Annual Procurement Plan


When the Procuring Entity is uploading data for the first time in the System, it is considered as the Initial APP(Annual Procurement Plan) while the subsequent uploading is considered by the System as the supplemental information.  Only one (1) file at a time per Procuring Entity is uploaded then the system validates and if it is accepted, it is recorded in the system.

Data related to the APP  and supplemental data uploaded by the Procuring Entities is contained here, once it is approved by the Authorities.  It's the reference and validation for the Procuring Entity at the moment of a Notice Creation and Notice Approval for every item they want to purchase.



Annual Plan ► Annual Procurement Plan


Annual Procurement Plan screen fields and Tab




This is a system generated APP Id for each Procuring Agency.

Institution Element

This is the CoA Element of the concept selected in the parameter Location of the module

Fiscal Year

Automatically populated by the system from the APP Template file

Loaction Element

This is the CoA Element of the concept selected in parameter location of the module

Last User

It Is the user entity the Last user who updated, system automatically populates this value based on the user logged in.

Last upload On

It Is the user entity the last date and time of last update, automatically populated by the system with System date.


This is the only attribute that user is able to modify (manually enter) as the rest are automatically populated by the system with information in the APP Template file



Annual Procurement Plan

Users: BUYER

1.      Procuring Agency chooses to upload a file prepared in excel format

2.      System displays the page where APP loaded is, user goes to the bottom of the screen and select button for uploading an APP file.

3.      System parses file.

a. If parsing is successful then

- System adds data as Initial APP, 

- for APP Supplement, the information like amounts and dates (if applicable) for the code is replaced, but no recalculation is done. However, the link of the item to the bid notice remains, in case there is already a bid notice linked to the item.

b. If parsing is unsuccessful, file is rejected and a message is sent to the user. The error message identifies the row where the error occurred.

Award Notice


This entiy enables the BAC to award the notice to a specific vendor or Joint Venture. The Award might be:

  1. Item Level
  2. Lot Level


My PhilGeps Award Notice

Notice screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

WFP Status

Possible Values: Created;Request Approval;Approved;Proceed;Approved-Awarded;Awarded-Contract Take-Over;Cancelled;

Award Notice Type

Possible values: 'Normal Award Notice'; 'AMP Award Notice'

Bid Evaluation

The Bid Evaluation Parent of the ranking

Awarded Item

The Item to be awarded to the Vendor or Joint Venture

Awarded Notice

The awarded notice

Ranked List Of Vendors

The Final vendor for the Bid Evaluation Process


The vendor list per ranking


Possible Values:

'Critical Plant Components',

'Exclusive Dealer/Manufacturer',

'Proprietary in Nature',

'Goods - General Support Services',



Default value = 'Proprietary in Nature'


Control Number

A reference number for the Award Notice, user defined

Approved Budget

Amount allocated for the project

Area of Delivery

The region where the Items are to be delivered

Delivery Period

Number of days for the items to be delivered

Procuring Entity

The parent institution for the award notice

Contract No.:

Contract number for the Notice of Award

Contract /Official Receipt No.

Official receipt for the contact act

Award date

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

of the Award Notice


Contract Amount

Amount entitled for the budget

Contract Title

A description about the contract

Award Resolution/Reason

A description regarding the Award Resolution

Line item

The item/items awarded to the vendor

BAC Resolution Attachment

Supporting documents to the Bid Evaluation Process.

Notice to Proceed

An award process requires a notice to proceed in order to be finalized




1. User is logged into the system.
2. When a bidder (vendor) has been awarded for a specific notice and he/she has accepted the award  ,then               
      a.The notice is considered Awarded
3.  This is the last status of the Notice hence last change for an Auditor to upload a report.

BAC Maintenance


In The Philippines Islands the groups in charge of conducting Bids are called 'BAC', and refers to the Bids and Awards Committee established to conduct the bids.

The constitution of a BAC in the Institution may vary from one structure to the other and the reason is because some BACs are specific for specific Modes to Procure.

The maintenance of this struture is assigned to the System Administrator.


BAC Group


Maintined only by ‘User Administrator’ or ‘Super Users’, it contains the different functional roles definitions during the bidding process, it is not a role for a system user but the role a registrated user in: Vendor, Institution, CSO or Auditor entities plays in the bid process.

After creating and configuring the User Roles, the ‘User Administrator’ assign users that is related to those roles.



Support Entities ► BAC Group


BAC Group screen Fields




Unique identification code of BAC Group either entered by users or system generated as defined by set-up parameter.


If true, the BAC Group can be used and referenced.


Institution related to BAC Group to be selected from lokup button.


Full description of the objectives of this role, comments and observations.

BAC Members

Members of BAC group is to be added from this tab.




  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to BAC Group creation option.
  3. User enters the required information for BAC group.
  4. User enters BAC members information
  5. System validates the number of members in order to save
  6. If validation is Ok, system saves information else prompts an error message.

Bid Evaluation

Awarded Vendor


This entity records the final result of the evaluation made to Bid Responses from Vendors.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Awarded Vendor


Awarded Vendor screen fields and tab




Unique identification code.

Awarded Date

Date when the Bid Evaluation process finished. Automatically assigned by the system

Bid Evaluation

Refers to the Bid Evaluation entity.

Short List Awarded Vendor

Collection of zero or more 'Short Listed Vendors Awarded' entity.



Awarded Vendor

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Code, Awarded Date and Bid Evaluation.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.

Bid Evaluation


This entity records the evaluation of the submitted prices, including cost of all taxes like VAT, income tax, local tax and other fiscal levies and duties which are itemized in the bid form and are reflected in the detailed estimates. The BAC or the Technical Working Group will then calculate the total price based on the corrections and/or modifications in case of discrepancies.



My PhilGEPS►Bid Evaluation ► Bid Evaluation
Bid Evaluation screen fields and tabs




Unique identification code.

Bid Evaluation Date

Date when the Bid Evaluation is saved.

Workflow Status

Workflow Status of the Bid Evaluation as defined in Workflow configuration section.

Workflow Process Transition

Workflow Transition as defined in Workflow configuration section.


The Notice related to the Bid Evaluation.

Procurement Document Responses Presented

True, if Bid Response exist related to the Notice Id.

False, if no Bid Response exist related to the Notice Id.


The procuring government agency. 

Evaluation remarks

General information related to the evaluation process.


Reason for the Bid Evaluation.

Bid Evaluation Committee Members

The employees that are part of the Evaluation Committee.

Bid Vendor Evaluation

It is a collection of cero to more ‘Bid Vendor Evaluation’ for vendors with a Bid Response related to the Notice.



Annual Procurement Plan

Users: BUYER


  1. Buyer is logged into the system.
  2. From the Bid Evaluation form, logged in Buyer enters the necessary details and submits the form.
  3. Buyer requests approval for the submission, from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Administrator will receive a pending request for membership request transition.
  5. Administrator opens the form submitted for approval, enters and makes any modifications if required.
  6. Administrator requests approval , from the Workflow Transition if everything is okay else rejects the membership approval requested.
  7. If approved, Administrator receives a pending request for the transition.
  8. Administrator enters and approves if everything is okay else rejects the payment approval requested.
  9. If Payment is approved by the Administrator,
  10. Buyer record is updated.



System allows to attach files to support the Bid Evaluation.


Attachments screen Fields




Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.


Title of the Attachments.


Description of the attachments.


System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc.

Date Time

Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


Bid Evaluation Criteria

Bid Evaluation Method


This entity will contains a catalogue of Bid Evaluation Methods. The system have already some predefined Evaluation Methods and allow adding more as required. Users can configure different behaviors of evaluation methods through this entity.






Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation


This entity contains the information related to the bid presented by each vendor.  It is populated with all the bidders’ information.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation
Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation screen fields



Geps Bid Evaluation

Look up to the Bid Evaluation ID related to the Bid Vendor Evaluation.

Geps Vendor

This field represents the Vendor ID.


Refers the Institute of the Bid Evaluation.

Is Eligible

Available values are ‘True’ or ‘False’. If this value is False, the bid from the vendor can not be evaluated.

Is Envelope One Pass

This refers to Technical Evaluation made to a Vendor 's Bid Response.

Is Envelope Two Pass

This Refers to Finantial Evaluation made to a Vendor's Bid Response.

Is Bid Evaluation Finished

When Bid evaluation is finished, user is to tag this attribute as True.

Envelope One Score

Score for Envelop one.

Envelope Two Score

Score for Envelop two.


Justification or general information related to the evaluation.

Reason For Not Eligible

Reason why Vendor is not eligible.



Geps Bid Vendor Evaluation

Precondition:  Vendor, Institution, Geps Bid Evaluation needs to pre-existing

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Geps Bid Evaluation, Geps Vendor, Institution, Envelope One Score, Envelope Two Score.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.


Ranked List Of Vendors


This entity contains the list of vendors who were awarded at item level or whole Notice.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Ranked List Of Vendors
Ranked List Of Vendors screen fields




Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters.


The vendor who is awarded.


The order on how vendors are awarded.



Short List Awarded Vendor

Precondition:  Bid Evaluation needs to pre-existing

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Code, Active, Bid Evaluation, Ranking List.
  3. Vendor requests approval from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Bac Member will receive a pending request.
  5. Bac Member execute "Rank Vendors" transition.
  6. Bac Member execute "Closed" transition and mark it as final,
    Bac Member execute "Closed" transition and mark it as final.


Short List Awarded Vendor


This entity contains the list of vendors who passed the evaluation.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Short List Awarded Supplier
Short List Awarded Vendor screen fields




Unique identification code manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters.


Active status - if checked Activity Listing is active.

Vendor Source

Possible values are:

‘Automatically Assigned by the system’ or ‘Manually Incorporated by the User’.

If the user entered the vendor, then the value is ‘Manually Incorporated by the User’ otherwise the value is ‘Automatically Assigned by the system’.


The sortlisted Vendor id.


Description of the Short List Awarded Vendor.



Short List Awarded Vendor

Precondition:  Vendor needs to pre-existing

  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Code, Active, Vendor source and Vendor.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.



Vendors Awarded Per Item


It contains a the list of vendors who passed the evaluation Notice Status is 'Closed-Pending Award'.



My PhilGEPS Bid Evaluation ► Vendors Awarded Per Item


Vendors Awarded Per Item screen fields and tabs




Unique identification code.

Notice Line Item

Refers to the awarded line item.


Description of the awarded line item.

Original Ranking Awards Of Vendors

Refers to the list of vendors who are awarded at item level.

Final Ranking Awards Of Vendors

Initially populated by the system with the same information of the Original Ranking of Awarded Vendors.

The user can modify it.




  1. user BUYER is logged in.
  2. enter Code, Notice Line Item, Description, Original Ranking Awards Of Vendors and Final Ranking Awards Of Vendors.
  3. If validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.



System allows to attach files to support the purchasing process.


Attachments screen Fields




Consecutive number auto generated by the system. It will be unique within the system.


Title of the Attachments.


Description of the attachments.


System allow to selete and upload supporting file. File type can be: pdf, doc, xls, jpg, etc.

Date Time

Date and Time of the last operation performed on the attachment document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


Last user who uploaded or updated the document. Visible for the user. Automatically assigned by the system.


Claim Management

Procurement Claim


This entity contains all the Claim Types such as ‘Procurement Document Claim’, ‘Bid Evaluation Claim’, ‘Contract Claim’, etc. Also this entity defines System Source of the claim such as Procurement, Contract Management, etc. because claims can be done from any System.



My PhilGeps Claim Management ► Protest Mechanism


Procurement Claim screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Is Protest

if checked indicates whether it is a "Protest" type.

Is Request For Consideration

if selected indicates whether it is for reconsideration

Claim Type

Claim type that it is related to the Procurement Claim.

Notice ID

The parent notice of the Claim process regarding a Bid Evaluation

Bid Evaluation

This is the 'Approved' Bid Evaluation related with Document against which Claim has been submitted.

Is Joint Venture

if selected indicates a Joint Venture


The Vendor creating the Claim

Vendor Name

Name of the Vendor creating the claim

Joint Venture

The Joint Venture creating the Claim

Joint Venture Name

Name of the Joint Venture creating the claim

Submitted By

Institution submitting the claim.

Claim Reason

Reason for the claim

Date/Time Submitted

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

On Transtion: ‘Approval Requested’;

WFP Status

Depending on the Workflow Configuration Setting for this Entity the basic Stages are:



‘Approval Requested’;




Default Value = 'Created'.

Approved Claim Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Approved

Rejected Claim Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Rejected

Archived Date/Time

The combination of

  • Date
  • Time

 when this Claim was Archived


Attachments Uploaded

Original Claim

The user will use this attribute if a re-claim is to be posted.




  1. user is logged into the system.
  2. user enters the required data and submits the form.
  3. user requests approval for the submission, from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Administrator will receive a pending request for request transition.
  5. Administrator opens the form submitted for approval,
  6. Administrator requests approval and approves the payment if everything is okay else rejects the approval requested.


Procurement Claim Resolution


This entity represents a Claim Resolution stated by a BAC.



My PhilGeps Claim Management Procurement Claim Resolution


Procurement Claim Resolution screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Claim ID

The Claim entity associated to this Claim resolution.

Claim Decision

The decision made by the Claim resolution committee regarding the Claim originally submitted.

Claim Justification

A brief justification of the decision.

Claim Resolution Document

Attachments Upload 

Claim Resolution Committee Members

All the employees that are part of the claim resolution committee.

Resolution Additional Files

Attachments Upload

Claim Resolution Type

Upon acceptance or rejection of the Claim, the Claim Responsible User must enter a Claim Resolution Type in order to Typify the Resolution. Resolution types have two dimensions:

  1. For 'Acceptance’;
  2. For 'Rejection’;

WFP Status

The workflow must be configured with the following basic stages (however stages can be configured according to the customer specific needs) : Default Created

Approval Requested;

Default = 'Created'




  1. user is logged into the system.
  2. user enters the required data and submits the form.
  3. user requests approval for the submission, from the Workflow Transition.
  4. Administrator will receive a pending request for request transition.
  5. Administrator opens the form submitted for approval,
  6. Administrator requests approval and approves the payment if everything is okay else rejects the approval requested.


Document Library

Document Library


This entity refers to the list of forms used by: Procuring Entities, Suppliers, BAC Members as a requirement during registration, notice creation, bid opening, bid evaluation, post qualification and awarding.  This entity is maintained by the System Administrator. It enables adding form base and the requirements need.


My PhilGEPS Document Library Document Library


Document Library screen fields and Tab




Unique identifier. Setup parameter to determine if entered by user or system generated. When system generated, it will be left padded with zeros.

Is Eligible

if checked it is Eligible for use

Is Jv

if checked it is a Joint Venture type

Is Folder

if selected, a document in the library - minimum reference depot for documents - may be compused of a collection of documents. This is the ORIGIN


if checked it is Active


The vendor creating the eligibility document

Joint Venture

The Joint Venture creating the eligibility document


Document Name


Document type code for the document in the Library


Document category code

Library Archive Section

Section of the library were the document can be allocated. This will enable the user to classify the documents per section. Document usage will be facilitated


Attachments Upload

Added Fields

The reference for the collection is: Document Field Maintenance

Eligibility Documents

List of elements regarding mandatory data from specific documents to be used for:

  • Membership Request - User;
  • Membership Management - System wise;



Users: ADMIN

  1. user is logged into the system.
  2. user enters the required data and submits the form.
  3. System validates, if validation is Ok system saves information else prompts an error message.



Institution Vendor List For LSB


The assigned user can use Institution Vendor List to create codes for LSB, Limited Source Bid process.



My PhilGEPS ► Institution Vendor List For LSB


Institution Vendor List For LSB screen Fields and Tabs




Unique identification code of Document Registration either entered by users or system generated as defined by set-up parameter.


If checked, this record can be used and referenced. Mark as checked is the default value.


If checked,  Accredited Supplires refer to the Joint Venture else Vendor. Mark as unchecked is the default value.

Last Update Date

Last date on which the Institution Vendor List For LSB was updated.

Limited Source Bid Code

Select LSB code Manually from the drop down menu.


Parent institution of the LSB Vendor List.

Accredited Suppliers

Accredited Supplires are of two types Vendor or Joint Venture. 



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Institution Vendor List For LSB option.
  3. System presents Institution Vendor List For LSB form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Institution Vendor List For LSB information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Accredited Supplires for a particular Institution Vendor List For LSB.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Accredited Supplires information.
  8. If user does not save the Accredited Supplires information, system does not record it.



Notices are utilized by the Institution (Procuring Agency) in the creation of bid notices for the different types of procurement methods, upload bid documents and supplements, create award notices and update bid results. The Vendors (Merchants), on the other hand, use this module to search and/or browse for bid opportunities, bid results, and award notices. Vendors (Merchants), who have set their bid match profile, receive automatic bid notification through email.



My PhilGeps Notice


Notice screen fields and Tab



Serial No

Unique serial key

Reference No

Reference number of the notice detail describing each and every fields of the notice entity.

Procurement Mode

Procurement Mode values are filtered by the parent Procurement Rules


This is closed domain with default value 'Goods'.Available values are 'Civil Works', 'Goods', 'Consulting Services', 'Goods-General Support Services', 'Infrastructure'.

Publish Date

The publishing date of the Notice

Closing Date/Time

The closing date time of the concerned notice.

Notice Status

Status of the Notice


Bidding Functions Notice Creation - Header

Precondition: All catalogs related to the Notice are properly configured


1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option and clicks on ‘Create’ button.

3.      System presents the first page of Notice header, the information captured here configures the behavior of the Notice.

4.      User clicks on ‘Next’ button

5.      System presents the Notice Title information depending on the data previously captured in first Notice header screen.

6.      User enters the data for at least one Notice Line Item. 

7.      If the Institution captured has CHECK APP=TRUE system presents on the screen the APP Details matching the Funding Source (high level) for the user to select and add Line Items, else system presents the Catalog Item for the user to select and add Line Items.

8.      User clicks on ‘Submit’ Button.

9.      System validates that all mandatory fields for Notice header are captured in order to save.


Bidding Functions Notice Creation - Details

Precondition: All catalogs related to the Notice are properly configured

Users: Buyers

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the page of Notice header with the data previously captured.  Bac group must be assigned at this point.

4.      User clicks on ‘Notice Line Item’ Tab

5.      System presents the Notice Line Item information previously captured.

6.      If the Institution captured has CHECK APP=TRUE system presents on the screen the APP Details matching the Funding Source (high level) for the user to select and add Line Items, else system presents on the screen the Catalog Item for the user to select and add Line Items.

7.      User clicks on ‘Schedule of Activities’ Tab

8.      System retrieves the schedule of activities configured for the Notice (accordingly with Procurement classification, procurement mode, etc).

9.      User enter all data for the schedule of activities.  Validation for Non business day triggers if applies.

10.  User clicks on ‘’Bid Evaluation Criteria’ Tab

11.  System retrieves the bid evaluation criteria configured for the Notice (accordingly with Procurement classification, procurement mode, etc).

12.  User can add bid evaluation criteria if needed.

13.  User clicks on ‘Checklist’ Tab

14.  System retrieves the checklist configured for the Notice (accordingly with Procurement classification, procurement mode, etc).

15.  User can add element to checklist if needed.

16.  User clicks ‘Save’ button, system validates if all required data is captured and update, else error(s) found are displayed in red.

At this point user with proper grants can Request for Approval.


Bidding Functions Notice Creation Request for Approval

Precondition: All data for the Notice is captured and saved in the system

Users: Buyers with proper grants for Request for approval

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the page of Notice header with the data previously captured. 

4.      User after validating the data clicks on dropdown list of Workflow Process Transition field and select option ‘Request for Approval’

5.      System present a button to open the screen to capture the comment for the transition, if any. User clicks on Update button to save the transition.  If user does not save the transition, Notice Status remains ‘In Preparation’


Bidding Functions Notice Creation Approved

Precondition: Notice Status is ‘Request for Approval’

Users: Buyers with proper grants for Request for approval

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the page of Notice header with the data previously captured. 

4.      User after validating the data clicks on dropdown list of Workflow Process Transition field and select option ‘Approved’

5.      System present a button to open the screen to capture the comment for the transition, if any. User clicks on Update button to save the transition.  If user does not save the transition, Notice Status remains ‘Request for Approval’.


Bidding Functions Notice Creation Disapproved

Precondition: All data for the Notice is ‘Request for Approval’

Users: Buyers with proper grants for Disapprove

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the page of Notice header with the data previously captured. 

4.      User after validating the data, user considers it is not correct, then clicks on dropdown list of Workflow Process Transition field and select option ‘Disapproved’.

5.      Notice Status goes to ‘In Preparation’

6.      System present a button to open the screen to capture the comment for the transition, if any. User clicks on Update button to save the transition.  If user does not save the transition, Notice Status remains ‘Request for Approval’.


Bidding Functions Notice Creation Cancelled

Precondition: Notice Status is ‘Request for Approval’

Users: Buyers with proper grants for Cancel

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Notice option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the page of Notice header with the data previously captured. 

4.      User after validating the data, user considers it is not correct and decides the Notice is no longer valid, then clicks on dropdown list of Workflow Process Transition field and select option ‘Cancelled’.

5.      System present a button to open the screen to capture the comment for the transition, if any. User clicks on Update button to save the transition.  If user does not save the transition, Notice Status remains ‘Request for Approval’.


Bidding Functions Order Notice

Precondition: Notice Status is ‘Active’

Users: Suppliers

1.      User is logged into the system.

2.      User goes to Open Opportunities option, select the Notice and clicks on it.

3.      System presents the screens of Notices per category with Notice Status=Active. 

4.      User clicks on the Notice category.

5.      System presents the notices pertaining to such category. 

6.      User clicks on selected Notice.

7.      System presents the form of Notice detail for the user to know about the Notice details.

a.        if user is interested in the Notices clicks on ‘Order’ button. 

b.      System redirects user to Payment screen to process the Bid Fee payment.

c.       Notice is now part of ‘My Notices’ in Suppliers profile.








My Oppurtunities

Users: Suppliers

1.My Opportunities are the list of Notices where the suppliers already participated

2.Whenever a supplier join or participate in a bidding process, they will be able to see the list bidding activity by looking into their My opportunities.

Award Notice





Opportunities ► Award Notice


Award Notice screen Fields



Application User


Award Notices Found


Line ID


Award Notice Number




Reference Number


Line Items Quantity



Former Opportunities





Opportunities ► Former Opportunities


Former Opportunities screen Fields



Application User


Number of Categories


Line Id




Number of Former Opportunities





Open Opportunities





Opportunities ► Open Opportunities


Open Opportunities screen Fields



Application User


Number of Categories


Line ID




Number of Open Opportunities