Refers to Catalogue containing information related to Auditors registered in the system. The Auditors have to be registered and approved by the System Administrator in order to participate in a bid as an observer.
Registration ► Auditors
Auditors screen field and Tabs
Field | Description |
Id | Unique identifier. Setup parameter determines if entered by user or system generated. If system generated, it becomes left padded with zeros. |
Active | This checkbox is marked as checked/unchecked. By default it is marked Checked. |
WorkFlow Status | Possible values are Created; Send for Approval; Approved; Rejected. Default Value is 'Created'. |
Acronym | Acronym of the Agency. |
Former Name | Former Name field of the auditor. |
Government Branch | Government Branch to which the Government Agency belongs. |
Organization Type | Type of organisation to classify the Audit Agency. |
Tax Identification Number | Tax identification number associated with the Auditor. |
Website | The corresponding website associated with the Auditor. |
Country | Country of the Auditor. |
Region | Region for Registration purposes. |
Street Address | Street Address of the auditor. |
ZipCode | Zip code for registration purposes. |
Description | A short description about the Auditor. |
Agency Name | Name of the Agency. |
Registered Through Web Portal | This checkbox is marked as checked/unchecked. |
Approved Date | Date in which the auditor was approved by the assigned system admin or user. |
Auditors | Selection of Government employees as auditor. |
Institutions | Assigned Institutions as an auditor. |
Supporting Documents | Supporting documents to the PhilGEPS Business relationship |
Audit Individual Agency | Selection of Government employees as ab auditor for Individual Agency. |
Auditor Registration