In The Philippines Islands the groups in charge of conducting Bids are called 'BAC', and refers to the Bids and Awards Committee established to conduct the bids.
The constitution of a BAC in the Institution may vary from one structure to the other and the reason is because some BACs are specific for specific Modes to Procure.
The maintenance of this struture is assigned to the System Administrator.
Maintined only by ‘User Administrator’ or ‘Super Users’, it contains the different functional roles definitions during the bidding process, it is not a role for a system user but the role a registrated user in: Vendor, Institution, CSO or Auditor entities plays in the bid process.
After creating and configuring the User Roles, the ‘User Administrator’ assign users that is related to those roles.
Support Entities ► BAC Group
BAC Group screen Fields
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identification code of BAC Group either entered by users or system generated as defined by set-up parameter. |
Active | If true, the BAC Group can be used and referenced. |
Institution | Institution related to BAC Group to be selected from lokup button. |
Description | Full description of the objectives of this role, comments and observations. |
BAC Members | Members of BAC group is to be added from this tab. |