
FreeBalance Help documentation for the User Management is included within.

Cambiar Contraseña


Los usuarios deben cambiar su contraseña al iniciar la sesión en cualquier momento. El GRP asegura que la contraseñas ingresada tenga la longitud y complejidad apropiadas para proporcionar la máxima seguridad antes del cambio de contraseña.

Hay varias otras características de seguridad incorporadas en el proceso de cambio de contraseña. Por ejemplo, se conserva un número dado de contraseñas anteriores de usuarios y estas contraseñas no pueden volver a utilizarse mientras el sistema las retiene. La nueva contraseña no se acepta si es la misma que el nombre del usuario o la contraseña antigua.



Administración ► Seguridad del Sistema ► Usuarios ► Cambiar Contraseña


Campos de la pantalla de Cambio de Contraseña



Contraseña Actual

 El sistema mostrara la contraseña actual del usuario.

Nueva Contraseña

 El usuario debe digitar la nueva contraseña que utilizara para ingresar al sistema.

Confirmación de Nueva Contraseña

 El usuario debe digitar nuevament la contraseña que utilizara para ingresar al sistema.  Debe coincidir con digitada en el campo anterior.



User function lets authorized users such as the system manager specify details about each FreeBalance Accountability Suite user, including a User Code, Authentication Type, default language, contact information and functional class to which the user belongs. Authorized users can view, add, edit or delete user records.

The application is pre-configured with a default user ID, which is provided for initial system configuration activities. This user ID has limited functional access rights.

Viewing User Records

Search mode is active by default. To view currently defined user accounts, click on the Search button.

Adding a User Account

Click on the Add button to create a new user account and fill in the following fields:

  • Code: This field can be up to 16 characters and identifies each user and is used during login procedures. The system does not accept duplicate IDs.
  • Name: Enter the user’s complete name.
  • Password:  A password must be specified for each user. The password cannot contain spaces between characters. As a security feature, the password you define will not be displayed, to prevent others from seeing it. Enter the password again in the Confirm Password field. The password must adhere to the business rules configured in Global Parameters.
  • Active: This field indicates whether or not the user is active, i.e. using the system. The default is active (indicated by a checkmark in the checkbox), however, it can be rendered inactive by clicking once in the checkbox. Please note that the number of active users must not exceed the maximum number of users that are allowed according to the agreement between FreeBalance Inc. and your organization.
  • Super User: This field indicates whether or not the user is a super user.  It is not recommended to have super users of the system, other that a system administrator that has been certified to perform system adminstration functions.  The default is inactive (indicated by no checkmark in the checkbox), however, it can be rendered active by clicking once in the checkbox.
  • Authentication Type: This field indicates the type of user authentication to be applied to the user.  Options are LDAP, Local, Trusted.  Selection of the above options will determine user authentication rules and integration with third party user authentication systems, if applicable.
  • Language: If the system is multi-lingual, you can specify the user’s preferred language by clicking on the selection button and selecting one of the languages available for your organization’s system. This selection determines the language of display for the user’s online help, terms and fields in windows, and report outputs. Note that if the system is unilingual, the default is the primary language (as specified in the Global Parameters function) and you will not be able to change this parameter.
  • Addresses: Enter a complete address for each user.  A user can have multiple addresses.  The Is Main checkbox will determine whether the address in question will be used as the main address for the user.
  • Contacts: Enter a form of contact and the associated contact information for the user.  A user can have multiple Contacts.  The Is Main checkbox will determine whether the contact in question will be used as the main contact for the user.
  • Functional Class: The Functional Class field lets you assign a user to a specific level of access to selected functions within the FreeBalance Accountability Suite. This allows selection from the list of Functional Classes, specified during the system setup, and selection the applicable Functional Class for this user.