Revenue Distribution

Revenue Detail Statement


This feature contain the information of Payment Orders collected by Comercial Banks and process by the National Bank. Data will be populated by the interface when it receives Bank Statement.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ►Revenue Detail Statement


Revenue Detail Statement Field Description

Application IdApplication Id gets mentioned in this field.
Package IDPackage Id gets mentioned in this field.
Payment IDUnique identification Id of the payment inside the package.
Payment Order DatePayment Order date is mentioned in this field.
Payment Order IDPayment Order Id is mentioned in this field.
Transaction TypeTransaction type is entered in this field.
Payer NamePayer's name gets mentioned in thi field.
Payer AccountAccount number of the Payer is mentioned in this field.
Payer TINTIN number of Payer is entered in this field.
Payer UCEOUnion classifier enterprises and organizations of Payer is entered in this field.
Payer SFKRRegistration number of the payer in the Social Fund is mentioned in this field.
Payer Bank CodeBIC code of the payer's bank.
Payer Bank NameBank name of the payer.
Administrator Ledger Account16digits Adminstrator ledger account is entered in this field.
SymbolInteger is entered in this field.
Debit AmountDebit amount is entered.
Credit AmountCredit amount is entered.
Economical Classification CodeCode with CoA element is entered.
Description of PaymentA non-localized description of the payment as it came in the message.
StatusAvailable status are: Preliminary, Cancelled, Received, On distribution, Distributed, Unspecified, Manual update, Mapping required and Received with Error.
Receiver Bank Account NumberThe receiver's bank account number for default TSA.
Receiver Bank NameThe receiver's bank name where default TSA is located.
Receiver BICThe BIC code of the receiver's payer bank.
Payment Order TypeIndicates the type of payment or the original source that generates the revenue.
Original PaymentOriginal payment with refernce to Payment Id is entered in this field. This is useful for indicating a relationship to an original "parent" payment.
Sent to Tax or CustomIndicates if the record was already sent to TAX or CUSTOMS department.


Revenue Split By Budget


This feature contains the revenue split between different level of budgets.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Split By Budget


Revenue Split by Budget Field Description

CodeUnique identification code autogenerated by the system.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year related with Revenue split by budget is selected. 
ElementUser must select an element from Concept of Object at lowest level (GL level) from lookup functionality.
Revenue Budget TypeBudget Type Code is to be selected.
RatioDistribution percentage.
Start DateInitial Date.
End DateFinal Date.
ActiveIndicates whether the Revenue distribution is active or not. defalut value is true.


Revenue Budget Type


This Feature contains the Revenue Budget Levels.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Budget Type


Revenue Budget Type Field Description

CodeSystem auto-generated unique identification code.
ActiveIndicates whether Revenue Budget Type is available for use or for reference purpose only.
Fiscal YearFiscal year of Revenue Budget Type is mentioned in this field. The system assign the current active fiscal year.
State BudgetThe user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or Local budget from state budget drop-down list.
State Budget CategoryThe user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or Local budget from state budget category drop-down list.
Budget TypeThe user can select a predefined value that matches the corresponding value for a given configuration whether is Republican Budget or other from budget type list. 
Budget Type CategorySystem should display a list having the following options: Republican Budget, Republican Subordination, Regional, District, Rayon and Village.
Revenue Transaction Type Code

It is automatically generated by the system and will be used to identify in an easier way the transaction type for distribution purposes.

DescriptionA brief description about the Revenue Budget Type.


Revenue Distributed By Budget


Revenue Distributed By Budget contains all the distributed items for a specific process, including the corresponding financial Coding Blcoks that will be used to create necessary Invoice Vouchers to affect the Current Fiscal Year Budget and Excecution.


Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Distributed By Budget


Revenue Distributed By Budget Report Field Description

CodeUnique identification code auto-generated by the system.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year of Revenue Distributed by Budget.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal period of Revenue Distributed by Budget.
Total Amount (Domestic)Summary all of the amounts including all Distributed details.
Total Amount (Foreign)Summary all of the amounts including all Distributed details. When currency is domestic this value is zero by default.
Start DateProcess creation time which is automatically assigned by the system.
End DateAutomatically assigned by the system when the Process change to status "Commited".
Process StatusIndicates the status of the process. Available status are: Created, Voucher in Process, Commited, With Errors and Cancelled.
Collection AgencyCollection Agency Code is entered.
Invoice TypeIt may be either in Cash or Credit. Cash is the default value.
LanguageLanguage used to describe Revenue Distributed by Budget.
DescriptionDescription of Revenue Distributed By Budget.
CurrencyCurrency of the Voucher is shown. If general parameter "System accept multi-currency transaction" is false, then this field will be disabled and it's value is Domestic Currency.
Exchange RateExchange rate of foreign currency.
Revenue Voucher TypeThis field allows the user to classify the Invoice according to his needs.
Payment MethodPayment Method code automatically generated by the system.
Payment LocationThis field shall be populated by the system from the selected institution.
Payment ModeAutomatically generated by the system, it will be populated from the selected institution.
Treasury Bank AccountGovernment’s Bank Account where the payment will be Deposited. Only Bank Accounts (linked to the selected treasury bank account) having the currency same as the voucher currency will be allowed.
Offset CodeOfset code is short code of  full coding block which is assigned by the system during distribution process.
Bank DepositUnique ID of the Revenue Distribution Process.
Bank Deposit DateSystem Current Date when distribution take place.
DetailsDetails regarding Revenue Distribution by Budget is shown.


Revenue Distribution Treasury Ledger Codes Mapping


This table contain the mapping between "Administrator Ledger Account" codes and Chart of accounts Coding Blocks for revenue distribution.


Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Distribution Treasury Ledger Codes Mapping


Revenue Distribution Treasury Ledger Codes Mapping Field Description 

Fiscal YearReferences to the Current Fiscal year (the user can select the desired fiscal year to be used).
CoA GroupDefault Group is the, pre-defined COA Group marked as "Budget Execution Level". The user can select any of the groups available for the Current and Active CoA for the fiscal year. The user can select the group that will be used to define the mapping coding block between COA and Revenue Information received using the NBKR Interface.
Coding BlockIndicates the Coding Block mapped to a specific Fiscal year, Institution,  SLA serial number and Budget State type distribution.
InstitutionInstitution code to be entered.
State Budget CategoryIt may be either Local Budget or Republican Budget.


Revenue Budget Type Codes


Codes for Revenue Budget Type are managed from this screen.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Budget Type Codes ► Revenue Conclusion


Revenue Budget Type Codes Field Description

CodeUnique identification code assigned by the user.
TypeContains different values used in the Administrator Legder account at different levels when splitting information for distribution. Values are: State Budget and Budget Type.


Revenue Conclusion


This feature is used for registering all the revenue conclusions received from TAX/Customs interface. New rows for this entity can only be inserted via the Tax/Customs interface, the system cannot allow manually entering revenue conclusions only modifications on existing rows.


Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ► Revenue Conclusion


Revenue Conclusion Field Description

CodeUnique identification code of revenue Conclusion.
TypeValues may be: Re-Classification and Overpaid.
OriginIndicates the origin of this Revenue Conclusion: State Tax Agency and State Customs Agency.
Payment OrderPayment Order Id is mentioned.
DateDate and Time when this conclusion has been issued by Tax Authority.
Tax Authority CodeCode of Tax Authority is mentioned.
Tax Payer NameName of Tax payer.
Payer IdId of Payer gets mentioned.
Original Payment CodeThe original payment code submitted in payment order.
New Payment CodeApplicable when the reason of conclusion is tax code re-classification.
AmountThis attribute can be either the amount 'overpaid' or the original amount on payment order that is needed to be re-classified.
Rto1 AccountThis attribute references original RTO.
Rto2 AccountApplicable when there is a change in RTO as part of the 're-classification'.
Tax Payer Bank AccountApplicable when revenue Conclusion type is 'Overpaid', this is the bank account of the tax payer where the money must be returned (when conclusion requires money return).
StatusThis attribute can take one of the following values: Registered, Resolved and Erroneous. Default value is 'Registered', only a user with proper rights can mark as 'Erroneous' a conclusion.
Registered DateDate and time when this revenue conclusion has been automatically loaded via Tax/Customs Interface.
Resolution DateDate and time when this conclusion has been resolved or marked as erroneous.
Error CodeTo be provided by TAX/Customs, applicable when Status of conclusion is marked as erroneous.
Erroneous AttributeName of Erroneous Field Received from Revenue Conclusion. Applicable when Status of conclusion is marked as erroneous.
Journal VoucherThe Journal Voucher used for resolving this revenue conclusion. For manual resolutions this is a mandatory attribute.
Is Notified to Tax CustomsDefault value is False, indicates when this revenue conclusion has been notified to TAX/Customs.
LanguageLanguage used to describe Revenue Conclusion.
Error ReasonManually entered by user when status of revenue conclusion is changed to 'Erroneous'.