Advance Payment


Payment Advances are handled in a similar manner as Normal Planned Payments.  Unlike Normal Planned Payments, Payment Advances have a registry.  Contract Management facilitates the planing of Payment Advances.  The System also supports the registration of Payment Advances at the time the advance needs to be paid.

Each Payment Advance is associated with a Line Item of the Contract.  This enables the System to validate maximum Payment Advances amounts, because every Line Item allows defining a maximum limit for a better control within the Public Institution.  This feature allows the manipulation of different maximum limits depending on the Line Item.  For example: 10% as maximum limit for the Line Item Software but 20% for the Line Item Hardware.

Contract Payments include: Planned Payments, Payment Advances, and Payments already completed.




Contract Managementâ–șAdvance Payment



Advance Payment screen field

IdUnique identifier for the Advance Payment
Workflow StatusPayment Status possible values are: Planned, Completed, Approval Requested, Approved, Cancelled.  Default value is Planned.
Payment TypePayment Type may be: Normal Payment or Payment Advance.
Planned DatePlanned date for Payment. 
Document DateDate of the Vendor document/invoice or reference date of the approval document. 
Managed ContractContains contract and information such as: Payment Amount, Line Item, Payment Details, etc. 
Line ItemA Payment Advance must be referenced to a Line Item / Activity of the contract.This attribute is used in order to the system can validate maximum payment advances amounts, such maximum amounts are defined in Line Item entity.
Current Deducted Amount

Amount of payment advance currently deducted in one or several payments made after this advance.This is read-only and automatically calculated by the system. 

Offset CodeUsed to associate all the costs related a particular Contract Payment.  This attribute is mandatory for any Payment when it is completed.
Treasury Bank AccountBank account used for the Payment.
PercentageThe percentage of amount of payment.This is not a mandatory field. If value is entered, the amount field is updated based on the Percentage value. If not entered by the user, its calculated by the system, based on the value entered in the amount field. 
AmountPayment Amount of the Contract.  Amount is in the same currency as the Contract.
Document NumberNumber of the Vendor document/invoice or reference number of the approval document. 
Payment ResponsibleEmployee who is responsible for a Payment. 
Payment MethodPayment Method such as: Cash, Check, Transfer, etc.
Funding SourceFunding Source for Payment.  For example; Donations, Government, etc
Final AmountFinal Payment Amount = Original Payment Amount - Deductions + Exchange Rate Conversion.  Final amount is a monetary value in the domestic currency of the client.
LanguageLanguage used.
CommentsAny comment from the user about the Payment.