Material Received Returned includes a list of the Material Items received/returned by an Institution Unit. It contains information of each Item Received/Returned such as Good/Service Received Note (GSRN) ID, Note Type (Receive or Return), GS Type (Good or Service), Catalogue Item, Item Short Description, Quantity, Total Cost, Vendor, Purchase Order (PO) Ref ID, etc.
An example of the report is shown below.
Material Received Returned Report includes the following fields:
Report Fields | Description |
Report Date | The date the report was created |
Report Time | The time the reports was created |
User | The person creating the report |
Page | Represents the number of pages the report has |
Filter Criteria | Filter Criteria as entered under Asset Valuation Report |
Sort By | Describes how the report is ordered (i.e. GSRN ID (downward)) |
GSRN ID | Good/Service Received Note unique identification number |
Note Type | Receive or Return |
GS Type | Refers to the Good or Service type |
Catalogue Item ID | Unique identification number describing the material |
Item Short Description | Short text describing the material |
Qty / Perc. | Refers to the number of materials |
UOM | Stand for Unit of Measurement used to measure the material (unit, hours, ream, hundred) |
Total Amount | The total cost of the materials |
GSRN Status | Refers to the current status of the Good/Service Received Note (i.e. Created, Approved) |
Issue Date | Describes the date the material was received or returned |
Vendor | Refers to the supplier of the asset (material) |
GSRN Ref ID | Good/Service Received Note unique transaction reference identification number |
PO Ref ID | Purchase Order Unique reference number |
A Material Received Returned report that describes if an inventory item has been returned or received.
To GENERATE, follow the steps below:
The Material Received Returned Report includes the following filter criteria available for the report:
If all filter criteria’s are left blank, all Warehouse, Catalogue Item ID, Issue Date From and Issue Date To will be included in the Report, as well as the Institutions allowed by the report user security profile.
The report can be exported in HTML, PDF, MS Excel, RTF and MS Word formats, prior to printing, using the ,
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