


Records of Auditors are shown in this screen. 



Directory ► Auditors


Auditors screen Fields




Former Name

Former name of Auditor is entered in this field for filtering records.

Government Branch

Government Branch for audit to be selected from lookup button for filtering records.


Country of Auditor to be selected from dropdown box for filtering records.


Region to be selected from dropdown boxfor filtering records.

Street Address

Street address of audit to be entered in this field for filtering records.

Zip Code

Zip code to be entered for filtering records relating to Auditor.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Auditor screen.
  2. Screen appears in search mode.
  3. User applies information in the fields to filter records and clicks on Find button.
  4. Required records of Auditors are shown in selection mode.
  5. Upon clicking on the record, detailed information regarding the Auditor are shown in View mode.




List of category of buyers and number of buyer under each category and detailed information regarding buyers are seen from this screen.



Directory ► Buyers


Buyers screen Fields




Line Item

Line item for buyers in the directory are mentioned in this column.


Category of buyers are shown in this column.

Number of Buyers

Number of buyers under each buyer category are shown in this column.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Buyer screen.
  2. Directory of Buyers are shown in the screen having three colummns -Line Items, Category and Numbers of Buyers.
  3. Upon clicking on the records shown in the list, list of buyers relating to the specific buyer category are shown in the list in selection mode.
  4. Upon clicking on any specific buyer, details information regarding the buyer is shown in View mode.


Civil Society Organization


Records relating to Civil Society Organization are shown in this screen.



Directory ► Civil Society Organiztion


Civil Society Organiztion screen Fields





Name of Civil Society Organiztion (CSO) is entered in this field for filtering records.


Region of CSO to be selected from lookup button for filtering records.

Civil Society Organization Type

CSO Type to be selected from lookup button for filtering records.


Province to which CSO belongs to be selected from lookup button for filtering records.

Registered Date

Date opf registration to be selected from calendar button for filtering records.

City Municipality

City Municipality to which CSO belongs to be selected from lookup button for filtering records.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Civil Service Organization screen.
  2. Screen appears in search mode.
  3. User applies information in the fields to filter records and clicks on Find button.
  4. Required records of CSO are shown in selection mode.
  5. Upon clicking on the record, detailed information regarding the CSO is shown in View mode.




This screen refers to the catalogue containing types of organization for Vendors (suppliers). Every Vendor (Supplier) is categorized into one form of organization. 



Directory ► Suppliers


Suppliers screen Fields




Line Id

Line Id for Suppliers in the directory are mentioned in this column.


Category of Suppliers are shown in this column.

No. of Suppliers

Number of suppliers under each supplier category are shown in this column.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Suppliers screen.
  2. Directory of Suppliers are shown in the screen having three colummns -Line Id, Category and Numbers of Suppliers.
  3. Upon clicking on the records shown in the list, list of Suppliers relating to the specific Suppliers category are shown in the list in selection mode.
  4. Upon clicking on any specific Supplier, details information regarding the Supplier is shown in View mode.