Debt Guarantee Payment


This entity stores the different transactions associated with guarateed debt. Transactions will exist only in case original borrower defaults.


Debt Guarantee Payment screen include the following fields:

CodeUnique identification code. Parameter determines if to be entered by users or  to be system generated.
Workflow StatusPossible values for this field are: Approval Requested, Approved, Cancelled, Created and Rejected. Status to be selected from dropdown box.
Workflow Process StatusPossible values for this field are: Approval Requested, Approved, Cancelled, Created and Rejected.
Fiscal YearDefault Value for this field is "Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution".
Fiscal PeriodDefault Value fro this field is "Current Fiscal Period for Budget Execution".
InstrumentThis field refers to instrument entity with general information. System will display an error if users enter an instrument not marked as 'Guaranteed'. The referenced instrument should be in Approved workflow status.
Payment ToThis field refers to whom the payment is made.  This is Read-only field, comes from the described reference.
Instrument TypeThis entity stores the distinct type of instruments for a better clasification to be selected from dropdown box.
Instrument Type CurrencyCurrency related with the current instrument type to be selected from dropdown box.
CurrencyCurrency related with the current instrument to be selected from dropdown box..
Exchange Rate

The conversion rate between local and foreing currency used for this specific repayment. If it is a foreign currency get the Active exchange rate from the exchange rate table. If its a dometic currency, the value = 1. It is Read only field.

Amount (Domestic)Total amount of the instrument in local currency.
Amount (Foreign)

Amount of transaction in Foreign Currency.  

Guarantee Payment TypeThis field refers to Guarantee Payment Type to be selected from dropdown box.
Transaction DateDate of payment gets recorded in this field. Default is the system date date.
Created ByUsers that create the transaction. This field is Read only. It is automatically filled by the system.
Created DateRead only field which is the system date.
Approved ByUsers that approves the transaction. This field is Read only which is automatically filled y the system.
Approved DateRead only field which is the system date at the time of approval transition.
LanguageLanguage used to describe Debt Guarantee Payment.
Reason For GuaranteeReason for Guarantee is mentioned in this field..
Reason For DefaultReason for default is mentioned in this field.