Revenue Detail Statement


This feature contain the information of Payment Orders collected by Comercial Banks and process by the National Bank. Data will be populated by the interface when it receives Bank Statement.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Distribution ►Revenue Detail Statement


Revenue Detail Statement Field Description

Application IdApplication Id gets mentioned in this field.
Package IDPackage Id gets mentioned in this field.
Payment IDUnique identification Id of the payment inside the package.
Payment Order DatePayment Order date is mentioned in this field.
Payment Order IDPayment Order Id is mentioned in this field.
Transaction TypeTransaction type is entered in this field.
Payer NamePayer's name gets mentioned in thi field.
Payer AccountAccount number of the Payer is mentioned in this field.
Payer TINTIN number of Payer is entered in this field.
Payer UCEOUnion classifier enterprises and organizations of Payer is entered in this field.
Payer SFKRRegistration number of the payer in the Social Fund is mentioned in this field.
Payer Bank CodeBIC code of the payer's bank.
Payer Bank NameBank name of the payer.
Administrator Ledger Account16digits Adminstrator ledger account is entered in this field.
SymbolInteger is entered in this field.
Debit AmountDebit amount is entered.
Credit AmountCredit amount is entered.
Economical Classification CodeCode with CoA element is entered.
Description of PaymentA non-localized description of the payment as it came in the message.
StatusAvailable status are: Preliminary, Cancelled, Received, On distribution, Distributed, Unspecified, Manual update, Mapping required and Received with Error.
Receiver Bank Account NumberThe receiver's bank account number for default TSA.
Receiver Bank NameThe receiver's bank name where default TSA is located.
Receiver BICThe BIC code of the receiver's payer bank.
Payment Order TypeIndicates the type of payment or the original source that generates the revenue.
Original PaymentOriginal payment with refernce to Payment Id is entered in this field. This is useful for indicating a relationship to an original "parent" payment.
Sent to Tax or CustomIndicates if the record was already sent to TAX or CUSTOMS department.