.
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Debit Note Item for debit note gets added through this screen.
Debit Note Item Tab Field Description
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | The serial number of Debit note item tax information. |
Amount (Domestic) | Amount of tax in domestic currency. |
Amount (Foreign) | Amount of tax in foreign currency. |
UACS | Coding block of Debit note item tax information. |
Description | Description of Debit note item. |
Debit Note Applied Items details.
Debit Note Applied Items Screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Item Number | It is auto-generated item serial number starts with 1 for every new Debit Note Item. |
Is On Account Settlement | To indicate if the Debit Note is not applied against any invoice. If it is selected then some features disabled i.e. Applied invoice number, Original Outstanding Domestic Amount etc... |
Revenue Invoice | The Invoice Number that the Debit Note is applied to. It allows the users to select the outstanding invoice from the list. |
Revenue Invoice Payment Detail | It shows the Revenue invoice payment details. |
Original Domestic Amount | Its updated by the system and display the outstanding Domestic amount of the selected payment item. The outstanding amount must be the net amount of the payment after calculating the Interest or Discount. |
Original Foreign Amount | Its updated by the system and display the outstanding Foreign amount of the selected payment item. The outstanding amount must be the net amount of the payment after calculating the Interest or Discount. |
Applied Domestic Amount | Domestic Applied Payment amount to be entered by the user. The Default value shows the Original Outstanding Domestic Amount. |
Applied Foreign Amount | Foreign Applied Payment amount to be entered by the user. The Default value shows the Original Outstanding Foreign Amount. |
Net Domestic Amount | The system calculates the net domestic amount. |
Net Foreign Amount | The system calculates the net foreign amount. |
Information regarding tax for debit note item is done through this screen.
Debit Note Item Tax Information Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | The serial number of Debit note item tax information. |
Tax | Tax is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Is Tax Included in Price? | Whether the tax is included in the price is mentioned in this field. |
Tax Percentage | Percentage of tax or the rate of tax is mentioned in this field. |
Tax Amount (Domestic) | Amount of tax in domestic currency. |
Tax Amount (Foreign) | Amount of tax in foreign currency. |
Added / Deducted | Whether the tax amount is added or deducted is mentioned in this field. |
Payment details regarding debit note is recorded from this tab.
Debit Note Payment Details Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Serial Number | Serial number of Debit note payment detail. |
Payment Due Date | Due date of payment of debit note. |
Payment Amount (Domestic) | Payment amount in domestic currency. |
Payment Amount (Foreign) | Payment amount in foreign currency. |
Interest Rate | Rate of interest charged. |
Interest Date | Date from which interest is applicable. |
Applies Interest on Original Value? | Whether interest is applicable on original amount, is mentioned in this field. |
Interest Amount (Domestic) | Interest amount in domestic currency. |
Interest Amount (Foreign) | Interest amount in foreign currency. |
Is Interest Applied? | Whether interest is applied in payment amount, gets mentioned in this field. |
Discount Rate | Rate of discount is mentioned in this field. |
Discount Date | Date upto which the discount is applicable, is mentioned in this field. |
Applies Discount on Original Value? | Whether discount is applied on original amount, is mentioned in this field. |
Discount Amount (Domestic) | Amount of discount in domestic currency. |
Discount Amount (Foreign) | Amount of discount in foreign currency. |
Net Payment Amount (Domestic) | Net amount to be paid in domestic currency. |
Net Payment Amount (Foreign) | Net amount to be paid in foreign currency. |
Received Amount (Domestic) | Amount received in domestic currency. |
Received Amount (Foreign) | Amount received in foreign currency. |
Outstanding Amount (Domestic) | Outstanding amount in domestic currency. |
Outstanding Amount (Foreign) | Outstanding amount in foreign currency. |
Reference Number | Reference number for debit note, is added in this field. |
Cheque Date | Date on which the cheque is issued. |
Credit Card Number | Id number of credit card. |
Credit Card Expiry Date | Read Only Field gets updated by the Payment function. It is non-mandatory field. |
Credit Card Confirmation Number | Confirmation number of Credit card. |
A note or memo sent from a business to a customer, informing the customer that money has been added to the customer's account. Credit notes are typically used when products are returned for a refund, when an invoice amount has been overstated, or in other circumstances where the business must return money to the customer.
Revenue Management ► Credit Notes
Credit Notes Screen Field
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | The system generates a Unique identification code of credit note. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which the debit note relates. By default, it takes the current fiscal year which is open for Budget Execution. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period to which the debit note relates. By default, it takes the current fiscal period which is open for Budget Execution. |
Voucher Date | Date of the voucher is mentioned in this field. |
Collection Agency | Collection agency code is to be mentioned in this field. By Default, it shows the current employee institution code here. |
Workflow Status | It is updated by the system. Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this feature the basic Stages are: Created, Approval requested, Approved, Cancelled and Rejected. |
Posting Status | It is updated by the system when the voucher is saved or temp saved. The system shows the following possible value i.e. Saved or Temp Saved. |
Temp # | Serial Number generated by the system when the voucher is Temp Saved. |
Not Posted Reason | The user has to select a reason for not posting the voucher when a voucher is Temp Saved, the field should be cleared automatically when the voucher is completely saved. |
Revenue Credit Note Source | Source of credit note is mentioned here. |
Batch Number | This field shows the batch number for the Journal Voucher Id. |
Customer | The information about the customer shows here. By using the lookup feature user selects the customer code. |
Currency | It allows the users to select the currency for the credit note. The system shows the domestic currency by default here. |
Exchange Rate | It shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency which is linked to the Expenditures. The user can change the exchange rate if it is allowed. |
Is Template? | It is to indicate if the Invoice can be used as a template for recurring vouchers. The default value is No. |
Template Name | The template name that can be used for retrieval. |
Recurs on Next Period? | An indicator to automatically duplicate the Invoice next period and Temp Save it upon period closing. The default value is No. |
Total Amount (Domestic) | It shows the total domestic amount of all Credit Note Items which is calculated by the system. The Default value is Zero. |
Total Amount (Foreign) | It shows the total Foreign amount of all Credit Note Items which is calculated by the system if the transaction currency selected as foreign. The Default value is Zero. |
Journal Entry Voucher | It shows the ID of the Journal Voucher auto-generated when the Credit Note is approved. JV ID will be populated by the system. |
Payment Mode | The default value will be populated automatically from the selected Customer information if defined, if not defined in the Customer, it will be populated from the selected institution. |
Payment Location | It allows the User to specify the Payment Location for this transaction. |
Offset Code | This feature allows to mentioned the Accounts receivable. |
Created By | The system shows the user details by whom Credit note is created. |
Created Date | It shows the current system date and time when the credit note is created. |
Approved By | It displays the user information by whom credit note is approved. |
Approved Date | Date on which credit note is approved. |
Description | Full description of Credit note. |
Supporting documents of Credit note are added through this tab.
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Item of Credit note item is entered through this tab.
Revenue Credit Note Item Screen Field
Fields | Description |
Item Number | The item number of Credit note item. |
Amount (Domestic) | Amount of the item mentioned in credit note in domestic currency. |
Amount (Foreign) | Amount of the item mentioned in credit note in foreign currency. |
Coding Block | Coding block of credit note item. |
Description | Description of the credit note item. |
Revenue Credit Note Applied Item | Applied item is added through this tab. |
Attachments | Supporting documents are added through this tab. |
Supporting documents of Credit note item are added through this tab.
Attachment Tab Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user. |
Attachment Classification | The format of the attachment. It allows the user to select the document type. |
Title | Title of the attachment. |
Description | A brief description of the attachment. |
Attachment | It allows the user to select the attachment file. |
Date Time | It displays the current system date and time of the attachment creation. |
Date | Attachment date selects the date from the calendar feature. |
User | User information of the attachment creation. |
Applied items of Credit Note are added through this tab.
Revenue Credit Note Applied item Field Description
Fields | Description |
Item Number | Item number of Credit note applied item. |
Is On Account Settlement | Whether the item is on account settlement, is mentioned in this field. |
Revenue Invoice | Relevant Revenue Invoice is selected from the lookup button. |
Revenue Invoice Payment Detail | Payment detail of Revenue Invoice is to be selected from the dropdown box. E.g. Cash, Cheque, etc. |
Original Domestic Amount | Original Amount expressed in domestic currency. |
Original Foreign Amount | Original Amount expressed in foreign currency. |
Applied Domestic Amount | Applied Amount expressed in domestic currency. |
Applied Foreign Amount | Applied Amount expressed in foreign currency. |
Net Domestic Amount | Net amount in domestic currency. |
Net Foreign Amount | Net amount in foreign currency. |
A receipt voucher is a manually written receipt for services or goods sold. This is typically used in place of a printable receipt.
A screenshot of the Receipt Vouchers feature is available here. Image is shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields, and buttons are subject to the parameter, rendering control configuration and installed the revision.
Users access the report from within the menu through this navigation path: Revnue Management ► Receipt Voucher.
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Expense Voucher feature, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of Receipt Voucher. |
Workflow Status | This field updated by the system. Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Cancelled and Rejected. |
Fiscal Year | Relevant Fiscal Year is selected from drop down box for this field. |
Fiscal Period | Relevant Fiscal Period is selected from drop down box. |
Receipt Date | Receipt Date of Receipt Voucher is entered by system in this field. |
Batch Number | Batch number is entered in this field by the system. |
Bank Deposit Number | Bank Deposit number is entered in this field. |
Bank Deposit Date | Bank deposit date is entered in this field from the calendar button. |
Collection Agency | Collection Agency is selected from the lookup button. |
Created By | Users by whom the receipt voucher is created. Populated automatically by the system when receipt voucher is created. |
Payment Location | Payment Location is selected from drop down box. |
Created Date | Date and time of creation of receipt voucher generated by the system. |
Approved By | Users by whom the receipt voucher is approved. Populated automatically by the system when receipt voucher reaches approval stage in workflow process. |
Approved Date | Date and Time of approval of Receipt Voucher. |
Is Template? | Whether the receipt voucher is a template is marked in this field through a check box. |
Recur Next Period | Whether Receipt Voucher recur in next period, is mentioned in this field through a check box. |
Generated Automatically | Whether Receipt Voucher is generated automatically, is mentioned in this field through a check box. |
Receipt On Hold | Whether receipt is on hold, is mentioned in this field through a check box. |
Voucher Source | Voucher Source is selected from drop down box present for this field. |
Customer | Customer is selected from lookup button. |
Institution | Relevant Institution is selected from the lookup button available for this field. |
Voucher Currency | Currency used in the voucher is selected in this field. |
Exchange Rate | Exchange Rate of the currency selected, is shown in this field. |
Receipt Total Domestic Amount | Total amount of Receipt Voucher expressed in domestic currency. |
Receipt Total Foreign Amount | Total amount of Receipt Voucher expressed in foreign currency. |
Offset Code | Offset code is selected from lookup button available. |
Bank Account | Bank Account is selected from lookup button available. |
Payment Mode | Payment Mode is selected from drop down box available. |
Posting Status | Posting Status of Receipt Voucher is shown in this field, generated by the system. |
Temp Number | Temp number is shown in this field, generated by the system. |
Not Posted Reason | Reason for not being posted is selected for this field from drop down box. |
Language | Country specific language used for description is selected in this field from drop down box. |
Template Name | Template Name is entered in this field. |
Description | Description regarding Receipt Voucher is entered in this field. |
Revenue Receipt Voucher Item | Revenue Receipt Voucher Item is added from this tab. |
Attachments | Additional information are added from this tab. |
The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the expense voucher feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | The New button allows users to switch to insert mode. This action button allows users to manually create expense vouchers. |
![]() | The Search button allows users to switch to search mode. |
![]() | The Workflow History button displays a summary table of the executed workflow transitions for the selected expense voucher. |
![]() | Calendar date-pickers allow users to select on a visual calendar a specific date. Within Expense Voucher, it is used to select the voucher date, invoice date and invoice receipt date. |
![]() | The New button allows users to add details to the selected tab. It is used to add expense voucher line items, expense voucher payment details and attachments. |
![]() | The Transition button allows users to execute the selected workflow status change. When selected, users are prompt with a window to log any relevant information about the status change. |
Receipt Bank Deposit is a proof or acknowledgement of the deposit that is received by a bank from an investor. This gives various details like the amount, time period, mode of payment of interest, maturity date and so on.
Revenue Management ► Bank Deposit
Cash Invoice/ Receipt Bank Deposit Field Description
Fields | Description |
Treasury Bank Account | Government’s Bank Account where the payment will be Deposited. |
Currency | The user is to select the Voucher Currency. If the Currency is defined in the relevant Customer, then Default is the Customer’s Currency, else Default is Domestic Currency. |
Bank Deposit Number | The user is to enter the Bank Deposit Number, can be entered manually by the user when the Cash Receipt is created, or automatically by the system through the Bank Deposit Function. |
Bank Deposit Date | It can be entered manually by the user when the Cash Receipt is created, or automatically by the system through the Bank Deposit Function. |
Receipt Total Domestic Amount | This field displays the total domestic amount of all Receipt Items. Default is Zero. |
Receipt Total Foreign Amount | This field displays the total foreign amount of all Receipt Items. Default is Zero. |
Invoice Total Domestic Amount | This field displays the total invoice amount in domestic currency. |
Invoice Total Foreign Amount | This field displays the total invoice amount in foreign currency. |
Cash Receipt Voucher | Cash Receipt voucher is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Cash Invoice | Cash Invoice is to be selected from the lookup button. |
It allows users to create Invoice
Revenue Management ► Invoices
Invoice Screen Fields and Tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Code | The unique identification code, visible to the user, auto-generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which the invoice relates. Default fiscal year is the current fiscal year which is open for Budget Executions. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period to which the invoice relates. Default fiscal year is the current period. |
Voucher Date | The system automatically fetches the Current date by default. |
Aging Date | By default, the current system date is the aging date, but it can be modified. It is used for reference in the Aged Receivables Report and in statements. |
Institution | The Institution is to be selected which is relevant from the lookup button available for this field. |
Collection Agency | Collection Agency to be associated with a Customer. From the lookup, feature user can select the Collection Agency name. |
Invoice Classification | It allows the user to classify the Invoice according to their needs. |
Invoice Type | It allows selecting the type of invoice i.e. Cash, Credit etc... by default, it shows the information which is selected in revenue parameter. |
Workflow Status | It displays the workflow status of the invoice. It updates according to the approval stage completed. For example, if the user created a new invoice it shows the status as created. The calculated/updated is display only. |
Posting Status | It is updated by the system with any of the possible values i.e. Saved, Temp saved. The user cannot change its value. |
Temp # | Temp number is shown in this field, generated by the system. |
Not Posted Reason | Reason for not being posted is selected for this field from drop down box. |
Origin | It shows the origin of the invoice. |
External Source Voucher | The system updates the voucher source. The user can't change its value because of its read-only property. |
Batch Number | The batch number is entered in this field by the system. |
Is Reversed? | It has a read-only property. Its updated automatically by the system if the Invoice is reversed through the reversal function. The default value is False. |
Reversed Revenue Invoice | Details of the reversed revenue invoice. |
Is Reversal? | Invoice is reversed through this function. The default value is False. |
Reversal Revenue Invoice | It has Read-only property. It is updated automatically by the system if the Invoice is reversed through the reversal function. |
Customer | The customer is selected from the lookup button. |
Sold To Customer | This feature allows the users to change the customer name if the invoice has the different customer name. The user can select the Sold to Customer code. |
Currency | The user to select the Invoice Currency. By default, it shows the country domestic currency. |
Exchange Rate | The feature shows the latest active exchange rate for the selected currency. The user can change the exchange value if it is allowed by the admin. |
Is Template? | Whether the receipt voucher is a template is marked in this field through a checkbox. |
Template Name | Name of the template which can be used for the retrieval. |
Recurs on Next Period? | An indicator to automatically duplicate the Invoice next period and Temp Save it upon period closing. The default value is No. |
Invoice Domestic Amount | It displays the total Domestic amount of invoice. |
Invoice Foreign Amount | It displays the total Foreign amount of invoice. |
Domestic Tax Amount | The total Domestic tax amount of invoice. |
Foreign Tax Amount | The total Foreign tax amount of invoice. |
Invoice Total Domestic Amount | The total invoice amount including the Domestic tax amount of the invoice. |
Invoice Total Foreign Amount | The total invoice amount including the Foreign tax amount of the invoice. |
Received Domestic Amount | It is updated by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current invoice is created and approved. The Default value is zero. |
Received Foreign Amount | It is updated by the system when a Receipt Voucher applied against the current invoice is created and approved. The Default value is zero. |
Outstanding Domestic Amount | It is calculated by the system and displays the value here. It shows the total outstanding domestic amount of the invoice. |
Outstanding Foreign Amount | It is calculated by the system and displays the value here. It shows the total outstanding foreign amount of the invoice. |
Journal Voucher | It shows the ID of the JV auto-generated when the Invoice is approved. JV ID will be populated by the system. |
Sales Payment Type | It allows users to select the sales payment type from the drop-down button. |
Is Automatically Generated? | To indicate if the Invoice was Automatically Generated by the system through other function or manually created by the user, the default is False. |
Paid Status | This is updated automatically by the system when a Cash Receipt is received against the Invoice. The possible values are No, Partially, Yes. |
Payment Method | The payment method updated by the system. The default value displays from the Revenue Parameters. |
Payment Location | Payment Location is selected from drop down box. |
Payment Mode | Payment Mode is to be selected from the drop-down list. |
Treasury Bank Account | Treasury Bank Account is selected from lookup button available. |
Offset Code | Offset code is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Payment Term | If the invoice payment type is Cash or No Cash Flow it is not required to provide the payment term. It the invoice payment term is selected as Credit then the user can select it or leave it blank. |
Is On Hold? | Indicator if the Invoice is on hold. The default value is No. |
Correction | An indicator that Invoice is a correction. Default is No |
Correction Invoice Voucher | It is automatically displayed by the system if it is corrected through the correction function. |
Invoice Status | The Status of the Invoice is shown in this field, generated by the system. |
Bank Deposit # | Bank Deposit number is entered in this field. |
Bank Deposit Date | Bank deposit date is entered in this field from the calendar button. |
Created By | Users by whom the receipt voucher is created. Populated automatically by the system when Invoice is created. |
Created On | Date and time of creation of the Invoice. It is generated by the system. |
Approved By | Users by whom an Invoice is approved. It is Populated automatically by the system when the invoice reaches the approval stage in the workflow process. |
Approved On | Date and time of Approval of the Invoice. It is generated by the system. |
General Ledger Template | Only visible and required when "Is Accounting" equal TRUE. |
Is Revolving Fund | This attribute indicates if IV is used for Reimbursement operation of Revolving Funds. |
Financial Source | This feature allows the user to provide information about the financial source of the invoice. |
Revenue Invoice Template | The revenue invoice template data. |
Description | The description regarding Invoice is entered in this field. |
Original Document Type | The unique code that identifies the document type of the invoice. |
No. Supporting Document | The unique code that identifies the document type of invoice. |
Attachment screen allows the user to attach the different type of the supporting document for the invoice items.
Attachment Screen Fields and tab
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the Attachment. It is useful to classify the attachment type which is predefined in the system. |
Title | The title for the attached document. |
Description | The attachment description. |
Date | Date of the attachment. |
Invoice Items details.
Screen Fields and tabs
Fields | Descriptions |
Serial Number | Auto-generated Serial Number starts with 1 for each Invoice. |
Item | The system provides the lookup feature to select the Invoice item from the catalog. |
Category | To specify the category of the item. If the user has selected a Catalog Id then it not allow to select the items. |
Description | The user provides the Item Description. |
Unit Of Measure | This feature allows to select the unit of measure of the items for an invoice item. |
Unit Price Domestic | The Domestic Unit Price of the Item. |
Unit Price Foreign | The Foreign Unit Price of the Item. |
Coding Block | Ledger Coding Block for the invoice item. |
Sub Ledger Type | An object code of the coding block is related with a sub-ledger type, the system selects the type from this options and will enforce the value of the attribute. |
Quantity | To capture the quantity, default equals 1. |
Domestic Price | Total Domestic price of the number of selected items. |
Foreign Price | Total Foreign price of the number of selected items. |
Attachment screen allows the user to attach the different type of the supporting document for the invoice items.
Attachment Screen Fields and tab
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the Attachment. It is useful to classify the attachment type which is predefined in the system. |
Title | The title for the attached document. |
Description | The attachment description. |
Date | Date of the attachment. |
Invoice Item Tax Information capture in the screen for the Invoice items.
Invoice Item Tax Information Screen Fields and Tab
Fields | Descriptions |
Serial Number | Auto-generated Serial Number starts with 1 for each Invoice Item |
Tax ID | The tax Id for the invoice Items. |
Price Includes Tax | If Yes, then the amount of goods already includes the tax amount, else Tax amount should be added/deducted from the goods amount. |
Tax Percentage | Field to show the effective tax percentage of the selected tax. |
Tax Amount | The total tax amount as per the selected tax percentage for the invoice items. |
Added / Deducted | To indicate if the tax amount is added to the goods price or deducted from it. |
Tax Domestic Amount | It shows the tax domestic amount calculated by the system. |
Tax Foreign Amount | It shows the tax foreign amount calculated by the system. |
Picture screen allows the user to attach the different type of picture document for the invoice items.
Attachment Screen Fields and tab
Fields | Descriptions |
Id | Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system. Visible to the user |
Attachment Classification | Classification of the Attachment. It is useful to classify the attachment type which is predefined in the system. |
Title | The title for the attached document. |
Description | The attachment description. |
Date | Date of the attachment. |
The create memorandum revenues extract process involves selecting the invoice payment details that are to be extracted for bank deposit. Mode of extraction allows you to create draft memorandum revenue for all invoice payment details within a specified fiscal year, or a specific range of invoice.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Memorandum ► Create Memorandum Revenue Extracts
Create Memorandum Revenue Extract Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher, Default current Fiscal Year, where Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution' is True. |
Fiscal Period | Default current period of the selected Fiscal Year. Users are allowed to change it. |
Customer | User can select a specific Customer to extract his unpaid RI payment details. |
Beneficiary | Beneficiary details. |
Treasury Bank Account | User can select specific Bank Account to extract RI payment details related to. |
Payment Method | User can select payment with specific Payment Method using lookup button. |
Accounting Office | If Selected Accounting Office Code has Children then system will apply the hierarchycal filter so then all RI's related with children institutions are also taken into account. |
Payment Due from Date | To extract only vouchers due from and include the specified date. |
Payment Due to Date | To extract only vouchers due up to and including the specified date |
Financial Institution | Select the financial institution using lookup button. |
Currency | Select the currency of using drop down list. |
Payment Mode | User can select payment with specific Payment Mode. |
Payment Location | User can select payment with specific Payment Location. |
Amount From | If there are values, then Amount To cannot be lower than Amount From. |
Amount To | Zero by default. If there are values, then Amount To cannot be lower than Amount From. |
It allows to extract the invoice payment details as per the provided information.
The system is able to show a list of selection criteria where the user must choose a specific field or some combination of them in order to create a Draft Payment invoice from the scheduled Payments.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Memorandum ► Create Memorandum Revenue Extracts
Invoice Extract Field Description
Fields | Description |
Id | Classification unique ID can be either system generated or manual. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of the voucher, Default current FY where Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution is True. |
Fiscal Period | Default current period of the selected Fiscal Year. |
Active | This is a check box. Default value is ‘checked’. |
Language | Country specific language used to register the abbreviation and description. |
Description | Description on the invoice extract. |
Extract Date | Voucher extract date. |
Account Office | If Selected Accounting Office Code has Children then system will apply the hierarchycal filter. |
Number of Created Invoice Extract | It shows all the created invoice extract. |
Number of Approved Invoices | It shows all the approved invoice. |
Created Invoice Amount Domestic | It shows the domestic amount for created invoice. |
Approved Invoices Amount Domestic | It shows the domestic amount for approved invoice. |
Created By | Shows the user id who created the invoice extract. |
Created Date | Date of creation. |
This mode of extraction allows you to create draft payments for all expense vouchers payment details within a specified fiscal year, or a specific range of expenses.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Memorandum ► Invoice Extract Payment
Field | Description |
Id | Classification unique ID can be either system generated or manual. |
Workflow Status | It shows the workflow status. Eg. Created, Approved, etc. |
Document Series Number | Number of the document series. |
Reference Number | Reference number of the extract payment. |
Transfer Number | It has a value which is blank. |
Acounting Office | Selected Accounting Office Code has Children (other institutions related to it downstream) then system applies the hierarchycal filter so then all EV's related with children institutions are also taken into account. |
Treasury Bank Account | User can select specific Bank Account to extract EV payment details related to. |
Customer | User can select a specific vendor to extract his unpaid EV payment details. |
Currency | User can select specific Currency to extract EV payment details related to. |
Payment Method | User can select payment with specific Payment Method. Only Payments Method type Cheque or Electronic Transfer are allowed. |
Handling Indicator | The Handling Indicator of the extracted payment. |
Number of Approved Invoices | It shows all the approved invoice. |
Payment Domestic Amount | It shows the domestic payment amount. |
Payment Foreign Amount | It shows the foreign payment amount. |
Customer payment Domestic Amount | It shows the domestic customer payment amount. |
Customer payment Foreign Amount | It shows the foreign customer payment amount. |
Created By | Shows the user id who created the Invoice Extract Payment. |
Created Date | Date of creation. |
Approved By | Shows the user id who approved the Invoice Extract Payment. |
Created Date | Date of approval. |
This report can be print when the state of the workflow is on request of approval. Report displays the total amount of the selected invoice to create a memorandum.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Memorendum ► Revenue Memorendum Reports ► Memorandum Invoice Extract Report
Memorandum Invoice Extract Report Field Description
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which Memorandum Invoice Extract relates. Current fiscal year is the default value. |
Fiscal Period From | User types Fiscal Period. This parameter is mandatory and it shows by default the current fiscal period. Entering only a From value will display data From that value to the end of the dataset. The user is able to enter both From and To values. |
Fiscal Period To | Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Period Total | Allows users to decide if sub-totals by period should be included in the report. |
Extract Date From | The user is able to enter both From and To values. Entering only a From value will display data From that value to the end of the dataset. Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Extract Date To | Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Source | Allows user to select a specific voucher source. Sources may be: Manual, Cash Invoice and Other External Source. |
Posting Status | Allows users to restrict the data in the report by the posting status. Values may be: Saved and Temp Saved. |
Invoice Extract | Using look up button user can select the filter option for invoice extract. |
Created By | Using look up button user can select the filter option for invoice extract. |
This feature contain the information of Payment Orders collected by Comercial Banks and process by the National Bank. Data will be populated by the interface when it receives Bank Statement.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ►Revenue Detail Statement
Revenue Detail Statement Field Description
Fields | Description |
Application Id | Application Id gets mentioned in this field. |
Package ID | Package Id gets mentioned in this field. |
Payment ID | Unique identification Id of the payment inside the package. |
Payment Order Date | Payment Order date is mentioned in this field. |
Payment Order ID | Payment Order Id is mentioned in this field. |
Transaction Type | Transaction type is entered in this field. |
Payer Name | Payer's name gets mentioned in thi field. |
Payer Account | Account number of the Payer is mentioned in this field. |
Payer TIN | TIN number of Payer is entered in this field. |
Payer UCEO | Union classifier enterprises and organizations of Payer is entered in this field. |
Payer SFKR | Registration number of the payer in the Social Fund is mentioned in this field. |
Payer Bank Code | BIC code of the payer's bank. |
Payer Bank Name | Bank name of the payer. |
Administrator Ledger Account | 16digits Adminstrator ledger account is entered in this field. |
Symbol | Integer is entered in this field. |
Debit Amount | Debit amount is entered. |
Credit Amount | Credit amount is entered. |
Economical Classification Code | Code with CoA element is entered. |
Description of Payment | A non-localized description of the payment as it came in the message. |
Status | Available status are: Preliminary, Cancelled, Received, On distribution, Distributed, Unspecified, Manual update, Mapping required and Received with Error. |
Receiver Bank Account Number | The receiver's bank account number for default TSA. |
Receiver Bank Name | The receiver's bank name where default TSA is located. |
Receiver BIC | The BIC code of the receiver's payer bank. |
Payment Order Type | Indicates the type of payment or the original source that generates the revenue. |
Original Payment | Original payment with refernce to Payment Id is entered in this field. This is useful for indicating a relationship to an original "parent" payment. |
Sent to Tax or Custom | Indicates if the record was already sent to TAX or CUSTOMS department. |
This feature contains the revenue split between different level of budgets.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Split By Budget
Revenue Split by Budget Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code autogenerated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year related with Revenue split by budget is selected. |
Element | User must select an element from Concept of Object at lowest level (GL level) from lookup functionality. |
Revenue Budget Type | Budget Type Code is to be selected. |
Ratio | Distribution percentage. |
Start Date | Initial Date. |
End Date | Final Date. |
Active | Indicates whether the Revenue distribution is active or not. defalut value is true. |
This Feature contains the Revenue Budget Levels.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Budget Type
Revenue Budget Type Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | System auto-generated unique identification code. |
Active | Indicates whether Revenue Budget Type is available for use or for reference purpose only. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year of Revenue Budget Type is mentioned in this field. The system assign the current active fiscal year. |
State Budget | The user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or Local budget from state budget drop-down list. |
State Budget Category | The user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or Local budget from state budget category drop-down list. |
Budget Type | The user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or other from budget type list. |
Budget Type Category | System should display a list having the following options: Republican Budget, Republican Subordination, Regional, District, Rayon and Village. |
Revenue Transaction Type Code | It is automatically generated by the system and will be used to identify in an easier way the transaction type for distribution purposes. |
Description | A brief description about the Revenue Budget Type. |
Revenue Distributed By Budget contains all the distributed items for a specific process, including the corresponding financial Coding Blcoks that will be used to create necessary Invoice Vouchers to affect the Current Fiscal Year Budget and Excecution.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Distributed By Budget
Revenue Distributed By Budget Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code auto-generated by the system. |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year of Revenue Distributed by Budget. |
Fiscal Period | Fiscal period of Revenue Distributed by Budget. |
Total Amount (Domestic) | Summary all of the amounts including all Distributed details. |
Total Amount (Foreign) | Summary all of the amounts including all Distributed details. When currency is domestic this value is zero by default. |
Start Date | Process creation time which is automatically assigned by the system. |
End Date | Automatically assigned by the system when the Process change to status "Commited". |
Process Status | Indicates the status of the process. Available status are: Created, Voucher in Process, Commited, With Errors and Cancelled. |
Collection Agency | Collection Agency Code is entered. |
Invoice Type | It may be either in Cash or Credit. Cash is the default value. |
Language | Language used to describe Revenue Distributed by Budget. |
Description | Description of Revenue Distributed By Budget. |
Currency | Currency of the Voucher is shown. If general parameter "System accept multi-currency transaction" is false, then this field will be disabled and it's value is Domestic Currency. |
Exchange Rate | Exchange rate of foreign currency. |
Revenue Voucher Type | This field allows the user to classify the Invoice according to his needs. |
Payment Method | Payment Method code automatically generated by the system. |
Payment Location | This field shall be populated by the system from the selected institution. |
Payment Mode | Automatically generated by the system, it will be populated from the selected institution. |
Treasury Bank Account | Government’s Bank Account where the payment will be Deposited. Only Bank Accounts (linked to the selected treasury bank account) having the currency same as the voucher currency will be allowed. |
Offset Code | Ofset code is short code of full coding block which is assigned by the system during distribution process. |
Bank Deposit | Unique ID of the Revenue Distribution Process. |
Bank Deposit Date | System Current Date when distribution take place. |
Details | Details regarding Revenue Distribution by Budget is shown. |
This table contain the mapping between "Administrator Ledger Account" codes and Chart of accounts Coding Blocks for revenue distribution.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Distribution Treasury Ledger Codes Mapping
Revenue Distribution Treasury Ledger Codes Mapping Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | References to the Current Fiscal year (the user can select the desired fiscal year to be used). |
CoA Group | Default Group is the, pre-defined COA Group marked as "Budget Execution Level". The user can select any of the groups available for the Current and Active CoA for the fiscal year. The user can select the group that will be used to define the mapping coding block between COA and Revenue Information received using the NBKR Interface. |
Coding Block | Indicates the Coding Block mapped to a specific Fiscal year, Institution, SLA serial number and Budget State type distribution. |
Institution | Institution code to be entered. |
State Budget Category | It may be either Local Budget or Republican Budget. |
Codes for Revenue Budget Type are managed from this screen.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Budget Type Codes ► Revenue Conclusion
Revenue Budget Type Codes Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code assigned by the user. |
Type | Contains different values used in the Administrator Legder account at different levels when splitting information for distribution. Values are: State Budget and Budget Type. |
This feature is used for registering all the revenue conclusions received from TAX/Customs interface. New rows for this entity can only be inserted via the Tax/Customs interface, the system cannot allow manually entering revenue conclusions only modifications on existing rows.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Conclusion
Revenue Conclusion Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of revenue Conclusion. |
Type | Values may be: Re-Classification and Overpaid. |
Origin | Indicates the origin of this Revenue Conclusion: State Tax Agency and State Customs Agency. |
Payment Order | Payment Order Id is mentioned. |
Date | Date and Time when this conclusion has been issued by Tax Authority. |
Tax Authority Code | Code of Tax Authority is mentioned. |
Tax Payer Name | Name of Tax payer. |
Payer Id | Id of Payer gets mentioned. |
Original Payment Code | The original payment code submitted in payment order. |
New Payment Code | Applicable when the reason of conclusion is tax code re-classification. |
Amount | This attribute can be either the amount 'overpaid' or the original amount on payment order that is needed to be re-classified. |
Rto1 Account | This attribute references original RTO. |
Rto2 Account | Applicable when there is a change in RTO as part of the 're-classification'. |
Tax Payer Bank Account | Applicable when revenue Conclusion type is 'Overpaid', this is the bank account of the tax payer where the money must be returned (when conclusion requires money return). |
Status | This attribute can take one of the following values: Registered, Resolved and Erroneous. Default value is 'Registered', only a user with proper rights can mark as 'Erroneous' a conclusion. |
Registered Date | Date and time when this revenue conclusion has been automatically loaded via Tax/Customs Interface. |
Resolution Date | Date and time when this conclusion has been resolved or marked as erroneous. |
Error Code | To be provided by TAX/Customs, applicable when Status of conclusion is marked as erroneous. |
Erroneous Attribute | Name of Erroneous Field Received from Revenue Conclusion. Applicable when Status of conclusion is marked as erroneous. |
Journal Voucher | The Journal Voucher used for resolving this revenue conclusion. For manual resolutions this is a mandatory attribute. |
Is Notified to Tax Customs | Default value is False, indicates when this revenue conclusion has been notified to TAX/Customs. |
Language | Language used to describe Revenue Conclusion. |
Error Reason | Manually entered by user when status of revenue conclusion is changed to 'Erroneous'. |
Bulk update of the transition stage of Revenue Invoice is done through this screen. Target stage may be: Cancelled, Rejected, Approved, Approval Requested and Created.
Revenue Management ► Revenue Invoice Target Stage
Revenue Invoice Target Stage Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution. |
Fiscal Period | Current Fiscal Period for Budget Execution. |
Target Stage | Default Value is Approved. System will filter all the Revene Invoices that are subject to get this workflow status and according to Data Access Security of the user. |
Invoice Date From | Date of the starting invoice. System current date is the default value. |
Invoice Date To | Date of last invoice. System current date is the default value. |
Customer | Customer code is to be selected. Look up functionality to search by relevant criteria. |
Revenue Invoice Type | Type of the Revenue Invoices for which the Target stage is for. |
Collection Agency | Collection agency is to be selected. This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria. |
Treasury Bank Account | Treasury bank account is to be selected. This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria. |
Domestic Amount From | Total domestic amount of invoice from where search criteria starts. Default value is zero. |
Domestic Amount To | Total domestic amount of invoice up to which search criteria ends. Default value is zero. |
Invoice Classification | Appropriate Invoice classification is to be selected.This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria. |
Bank Deposit From | Bank deposit number is to be entered in this field. The number from where the search criteria starts. |
Bank Deposit To | Bank deposit number is to be entered in this field. The number up to where the search criteria lasts. |
Payment Location | Payment location entity is to be selected from the lookup attribute. |
Payment Mode | Payment mode entity is to be selected from the lookup attribute. |
Revenue Invoice Range | Whether revenue invoice's range is applied in this screen is either checked or unchecked. |
Invoice Id From | The strarting number of the range of Invoice Id. |
Invoice Id To | The last number of the range of Invoice Id. |
This report essentially serves as a log of all Invoices within a specified numerical range that have been posted over a given period of time.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Revenue Invoices Listing By Voucher Report
Revenue Invoices Listing by Voucher Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which Revenue Invoice relates. Current fiscal year is the default value. |
Fiscal Period From | User types Fiscal Period. This parameter is mandatory and it shows by default the current fiscal period. Entering only a From value will display data From that value to the end of the dataset. The user is able to enter both From and To values. |
Fiscal Period To | Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Period Total ? | Allows the user to decide if sub-totals by period should be included in the report. |
Voucher Date From | The user is able to enter both From and To values. Entering only a From value will display data From that value to the end of the dataset. Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Voucher Date To | Entering only a To value will display all data up to the item specified. Entering both From and To values will display the subset of the data defined by the specified range. |
Invoice Type | If this field is specified it will display the data based on the select criteria (if cash is selected then all the cash invoice will be displayed . If credit is selected then all the credit invoice will be displayed). If none is selected both type will be displayed on the report. |
Source | Allows user to select a specific voucher source. Sources may be: Manual, Cash Invoice and Other External Source. |
Posting Status | Allows the user to restrict the data in the report by the posting status. Values may be: Saved and Temp Saved. |
Workflow Status | Allows the user to select an specific workflow status o restrict the data displayed in the report. |
Temp | Allows the user to select an specific temporary number or a range of temporary number to view in the report. |
Batch Number | Allows the user to select an specific batch or a range of batches to view in the report. |
Created By | Allow the user to restrict the data based on the creation user. |
Voucher | Allows the user to select specific voucher Id or range of Id. |
Comment | Comment on the report is made in this field. |
The report displays all Cash and Credit Sales vouchers, receipt vouchers and credit/debit notes, it will display all data as a list including important information regarding the each type of document and related customer.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Sales Transaction Listing By Customer Report
Sales Transaction Listing by Customer Report Field Desription
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | This parameter will be populated automatically by the system based on current fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period From | Allow the user enter From and To Fiscal Period. By default both values (From and To) will have the Current Fiscal Period. No future fiscal periods are allowed and if From and To are different, then the value in To must be equal or higher than From. |
Fiscal Period To | Allow the user enter From and To Fiscal Period. By default both values (From and To) will have the Current Fiscal Period. No future fiscal periods are allowed and if From and To are different, then the value in To must be equal or higher than From. |
Posting Status | Display as a list all values for referenced, if none is selected all status must be displayed by the report. |
Workflow Status | Display as a list all values for referenced, if none is selected all status is displayed by the report. |
Document Type | Document type may be: Invoice, Receipt Voucher, Credit Note and Debit Note. None, means all types must be displayed when generating the report. |
Include Customer Without Customer Type | Display to the user as a checkbox element to indicate whether customer type is included or not. |
Customer Type | Customer type is to be selected for report purpose. |
Voucher Date From | Allow the user indicate a single date or a range (From and To) of dates. |
Voucher Date To | Allow the user indicate a single date or a range (From and To) of dates. |
Comment | Comment on the report which is optional. |
Sort By | The system should allow the user sorting (ascending/descending) by the attributes from this table. |
Report on Accounts Receivable which have not been realised from the debtors and have aged in the due time are generated from 'Aged Receivable Report'.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Aged Receivable Report
Aged Receivable Report screen Fields
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year to which the Accounts Receivable records relate, is selected from drop down box. |
Period From | Starting period (month) of Accounts Receivable taken into consideration for records filtering purpose, is selected from drop down box. |
Period To | Closing period (month) of Accounts Receivable taken into consideration for records filtering purpose, is selected from drop down box. |
Type | Whether the records is represented in Invoice, Receipt Voucher, Debit Note or Credit Note, is selected from drop down box. |
Include From Aging | Whether to include from aging, is mentioned in the check box for this field. |
Include All Voucher Details | Whether to include all voucher details, is mentioned in the check box for this field. |
Include Customer With Zero Balance | Whether to include customers with zero balance, is mentioned in the check box for this field. |
Include Customer With Negative Balance | Whether to include customers with negative balance, is mentioned in the check box for this field. |
Run Date | Run Date of the report generation, generated by the system. |
Aging Period | Aging period is mentioned in this field. Default value is 30 days. |
Customer | Customer regarding whom the report is generated, is selected from the lookup button. |
Offset Code | Offset Code is selected from the lookup button available for this field. |
Comment | Comment on the report is entered in this field. |
Field | Description |
Treasury Bank Account | Relevant Treasury Bank Account related to Bank deposit form is selected in this field. |
Deposit Number From | Starting number of the range of Bank deposit form number. |
Deposit Number To | End number of the range of Bank deposit form number. |
Deposit Date From | Date from when deposit shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
Deposit Date To | Date up to when deposit shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
This report prints out a detailed listing of all cash sales that were created during a specified period of time. Sales are printed in numerical sequence and display information to help users maintain accurate control over every cash sale that was created in the system, report will allow to filter the information based in the most relevant columns of the report.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Cash Sales Details Report
Cash Sales Details Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | This field refers to fiscal year to which cash sales relates. It is mandatory to be filled up by user. |
Fiscal Period From | Allows the user to enter a single value or a range (from and to) of values based on fiscal year selection. |
Fiscal Period To | Allows the user to enter a single value or a range (from and to) of values based on fiscal year selection. |
Transaction type | Cash Sales is the default value and is in read only mode. |
Workflow status | Workflow status is shown. Available status: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and All. |
Posting Status | Posting Status is selected. It may be Saved, Temp Saved or All. |
Temp Number From | Starting range of values for Temporary Voucher number. |
Temp Number To | Last range of values for Temporary Voucher number. |
Include customer without Customer Type | Displays whether the filter is kept active or not. |
Voucher Date From | Start date of range from when Voucher date shall be filtered for report generation. |
Voucher Date To | End date of range from when Voucher date shall be filtered for report generation. |
Customer Type | Customer type is to be selected from lookup button. |
Journal Voucher | Journal Voucher to be selected from lookup button. |
Approved By | User by whom the cash sales is approved. |
Created By | User by whom the cash sales is created. |
Comment | Comment on the Cash details report. |
Sort By | Teh system will allow the user to sort in ascending or descending order by attributes. |
Present the information of the gross monthly income grouped by CoA concepts, it allow filtering and grouping income information at any level of the CoA.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Nicaragua Reports ► Gross Monthly Income Report
Gross Monthly Income Report Screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | This field refers to fiscal year. It is mandatory to be filled up by user. |
Currency | Mandatory. User can filter by currency type. |
Comment | Comment filled by user, to be presented on the report. |
This report allows filtering and grouping the information of the revenue by any level of the structure of the account plan, presenting what is perceived, returned and paid for the returns. It provides different filter option to generate a specific report.
A screenshot of the Taxes Refund Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to installed revision, System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration.
Users access Taxes Refund Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Revenue Management ► Reports ► Nicaragua Reports ► Taxes Refund Report.
The following table lists and describes all filter fields for the Taxes Refund Report in their default order. Note that some fields depends on System Parameters and Rendering Control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | It lists and allows users to select the fiscal year as a filter for the report. The default value is set as the current open fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period From | It lists and allows users to select the initial value of the fiscal period range as a report filter. |
Fiscal Period To | It lists and allows users to select the end value of the fiscal period range as a report filter. |
Invoice Classification | It shows list of the invoice classification and allows users to select one or more invoice classification code as a filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Coding Block Filter Type | It lists and allows users to select the coding block filter type. |
Coding Block | It allows users to select the coding block using lookup feature or users can enter manually. |
Segment | It lists and allows users to select the segment as report filter. |
Concept | It lists the concept according to the segment selection and allows users to select it as a filter. |
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Taxes Refund Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Taxes Refund Report is available here.
Field | Description |
Report Date | It indicates the report generation date. |
Report Time | It indicates the report generation time. |
User Code | It shows the user ID who generates the report. |
Page Number | It indicates the page number. |
Government Name | It indicates the name of the government. |
Institution Name | The top parent institution from the employee who is printing the report. |
Report Name | It indicates the name of the report. |
Type of budgetary control | It indicates the type of the budget control as per the users filter selections. |
Fiscal Year | It indicates the fiscal year as per the filter selected by users. |
Filter Criteria | It indicates the filters whatever selected by users. |
Currency | It indicates the domestic currency of the country or as per the selection of users. |
Comments | It shows the comment entered by user during the report generation. |
Description | It shows the decription according to the coding block element selection. |
Income accumulated | Shows the sum amount of period actual YTD domestic from budget control distribution. |
Refund | Shows the sum of all (tax amount) that belongs to the invoice item depending on the coding block. |
Total Income | It shows total income amount after subtracting the refund amount from income accumulated. |
Refund % | Shows percentage of refund amount. |
Refund Paid | It indicates the total refund amount paid. |
Paid % | Shows percentage of paid amount. |
The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Taxes Refund Report feature.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in the excel format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format. |
![]() | This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format. |
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Select Fiscal Year from the drop down menu. This is a mandatory field. |
Fiscal Period From | Select Fiscal Period From the drop down menu. This is a mandatory field. |
Fiscal Period To | Select Fiscal Period To the drop down menu. This is a mandatory field. |
Invoice Date From | Date from when cash report shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
Invoice Date To | Date up to when cash report shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
Is Period Total | Checkbox is by default. |
Workflow Status | Drop down menu shows the status of the workflow. |
Posting Status | Drop down menu shows the Posting status. |
Source | Drop down menu shows the source like External source or Manual. |
Created By: | Lookup button to select the user. |
Document | Lookup button to filter report by document. |
This report is prepared for monitoring only collection of cash and as well as deposit this to the government authorized bank (Treasury Bank). This report prepared on the monthly basis but show the daily collection and deposit to the bank. This report also required to send COA for monitoring.
A screenshot of the Cash Receipts Records Report feature is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access the report from within the menu through this navigation path: Receipt Management ►Reports ►Philippines ►Reports Cash Receipts Records Report
The following table lists and describes all filter for the Cash Receipts Records Report, in their default order. Note that some filters depend on system parameters and rendering control to be visible and/or editable to users. Filter names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Drop down filter criterion for the fiscal year. This is a mandatory filter with default value set to the current fiscal year. |
Operating Unit | Lookup filter criteria for operating unit. |
Funding Source | Lookup filter criteria for operating unit. This is a mandatory filter. |
From Date | Cash receipts from date filter. |
To Date | Cash receipts to date filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Visible Fields
A sample of the Cash Receipts Records Report output is available here. The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Cash Receipts Records Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Filter By | The filter criteria describing how the given report has been filtered based on the user’s preferences. |
Group By | The criteria describing how the report has been grouped based on the user’s preferences. |
Name of the collecting Officer | Shows name of the collecting officer. |
Designation of the collecting officer | Shows designation of the collecting officer. |
Division name of the collecting officer | Shows division name of the collecting officer. |
Balance Forwarded | Shows accumulated amount of undeposited before the from date based on selection. |
Undeposited Collection | Shows those amount where revenue receipt voucher or invoice where the payment method is cash and the revenue receipt voucher or invoice screen bank deposit field. |
Date | Shows bank deposit date. |
Reference No.OR/ No.DS (1) | Show the ID of the revenue receipt voucher. Where the payment method is cash. |
Deposit | Show the deposit amount from the bank deposit screen where the amount is deposited based on the payment method is cash. |
Reference No.OR/ No.DS (2) | Shows the ID of the revenue receipt voucher. Where the payment method is credit. |
Collection | Shows the header amount of the revenue invoice where invoice type is credit. |
Payor | Shows the name of the customer selected in the revenue invoice. |
MFO/PAP | Shows the MFO/PAP code from the coding block field of the revenue invoice. |
Object Code | Shows the object code of the revenue invoice. |
Nature of Collection | Shows the header description of the revenue invoice. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Cash Receipts Records Report.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel (XLSX format). |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as RTF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Word. |
This report is prepared for monitoring only collection of cash and as well as deposit this to the government authorized bank (Treasury Bank). This report prepared on the monthly basis but show the daily collection and deposit to the bank. This report also required to send COA for monitoring.
A screenshot of the Cash Receipts Records Report feature is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access the report from within the menu through this navigation path: Receipt Management ►Reports ►Philippines ►Reports Cash Receipts Records Report
The following table lists and describes all filter for the Cash Receipts Records Report, in their default order. Note that some filters depend on system parameters and rendering control to be visible and/or editable to users. Filter names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | Drop down filter criterion for the fiscal year. This is a mandatory filter with default value set to the current fiscal year. |
Operating Unit | Lookup filter criteria for operating unit. |
Funding Source | Lookup filter criteria for operating unit. This is a mandatory filter. |
From Date | Cash receipts from date filter. |
To Date | Cash receipts to date filter. |
Comment | Allows users to add a custom comment to the generated report. |
Visible Fields
A sample of the Cash Receipts Records Report output is available here. The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Cash Receipts Records Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Field | Description |
Filter By | The filter criteria describing how the given report has been filtered based on the user’s preferences. |
Group By | The criteria describing how the report has been grouped based on the user’s preferences. |
Name of the collecting Officer | Shows name of the collecting officer. |
Designation of the collecting officer | Shows designation of the collecting officer. |
Division name of the collecting officer | Shows division name of the collecting officer. |
Balance Forwarded | Shows accumulated amount of undeposited before the from date based on selection. |
Undeposited Collection | Shows the those amount where revenue receipt voucher or invoice where the payment method is cash and the revenue receipt voucher or invoice screen bank deposit field. |
Date | Shows bank deposit date. |
Reference No.OR/ No.DS (1) | Show the ID of the revenue receipt voucher. Where the payment method is cash. |
Deposit | Show the deposit amount from the bank deposit screen where amount is deposited based on the payment method is cash. |
Reference No.OR/ No.DS (2) | Shows the ID of the revenue receipt voucher. Where the payment method is credit. |
Collection | Shows the header amount of the revenue invoice where invoice type is credit. |
Payor | Shows the name of the customer selected in the revenue invoice. |
MFO/PAP | Shows the MFO/PAP code from the coding block field of the revenue invoice. |
Object Code | Shows the object code of the revenue invoice. |
Nature of Collection | Shows the header description of the revenue invoice. |
The following table describes actions associated to the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Cash Receipts Records Report.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel (XLSX format). |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as RTF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Word. |
This report lists all cash sales that were created during a specified period of time. Sales are printed in numerical sequence and display information to help users maintain accurate control over every cash sale that was created in the system, the report will allow filtering the information based in the most relevant columns of the report.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Sales Transaction Detail Report
Sales Transaction Detail Report Field Description
Field | Description |
Fiscal Year | This field refers to fiscal year to which cash sales relates. It is mandatory to be filled up by user. |
Fiscal Period From | Allows users to enter a single value or a range (from and to) of values based on fiscal year selection. |
Fiscal Period To | Allows users to enter a single value or a range (from and to) of values based on fiscal year selection. |
Transaction type | Cash Sales is the default value and is in read only mode. |
Workflow status | Workflow status is shown. Available status: Created, Approval Requested, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled and All. |
Posting Status | Posting Status is selected. It may be Saved, Temp Saved or All. |
Temp Number From | Starting range of values for Temporary Voucher number. |
Temp Number To | Last range of values for Temporary Voucher number. |
Include customer without Customer Type | Displays whether the filter is kept active or not. |
Voucher Date From | Start date of range from when Voucher date shall be filtered for report generation. |
Voucher Date To | End date of range from when Voucher date shall be filtered for report generation. |
Customer Type | Customer type is to be selected from lookup button. |
Journal Voucher | Journal Voucher to be selected from lookup button. |
Approved By | User by whom the cash sales is approved. |
Created By | User by whom the cash sales is created. |
Comment | Comment on the Cash details report. |
Customer | Customer is to be selected from lookup button. |
Sort By | The system will allow users to sort in ascending or descending order by attributes. |
This report shows statement of the revenue performance and its analysis as on the date of the report.
A screenshot of the Monthly Revenue Performance Report feature is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.
Users access the report from within the menu through this navigation path: Cash Management ► Cash Planning ► Cash Planning Scenarios ► Reports ► SriLanka Reports ► Monthly Revenue Forecast Report
The following table lists and describes all filter for the Monthly Revenue Performance Report, in their default order. Note that some filters depend on system parameters and rendering control to be visible and/or editable to users. Filter names are subject to change through language label configuration.
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Drop down filter criterion for the fiscal year. |
Fiscal Period | Drop down filter criterion for the fiscal period. |
Revenue Item | Drop down filter criterion for the revenue item .
Institution | Lookup filter criterion to select one or more institution. |
Visible Fields
The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Monthly Revenue Performance Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration. A sample of the Monthly Revenue Performance Report output is available here.
Field | Description |
Statutory Authority | Shows the code and name of the institution filter. |
Revenue Item | Shows the revenue item filter information. |
Revenue Code | Shows revenue code filter information. |
Revenue Collection | |
Months | Shows the months of revenue collection. |
Fiscal Years | Shows the fiscal years of revenue collection. |
Amounts | Shows YTD actual amount of the budget control distribution. |
Total | Shows sum of total amount of budget control distribution. |
Analysis | |
Year | Shows fiscal year of analysis. |
Total Revenue | Shows sum of total amount of budget control distribution. |
Total Annual Growth Rate | Shows the annual growth. ((Total Revenue - Total Revenue Previous Year)/Total Revenue Previous year) |
Annual Estimates | Shows annual estimate amount of budget control. |
Up to Reporting Month Achievement | Shows percentage of achievement. (Total Revenue / Annual Estimates) |
The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Monthly Revenue Performance Report.
Button Image | Description |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as PDF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as MS Word. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as RTF. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as ODT. |
![]() | This button allows users to generate the report as ODS. |
Customer Analysis Report allows user to analyze the amount of business organization has done with particular customers at the Chart of Accounts Table level. Report will display all the transaction related to Invoice, Debit Note and Credit Note.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Customer Analysis Report
Customer Analysis Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal Year, to which customer data relates, is selected. |
Period From | User selects Fiscal Period. Start date of the range for fiscal period for report generation purpose. |
Period To | User selects Fiscal Period. Start date of the range for fiscal period for report generation purpose. |
Customer | User selects Fiscal Period. End date of the range for fiscal period for report generation purpose. |
Status | This parameter is mandatory. Approved is the default value. Possible values are: Created, Approved, Rejected, Cancelled,Approval Requested and All. |
Currency | Domestic value is the default value. If General Parameter, System Acept Multi-currency transactions is False then this Currency will be Domestic and this report parameter will remain disabled (read only). Totals will be displayed only for Domestic Amounts. |
Concept | Display a List of Concepts for the Current Chart of Accounts. |
Period Totals | Displays the period totals on the report. |
Report Type | The report may be in Summary or Detail mode. Summary would suppress the individual lines and only show the sub-totals for each grouping. |
Comment | Comment on the report. |
Report regarding Bank Deposit Form Report is generated from this screen.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Bank Deposit Form Report
Bank Deposit Form Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Treasury Bank Account | Relevant Treasury Bank Account related to Bank deposit form is selected in this field. |
Deposit Number From | Starting number of the range of Bank deposit form number. |
Deposit Number To | End number of the range of Bank deposit form number. |
Deposit Date From | Date from when deposit shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
Deposit Date To | Date up to when deposit shall be filtered for report generation purpose. |
Report regarding Revenue Voucher is generated through this screen.
Revenue Management ► Reports ► Inadeh Reports ► Revenue Voucher Report
Revenue Voucher Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | Fiscal year to which revenue voucher relates. |
Period Level | Period level relating to which report for revenue invoice to be generated. |
Fiscal Period From | Start date of the fiscal period. |
Fiscal Period To | End date of the fiscal period. |
Bank Deposit | bank deposit Id to be entered in this field. |
Is Revenue Invoice Range | Whether revenue invoice range is applicable for report generation purpose, gets mentioned. |
Revenue Invoice From | Start Id number of the revenue invoice range. |
Revenue Invoice To | End Id number of the revenue invoice range. |
Voucher Date- From Date | Start date of revenue voucher from when report for voucher to be generated. |
Voucher Date- To Date | End date of revenue voucher up to when report for voucher to be generated. |
Workflow Status | Workflow status of revenue voucher to be used for filtering data for report generation. |
Voucher Source | Voucher Source to be selected. May be either External source, Manual or both. |
Invoice Type | Invoice type to be selected for data filtering for report generation. It may be credit, cash or both. |
Sort By | In the way the data of the report is to be sorted, is to be selected here. It may be: Fiscal period, workflow status, etc. |
Bank Account | Bank Account for the revenue vouchers to be selected from lookup button. |
Customer | Customers to which the revenue voucher relates, is selected from the lookup button. |
This feature is required to identify which classification codes belong to TAX and Customs.
Revenue Management ► Tax and Customs ► Classification Code By Tax Authority
Classification Code by Tax Authority Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique Identification code auto generated by the system. |
Tax Authority | tax Authority is selected. Options are: State Tax Agency and State Customs Agency. |
CoA | Appropriate and Active CoA is selected. |
Pattern | System should allow to show (lookup) the CoA element description. |
Information regarding Revenue can be uploaded through this screen.
Revenue Management ► Asycuda ► Upload Revenue Information
Upload Revenue Information Field Description
Fields | Description |
Import File | File having information of Revenue is uploaded from the button available with this field. Relevant file is to be choosen and uploaded. |
Response | Response regarding Uploading file having revenue information is added in this field. |
User for Revenue Interface is attained from this screen.
Revenue Management ► Asycuda ► Upload Revenue Information
Revenue Interface User Fields Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Code for revenue Interface user is manually entered by the user. |
Allow All Codes | This field may be either checked or kept unchecked to allow all codes or not. |
Application User | Application user by whom revenue interface, is done, is selected from the lookup button. |
Institution | relevant institution is to be selected. |
User Tool Key | An arbittary keyword having alphabet and numerics, is generated by the system whch may be updated. |
Transfer Encrypted Key | The encrypted key transfered is shown in this screen. |
Language | Language used to describe Revenue Interface user. |
Client Description | description of the client is entered in this screen. |
Revenue Allowed Codes | Revenue Allowed codes are added from this tab by clicking on the New button. |
The Feature includes the Import and Copy Processes along with their execution status and list of rejected and successful transactions, as application.
Revenue Management ► Asycuda ► Incoming Revenue Log
Incoming Revenue Log Field Description
Fields | Description |
Code | Unique identificatin code automatically assigned by the system. |
Revenue Interface User | Revenue Interface user code is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Log Source | Source of log is selected in this field. It may be automatic or manual. |
Reception Date | Date of Reception of incoming log is shown in this field. |
Original Message | Original message generated by the system. |
Total Rows | Total number of rows are entered in this screen. |
Total Stored Rows | Total stored rows are shown in this field. |
Response | reponse of incoming revenue log generated by the system in this field. |
Details | details regarding incoming revenue log is shown under this tab. |
Report on reception of revenue is generated from this screen.
Revenue Management ► Asycuda ► Report ► Upload Revenue Information
Revenue Reception Log Report Field Description
Fields | Description |
Fiscal Year | The active fiscal year regarding which the revenue and vouchers relate. Current fiscal year is the default value for this field. |
Fiscal Period | Months for which the report is to be generated is selected. from the options available. |
Client ID | Client Id is to be selected from the lookup button. |
Tax Code | Tax code is to be selected from the lookup button. |