This module provides functionliaty to register Merchants (Vendors), Buyers, CSO and Auditors. GOP-OMR stands for Government of Philippines - Official Merchants Registery.This feature will be used to capture information regarding merchants or prospective suppliers’, Buyers, Civil Society Organizations and Auditors. Will also facilitates uploading of supporting documents as evidence of entity’s existence and legality.This is also the facility where the system administrator will review the information for approval or disapproval of the prospective supplier’s membership and things related.
Refers to Catalogue containing information related to Auditors registered in the system. The Auditors have to be registered and approved by the System Administrator in order to participate in a bid as an observer.
Registration ► Auditors
Auditors screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identifier. Setup parameter determines if entered by user or system generated. If system generated, it becomes left padded with zeros. |
Active | This checkbox is marked as checked/unchecked. By default it is marked Checked. |
WorkFlow Status | Possible values are Created; Send for Approval; Approved; Rejected. Default Value is 'Created'. |
Acronym | Acronym of the Agency. |
Former Name | Former Name field of the auditor. |
Government Branch | Government Branch to which the Government Agency belongs. |
Organization Type | Type of organisation to classify the Audit Agency. |
Tax Identification Number | Tax identification number associated with the Auditor. |
Website | The corresponding website associated with the Auditor. |
Country | Country of the Auditor. |
Region | Region for Registration purposes. |
Street Address | Street Address of the auditor. |
ZipCode | Zip code for registration purposes. |
Description | A short description about the Auditor. |
Agency Name | Name of the Agency. |
Registered Through Web Portal | This checkbox is marked as checked/unchecked. |
Approved Date | Date in which the auditor was approved by the assigned system admin or user. |
Auditors | Selection of Government employees as auditor. |
Institutions | Assigned Institutions as an auditor. |
Supporting Documents | Supporting documents to the PhilGEPS Business relationship |
Audit Individual Agency | Selection of Government employees as ab auditor for Individual Agency. |
Auditor Registration
Refers to Catalogue containing information related to Civil Society Organizations that can be invited to observe a bid.
Registration ► Civil Society Organization
Civil Society Organization screen fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | This is an Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is left padded with zeros. |
Name | Name given by the user to the CSO |
CSO Type | This is the Type of Community Service Organization |
Nature of Organization | This is the Nature of Organization |
Is Active | The possible values available for this chcekbox are True/False .By defualt this is true. |
Workflow Status | Workflow related. Possible values are 'Created'; 'Send for Approval'; 'Approved'; 'Rejected'. Default Value is 'Created'. |
Workflow Process Transition | Process transition from one state to other. |
Is Registered Thorugh Web Portal | Possible Values: TRUE/FALSE.This attribute will indentify if the CSO was generated using the REGISTER form - outside the GRP - or by the GRP sys admin/assigned user. |
Registered Date | Date in which the CSO was registered. |
Country | Country of Origin Of the CSO |
Region | Region where the CSO is located |
Province | Configuration Stage, user defined |
City Municipality | Configuration Stage, user defined |
Street Address | Street Address, user defined |
Zip Code | User defined field for registration purposes. |
Coverage Region | This states the region of the CSO and is a collection from 1 to many. |
Barangay | Barangay is Region Type. |
CSO Registration
Users: CSO & ADMIN
1. CSO select Online Registration Option on the log in page.
2. Enters the email and submit, system will send the registration form in email.
3. CSO opens the Registration form from email and enters the required information.
4. CSO submits the Registration form for approval from PhilGEPS.
5. Submission creates a pending task for ADMIN users.
6. Pending task appears in screen for ADMIN Users to open and check the details of submitted information.
7. ADMIN user have the option to check for potential duplicates that already exist based on Registration number. (Exceptions are for Multilateral
Bank and Oversight Agency as they doesn’t require Registration Number).
8. ADMIN user has the option to Approve or Reject the agency registration.
9. If Approved, system generates the User automatically based on the combination of first character of First Name and complete Last Name,
and sends the email notification to the contact’s email containing Username and password.
10. If Rejected, information stays in the system but with status = Rejected.
Fields Of Interest screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | User specific unique code. |
Name | Name of the interest |
Description | A short description regarding the interest |
Active | A checkbox with possible values True/False |
Coverage Provinces scrren field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Code | An unique user specific code |
Name | Name of the Province |
This entity contains the catalogue for contacts in the Auditor organization as registered in the system.
Registration ► Contacts Auditors
Contacts Auditors screen fields and Tab
Field | Description |
Code | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is then left padded with zeros. |
Is Active | Possible Values:True/False.Default value is True. |
Institution | Identifies the Institution (PE) to which the contact is assigned to |
Application User | Application user for the Auditor |
Name Prefix | AVailable values to be inserted before a name are Ms./Mr |
First Name | First or given name |
Middle Name | Middle name of the Auditor |
Last Name | Last name of the Auditor |
Telephone Code | Numeric Telephone Country Code like: “234”, “351”.If Mobile Number is blank, the Telephone fields are required |
Telephone Number | Telephone number.If Mobile Number is blank, the Telephone fields are required |
Mobile Number | Mobile Number of the Contact.If Telephone fields are blank, Mobile Number field is required. |
Email address of the contact auditor. |
Refers to the information regarding supplier’s registration and their membership levels. In the Philippines, there is no a Goverment's Agency in charge of registring the merchants to provide a unique ID for them, that is why depending on the form of organization the registration of vendors will vary.
NOTE: This entity must be added to the Audit trail.
Registration ►Vendor
Vendor screen fields and Tab
Fields | Description |
Code | It is an Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, then it is left padded with zeros. |
Active | True by defaultIf true, the Supplier can be reference else the Supplier has been “Cancelled” and cannot be used and referenced. |
Form of Organization | It Is a closed domain Possible Values are :“Partnership”;“Corporation”;“Single Proprietorship”;“Cooperative”;“Foreign Company/Organization”;“Individual Local Consultant”;“Individual Foreign Consultant” |
Vendor Type | Values are: Joint Venture, others. This indicate's whether a Vendor is participating in a joint venture or other types available in the FB system |
Organisation Name | The name of the organisation |
Workflow Process Transition | This shows the workflow process transition |
Workflow Status | Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are:‘Created’,‘Approval Requested’,‘Approved’,‘Rejected’,'Cancelled', The Default value is ‘Created’. |
Country | Default read-only attribute it is the Country of the vendor |
Region | Region for registration purposes. |
Street Address | Strret Address of the vendor |
Membership Vendor | Supplier’s Membership Type |
Membership Effective Date | This is the last day of the effectivity of the vendor’s membership. This date change's when the Vendor renews, upgrade or downgrade the membership type. |
Registration Active Date | Date of activationhe date when the supplier is approved as a valid supplier. |
Business Tax Identifier Number | This is the Corporate Tax identification Number |
Capitalization | Company’s capitalization |
Performance Rating | This references the performance rating of the supplier.It is not visible during registration. |
Is Blacklisted | Suppliers listed as "Blacklisted" are barred from participating in government procurement opportunities. |
Blacklisted date | This is the eference to system date in which the vendor was blacklisted. |
Vendor Registration
This entity refers to Catalogue containing information related to the projects that a Vendor is currently executing and/or has already completed.
Registration ► Vendor Project List
Vendor Project List screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. If it is system generated, it is then left padded with zeros. |
Procurement Classification | Possible Values:Civile works,Goods,Consulting Services,Goods-General Support Services,Default value is Goods |
Project Status | Possible Values: On-Going,Completed. |
Contract Name | Name or Title of the Project/Contract |
UNSPSC Main Category | Based on the UNSPSC Code, system automatically records the Main Category of the item |
Item Code | Specifies the UNSPSC Code of an item being served in the project. |
Attchments | Information regarding the vendor project list. |
Attachments screen fields and Tabs
Field | Description |
Id | System generated unique id code in corresponding to the attachments. |
Title | Title of the attachment |
Description | Short description of the attachment |
Attachment | Field to attach a file in support of the attachment. |
Date Time | Date and time of the attachment. |
User | User associated with the attachment |