

Once a Procurement Document has been registered, published and notified to a list of possible vendors, changes are not allowed to it, the FreeBalance Accountability Platform treats it as a hard copy. Every changes required on the bid already published must be managed as an Amendment to the original document. The original document remains the same as when the status of the Procurement Document was set to ‘Published’, any additional changes is not impact this document. An amendment is added as part of the Procurement Document.

In the case that modifications to the Procurement Document are required and are not part of the available amendments (such as change the Institution Department that owns the Procurement Process), the Procurement Document must be cancelled



Procurement ► Amendment


Amendment screen Fields




This is a unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters


Number of the Amendment is shown in this field which gets automatically generated


Document that requires the amendment such as Goal Phase ID, etc. is selected from the available drop down box


Country specific language used to register the abbreviation and description


Brief description of the Amendment is mentioned in this field


Detailed description of the Amendment is mentioned in this field


Brief explanation of the Amendment is recorded here

Paragraph Amendments Tab

This tab Involves changes in text of any document that is part of the Final Assembled Procurement Document

Attachment Amendments Tab

This tab Involves changes to a file attached as part of the Procurement Document, when this file has no relation with text changes, like a diagram or photo. New attachments can also be added through this attribute

Attribute Amendments Tab

This tab Involves changes in any of the attributes in the Procurement Document.

Approved Date

Signifies the approved date of the Ammendment.
Cancel reasonReason for the cancel as updated on records.