My Organization

Auditor Organization

BlackListed Vendor


This will allow the Institution Assigned users to create and maintain a list of vendors with blacklist records.



Registration ► BlackListed Suppliers

BlackListed Suppliers screen field and Tabs




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.


If it is a Joint venture


Reference to the blacklisted vendor.


The name of the Organization that is blacklisting the Vendor.

Organization Address

Organization address

Issuance Date/Time

Date when the blacklisted project was issued

Start Date/Time

Date when the blacklisted project Starts

Completion Date

Date when the blacklisted project ends.

Project Name

type of flaw

Offence Committed

Reasons why the vendor was blacklisted. Reference to the law or procedure can also be included here.

Last Update

Last User who enter or modified this record. Automatically populated by the system with the user who is logged in.

Last Update Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

Automatically populated by the system with the last date when this record was modified.


The user will use the 'Actions Dialogue Box´in order to insert actions related to the given vendor.

User: Supplier
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to BlackListed Vendor option.
  3. System presents BlackListed Vendor form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the BlackListed Vendor information form presented by the system.
  6. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Contact vendor information.
  7. If users does not save the BlackListed Vendor information, system does not record it and shows error message.

CSO Organization


Refers to Catalogue containing information related to Civil Society Organizations that can be invited to observe a bid. CSO Organization must be added in the Audit trail.



My Organization ► Organization Profile


Civil Society Organization screen fields and Tabs

CodeThis is an Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is left padded with zeros.
NameName given by the user to the CSO
CSO TypeThis is the Type of Community Service Organization
Nature of OrganizationThis is the Nature of Organization
Is ActiveThe possible values available for this chcekbox are True/False .By defualt this is true.
Workflow Status

Workflow related. Possible values are 'Created'; 'Send for Approval'; 'Approved'; 'Rejected'. Default Value is 'Created'.

Workflow Process TransitionProcess transition from one state to other.
Is Registered Thorugh Web Portal

Possible Values: TRUE/FALSE.This attribute will indentify if the CSO was generated using the REGISTER form - outside the GRP - or by the GRP sys admin/assigned user.

Registered DateDate in which the CSO was registered.
CountryCountry of Origin Of the CSO
RegionRegion where the CSO is located
ProvinceConfiguration Stage, user defined
City MunicipalityConfiguration Stage, user defined
Street AddressStreet Address, user defined
Zip CodeUser defined field for registration purposes.
Coverage RegionThis states the region of the CSO and is a collection from 1 to many.
BarangayBarangay is Region Type.



CSO Registration

Users: CSO & ADMIN

1.      CSO select Online Registration Option on the log in page.

2.      Enters the email and submit, system will send the registration form in email.

3.      CSO opens the Registration form from email and enters the required information.

4.      CSO submits the Registration form for approval from PhilGEPS.

5.      Submission creates a pending task for ADMIN users.

6.      Pending task appears in screen for ADMIN Users to open and check the details of submitted information.

7.      ADMIN user have the option to check for potential duplicates that already exist based on Registration number. (Exceptions are for Multilateral

         Bank and Oversight Agency as they doesn’t require Registration Number).

8.      ADMIN user has the option to Approve or Reject the agency registration.

9.      If Approved, system generates the User automatically based on the combination of first character of First Name and complete Last Name,

         and sends the email notification to the contact’s email containing Username and password.

10.     If Rejected, information stays in the system but with status = Rejected.




This refers to  a professional who provides expert advice in this particular area of organisation.



My Organization ► Consultant


Consultant screen fields and Tab




This is an Unique identifier. A Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is  system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.

First Name

First name of the consultant.

Middle NameMiddle name of the consultant.
Last NameLast name of the consultant.
NationalityNationality of the consultant.
Carriculam VitaeCarriculam Vitae attached for the details of the consultant.
User: Suppliers
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to consultant option.
  3. System presents consultant form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the consultant information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Carriculam Vitae for a particular consultant.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the consultant information.
  8. If users does not save the consultant information.

Contact CSO


Contact CSO contains the catalogue for contacts in the CSO organization as registered in the system. 



My Organization ► Contact CSO


Contact CSO screen fields and Tab




This is an Unique identifier. A Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is  system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.


Possible Values:True/False.Default value is True.If true, the Contact can be used and referenced.


Title for salutation. It is a mandatory field.

First Name

First or given name field.

Middle Name

Middle name field.

Last Name

Last name field.


Gender of CSO contact for PhilGEPS. The Possible Values is MALE/FEMALE.

Fax Number

Fax Number of the CSO Contact.

Telephone Code 

Numeric Telephone Country Code like: “234”, “351”.

Telephone Number

Numeric telephonic number.

Mobile Number

Mobile Number of the Contact.


Email address of the CSO contact.

Supporting Document

Attachments Upload collection from 1 to many.


Designation of the PhilGEPS contact for CSO

User Role

The user role is Assigned by the System Administrator.

Application User

Application user for the CSO Contact.

User: CSO
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Contact CSO option.
  3. System presents Contact CSO form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Contact CSO information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Contact CSO.
  7. Assign User Role and Application user for the CSO Contact.
  8. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Contact CSO information.
  9. If users does not save the Contact CSO information, system does not record it and shows error message.

Contact Vendor


Refers to the valid contact or contacts for a Vendor (Supplier) according to membership type. It must be  able to register any record according to needs.



Registration ► Contact Vendor


Contact Vendor screen field and Tabs




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.


Title for salutation

First Name

First or given name

Middle Name

Middle name

Last name

Last name


Possible Values is: MALE/FEMALE


Possible Values: True/False.By Defaultvalue is True.

Application User

Application user for the Vendor Contact

User Role

The reference is the entity user.Assigned by the System Administrator.


Designation of the Organization


Contact Details of the vendor.


The information regarding the vendor

User: Vendor
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Contact vendor option.
  3. System presents Contact vendor form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Contact vendor information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Contact vendor.
  7. Assign User Role and Application user for the vendor Contact.
  8. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Contact vendor information.
  9. If users does not save the Contact vendor information, system does not record it and shows error message.


Attachments screen fields and Tabs



System generated unique id code in corresponding to the attachments.


Title of the attachment


Short description of the attachment


Field to attach a file in support of the attachment.

Date Time

Date and time of the attachment.


User associated with the attachment




Refers to the valid contact or contacts for a Supplier. It must be  able to register any record according to needs.



My Organization ► Contact

Contact screen field and Tabs




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.


Title for salutation

First Name

First or given name

Middle Name

Middle name

Last name

Last name


Possible Values is: MALE/FEMALE


Possible Values: True/False.By Defaultvalue is True.

Application User Profile

Application user for the Supplier

Application User Profile

The reference is the entity user Assigned by the System Administrator.


Designation of the Organization


Contact Details of the Supplier .


The information regarding the Supplier Contact

User: Buyer
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Contact option.
  3. System presents Contact form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Contact information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Contact.
  7. Assign User Role and Application user for the Contact.
  8. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Contact information.
  9. If users does not save the Contact information, system does not record it and shows error message.

Contacts Institutions

Document Library


Refers to the list of forms used by: Procuring Entities, Suppliers, BAC Members as a requirement during registration, notice creation, bid opening, bid evaluation, post qualification and awarding.  This entity is maintained by the System Administrator. It enables adding form base ond the requirements need.


My Organization ► Document Library


Document Library screen fields and Tab




This is an Unique identifier. A Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is  system generated, it is then left padded with zeros.


Possible Values is checked/unchecked. Default value is checked.

Is Joint Venture

Possible Values is checked/unchecked. Default value is unchecked.


The vendor creating the eligibility document.


Document Name to be filled here.


Possible Values is checked/unchecked. Default value is checked.

Is Eligible

Possible Values is checked/unchecked. Default value is unchecked.

Document Type

Document type code for the document in the Library.
Document Category

Document category code.

Library Archive Section

Section of the library were the document can be allocated. This will enable the user to classify the documents per section. Document usage will be facilitated.


Attachments to Upload.

Added Fields

The reference for the collection is Document Field Maintenance.

User: Suppliers
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Document Library option.
  3. System presents Document Library form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Document Library information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Document Library.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Document Library information.
  8. If users does not save the Document Library information.


MY Organization Profile



Membership Request


This entity will enable both Supplier and Joint Venture to:

  • Renew
  • Upgrade
  • Downgrade



My Organization ► Membership Request


Membership Request screen Fields




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Is Joint Venture

Possible Values is Checked/Unchecked. Default is Unchecked

Request Type

Possible Values are ‘Renewal’; ‘Upgrade’; ‘Downgrade’. Default Value is ‘Renew’

Workflow Process Status

Possible Values are ‘Create’; ‘Request Approval’; ‘Approved for Payment’; ‘Approved’; 'Rejected'. Default Value is ‘Create’.

Rejection Date

The combination of Date and Time. When the request rejected.


The ID of the vendor posting the request.

Vendor Name

Name of the vendor.

Membership Type

Type of Membership that the vendor selects to upgrade, downgrade or or decides to renew.

Membership Fee Amount

The fee amount for the selected Membership.

OR Number

Number for the OR.

OR Date/Time

The combination of Date and Time. When the OR was Generated.

Subscription Approved               

The combination of Date and Time. When the subscription was approved.

Transaction Reference Number

The reference FY for the subscription Request.



Attachments Upload.


Eligibility Documents

List of elements regarding mandatory of specific documents uploaded.

Membership Request Receipt

When a Membeship Request transaction occurs, a receipt must be generated and saved as an Attachment.



User: Supplier

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Membership Request option.
  3. System presents Membership Request form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User update the Membership Request information form presented by the system.
  6. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Membership Request information.
  7. If users does not save the Membership Request information, system does not record it.

Ongoing/Completed Projects


This process allows the Vendor to maintain the list of ongoing and/or completed projects by Procurement Classification. The system also provides a quick summary of all the projects that the Vendor has participated in.



My Organization ► Ongoing/Completed Projects

Ongoing/Completed Projects screen Fields and Tabs




Number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.

Procurement Classification

Classification of the Procurement type.

Project Status

Present Status of the project. Completed or Ongoing.

Contract Name

Name of the Contract

UNSPSC Main Category

Catelouge item classification.
Item Code

Catelouge item code as per project.


Relevent doccumets to attach.


User: Supplier

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Ongoing/Completed Projects option.
  3. System presents Ongoing/Completed Projects form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Ongoing/Completed Projects information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Supporting Document for a particular Ongoing/Completed Projects.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Ongoing/Completed Projects information.
  8. If users does not save the Ongoing/Completed Projects information, system does not record it.

Organization Read Only

Product/Service Listing


Product/Service Listing is comes in my organisation for suppliers and platinum members.


My Organization ► Product/Service Listing


Product/Service Listing screen fields and Tab




Number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.


Name of the Product Service.


Short descripition of the related Product Service.

UNSPSC Main Category

Catelouge item classification.
Product Service Image

Attach Image of the product service to the form.

User: Suppliers
  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Product/Service Listing option.
  3. System presents Product/Service Listing form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Product/Service Listing information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Image of the product service for a particular Product/Service Listing.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Product/Service Listing information.
  8. If users does not save the Product/Service Listing information.


Public Contact List


This entity will allow to Create and Manage a Public Contact List per Government Agency – Institution/ Buyer.



My Organization ► Public Contact List


Public Contact List screen fields and Tab



Code (ID)

Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.


Classification of the list  accordingly to the type of service.

Head Of Procuring Entity

Name of the Head of Procuring Agency

BAC Members

Collection of Contacts to be Public as Bac Members

Technical Working Group

Collection of Contacts to be Public as Technical Working Group

BAC Secretariat

Collection of Contacts to be Public as BAC Secretariat

Head Of PMO / End User

Collection of Contacts to be Public as Head Of PMO / End User

Project Consultant

Collection of Contacts to be Public as Head Of PMO / End User



Public Contact List

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Head Of Procuring Entity, Classification, Technical Working Group, BAC Secretariat, Head Of PMO / End User, Project Consultant and BAC Members.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.

Sub Organization


This sections describes the process that will allow the PhilGEPS user to list the existing child institutions for a given institution.



My Organization ► Sub Organization


Sub Organization screen Fields


User Name

Name of the Logged in user.


Enable System calendar. Default log in current date.


Display Log In system time

Institution ID

ID of the Parent institution


Acronym of the Parent institution

Parent Organization Name

Name of the Parent organization

Parent organization Address

Address Of the Parent Organization

Child Organization ID

Organization ID

Child Organization Name

Organization Name


Location of the Organization


Status of the Organization. Active: TRUE/FALSE



User: Supplier

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Sub Organization option.
  3. System presents Ongoing/Completed Projects form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Search’ Button.
  5. User update the Sub Organization information form presented by the system.
  6. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Sub Organization information.
  7. If users does not save the Sub Organization information, system does not record it.

Supplier Organization


Refers to the information regarding supplier’s registration and their membership levels. In the Philippines, there is no a Goverment's Agency in charge of registring the merchants to provide a unique ID for them, that is why depending on the form of organization the registration of vendors will vary.

NOTE: This entity must be added to the Audit trail.



Registration ► Vendor


Vendor screen fields and Tab




It is an Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, then it is left padded with zeros.


True by defaultIf true, the Supplier can be reference else the Supplier has been “Cancelled” and cannot be used and referenced.

Form of Organization

It Is a closed domain Possible Values are :“Partnership”;“Corporation”;“Single Proprietorship”;“Cooperative”;“Foreign Company/Organization”;“Individual Local Consultant”;“Individual Foreign Consultant”

Vendor Type

Values are: Joint Venture, others. This  indicate's whether a Vendor is participating in a joint venture or other types available in the FB system

Organisation Name

The name of the organisation

Workflow Process Transition

This shows the workflow process transition

Workflow Status

Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are:‘Created’,‘Approval Requested’,‘Approved’,‘Rejected’,'Cancelled', The Default value is ‘Created’.


Default read-only attribute it is the Country of the vendor


Region for registration purposes. 

Street Address

Strret Address of the vendor

Membership Vendor

Supplier’s Membership Type

Membership Effective Date

This is the last day of the effectivity of the vendor’s membership. This date change's when the Vendor  renews, upgrade or downgrade the membership type.

Registration Active Date

Date of activationhe date when the supplier is approved as a valid supplier.

Business Tax Identifier Number

This is the Corporate Tax identification Number


Company’s capitalization

Performance Rating

This references the performance rating of the supplier.It is not visible during registration.

Is Blacklisted

Suppliers listed as "Blacklisted" are barred from participating in government procurement opportunities.

Blacklisted date

This is the eference to system date in which the vendor was blacklisted.



Vendor Registration


  1. Supplier selects Online Registration Option on the log in page.
  2. Enters the email and submit, system  sends the registration form in email.
  3. Supplier opens the Registration form from email and enters the required information.
  4. Supplier submits the Registration form for approval from PhilGEPS.
  5. Submission creates a pending task for ADMIN users.
  6. Pending task appears in screen for ADMIN Users to open and check the details of submitted information.
  7. ADMIN user have the option to check for potential duplicates that already exist based on TIN number/DTI Certificate Number.
  8. ADMIN user has the option to Approve or Reject the agency registration.
  9. If Approved, system generates the User automatically based on the combination of first character of First Name and complete Last Name, and send the email notification to the contact’s email containing Username and password.
  10. If Rejected, information stays in the system but with status = Rejected.