Revenue Invoice Target Stage


Bulk update of the transition stage of Revenue Invoice is done through this screen. Target stage may be: Cancelled, Rejected, Approved, Approval Requested and Created.



Revenue Management ► Revenue Invoice Target Stage


Revenue Invoice Target Stage Field Description

Fiscal YearCurrent Fiscal Year for Budget Execution.
Fiscal PeriodCurrent Fiscal Period for Budget Execution.
Target StageDefault Value is Approved. System will filter all the Revene Invoices that are subject to get this workflow status and according to Data Access Security of the user.
Invoice Date FromDate of the starting invoice. System current date is the default value.
Invoice Date ToDate of last invoice. System current date is the default value.
CustomerCustomer code is to be selected. Look up functionality to search by relevant criteria.
Revenue Invoice TypeType of the Revenue Invoices for which the Target stage is for.
Collection AgencyCollection agency is to be selected. This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria.
Treasury Bank AccountTreasury bank account is to be selected. This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria.
Domestic Amount FromTotal domestic amount of invoice from where search criteria starts. Default value is zero.
Domestic Amount ToTotal domestic amount of invoice up to which search criteria ends. Default value is zero.
Invoice ClassificationAppropriate Invoice classification is to be selected.This field has look up functionality to search by relevant criteria.
Bank Deposit FromBank deposit number is to be entered in this field. The number from where the search criteria starts.
Bank Deposit ToBank deposit number is to be entered in this field. The number up to where the search criteria lasts.
Payment LocationPayment location entity is to be selected from the lookup attribute.
Payment ModePayment mode entity is to be selected from the lookup attribute.
Revenue Invoice RangeWhether revenue invoice's range is applied in this screen is either checked or unchecked.
Invoice Id FromThe strarting number of the range of Invoice Id.
Invoice Id ToThe last number of the range of Invoice Id.