Claim Management

Procurement Claim


This entity contains all the Claim Types such as ‘Procurement Document Claim’, ‘Bid Evaluation Claim’, ‘Contract Claim’, etc. Also this entity defines System Source of the claim such as Procurement, Contract Management, etc. because claims can be done from any System.



My PhilGeps Claim Management ► Protest Mechanism


Procurement Claim screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Is Protest

if checked indicates whether it is a "Protest" type.

Is Request For Consideration

if selected indicates whether it is for reconsideration

Claim Type

Claim type that it is related to the Procurement Claim.

Notice ID

The parent notice of the Claim process regarding a Bid Evaluation

Bid Evaluation

This is the 'Approved' Bid Evaluation related with Document against which Claim has been submitted.

Is Joint Venture

if selected indicates a Joint Venture


The Vendor creating the Claim

Vendor Name

Name of the Vendor creating the claim

Joint Venture

The Joint Venture creating the Claim

Joint Venture Name

Name of the Joint Venture creating the claim

Submitted By

Institution submitting the claim.

Claim Reason

Reason for the claim

Date/Time Submitted

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

On Transtion: ‘Approval Requested’;

WFP Status

Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are:



‘Approval Requested’;




Default Value = 'Created'.

Approved Claim Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Approved

Rejected Claim Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Rejected

Archived Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Archived


Attachments Uploaded

Original Claim

The user will use this attribute if a re-claim is to be posted.




  1. user is logged into the system.
  2. user enters the required data and submits the form.
  3. user requests approval for the submission, from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Administrator will receive a pending request for request transition.
  5. Administrator opens the form submitted for approval,
  6. Administrator requests approval and approves the payment if everything is okay else rejects the approval requested.


Procurement Claim Resolution


This entity represents a Claim Resolution stated by a BAC.



My PhilGeps Claim Management Procurement Claim Resolution


Procurement Claim Resolution screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Claim ID

The Claim entity associated to this Claim resolution.

Claim Decision

The decision made by the Claim resolution committee regarding the Claim originally submitted.

Claim Justification

A brief justification of the decision.

Claim Resolution Document

Attachments Upload 

Claim Resolution Committee Members

All the employees that are part of the claim resolution committee.

Resolution Additional Files

Attachments Upload

Claim Resolution Type

Upon acceptance or rejection of the Claim, the Claim Responsible User must enter a Claim Resolution Type in order to Typify the Resolution. Resolution types have two dimensions:

  1. For 'Acceptance’;
  2. For 'Rejection’;

WFP Status

The workflow must be configured with the following basic stages (however stages can be configured according to the customer specific needs) : Default Created

Approval Requested;

Default = 'Created'




  1. user is logged into the system.
  2. user enters the required data and submits the form.
  3. user requests approval for the submission, from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Administrator will receive a pending request for request transition.
  5. Administrator opens the form submitted for approval,
  6. Administrator requests approval and approves the payment if everything is okay else rejects the approval requested.