This report shows a list of the Catalogue Items grouped by Priority (High, Medium, Low). It contains the following information of each Catalogue Item: Catalogue Item ID, Item Short Description, Item Type (Good or Service), Unit of Measure – UOM, Stock Item (Yes or No), Item Class, and Default Account. The following filters are available: Priority, Item Type, Stock Item, and Item Class.
An example of the report is shown below.
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | Date of report generation automatically generated by the system |
Report Time | Time of report generation automatically generated by the system |
User | User who generates the report |
Page | Page Number |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under the Catalogue Item By Priority Report |
Sort By | Used to sort the report by Priority (downward) and Catalogue ID (upward) |
Priority | The level of importance of a specific report |
Number of Items | The number of asset items listed in a specific report |
Cat. Item ID | The identification number of the category item |
Short Description | The description of the asset item |
Type | The type of inventory item. For example, a good or a service |
UOM | The classification for measurement of the catalogue item |
Stock | Defines whether an inventory item is or is not in stock (Yes if in stock, No if not in stock) |
Item Class | Defines basic characteristics of the inventory item |
Default Account | If an element is defined in the object segment of the chart of accounts, this code will be used as part of the coding block when issuing a purchase order or purchase requisition that includes this particular item |
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report shows a list of the Catalogue Items grouped by Priority (High, Medium, Low).
To GENERATE this report, follow the steps below:
The Catalogue Item By Priority Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria are left blank, all Stocks, Item Types, and Item Classes will be included in the Report, as well as the Item Classes allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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