The calculation of the GL Distribution is comprised of the following steps:
Generate the cost item distribution,for the Debit and Credit transactions. If a partial or full line of coding is specified under Cost Item Per Period, it has precedence. For the segments not specified under Cost Items Per Period, the application then looks at the Automatic Cost Items partial or full line of coding. For the segments not specified under Automatic Cost Items, the application then looks at the Cost Items partial or full line of coding. For the segments not specified under Cost Items, the application looks at the Assignment Financial Coding Block. Code splitting is performed, at the Assignment Financial Coding Block level, if a Percentage different than 100% is specified. Finally, for the segments not specified under Assignment Financial Coding Block, the application retrieves the coding from Position Financial Coding Block. Code splitting is performed, at the Position Financial Coding Block level, based on the Percentage specified under Position Financial Coding Block.