It allows to create a generic list of contacts for PhilGEPS.
Catalogues ► Generic Contact List
Generic Contact List screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of Generic Contract List either entered by user or system generated as defined in system parameters. |
Active | Possible Values for this field are TRUE/FALSE. Default value is TRUE. True value refers that the record is available for use. Otherwise, it is for reference purpose only. |
Salutation | Defines the level of formality regarding contact person form of addressing. |
First Name | First Name of the contact. |
Middle Name | Middle Name of the contact. |
Last Name | Last Name of the contact. |
User: Admin
Address screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Is Main ? | A checkbox whose possible values are True/False |
Address Type | Defines the address is of which location of the contact for example home,work etc |
Address | Full address of the contact |
Location | Exact location of the contact |
City | City of the contact. |
State | State in which the contact is residing in repect to the country. |
Zip Code | A Numeric Code corresponding to the address in terms of the province or locality. |
Contact Type screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if it is entered by user or system generated. If system generated, it is left padded with zeros. |
Active | A checkbox whose Possible Values are TRUE/FALSE.Default value is TRUE. |
Contact Type | A lookup button followed by a list of precreated contact type. |
Contacts screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Contact Value | Field to insert the contact value like a numeric code as in a phone number. |
Is Main | A checkbox whose possible values are True/False |
Contact Type | An dropbown menu whose optional values are Fax,Electronic Mail,Phone,Website. |
Contact Location Type | It corresponces to the location priorto the contact type. |
Description | A short description of the contact. |
User screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if it is entered by user or system generated. If system generated, it is left padded with zeros. |
User | Field followed with an lookup button which has precreated list of users. |
Active | A checkbox whose possible values are True/False.True is its default value. |
This entity represents the Generic contact list user role.
User Role screen field and Tabs
Field | Decsription |
Code | Unique code manually entered by the user. |
User Role | A lookup button following a list of precreated user roles. |
Active | A checkbox with possible values True/False.Default value is True. |