

The Customer screen allows users to identify the different companies or people to whom users’ organization provides goods and/or services, or from whom money is received.



Admin ► Common Entities ► Customer ► Customers


Customers screen Fields and Tabs




Unique identification code of the Customer.

On Hold

If checked, the customer's status is put on hold for a period in the future.

Reference ID

The reference code for the customer.


The name of the Customer.

Short NameShort Name of the customer if any.

Credit Limit

The customer's credit limit on their credit card.

Business Ownership Type

Contains different Business Ownership Types such as Government, Individual, Corporation, etc.

Preferred Language

The customer's preferred language to speak.


The status of the customer with regards to the organization. Options include active, delinquent, disputed, etc.

AddressIt allow the system user to enter an address of the customer.

Treasury Bank Account

 The Government Bank Account to be used for credit the revenues involved with this customer.

Collection AgencyCollection agency related to the customer.


 The currency that the customer uses to make deals with the organization.

Is Vendor?The checkbox is true when the customer is a vendor.


The companies that sell products or services to the company that users work for.

Offset Code

Offset codes help users to input for double entry bookkeeping. Double entry bookkeeping requires that there is a balance between debits and credits.

Customer Type

A Customer Type is a means of grouping Customers together by certain common characteristics.

Credit Days LimitLimit of credit in days.
Number Of EmployeesNumber of employees of the company.
Annual TurnoverAnnual sales figures of this company.
Bank AccountThe Government Bank Account to be used for credit the revenues involved with this Customer.
Customer GroupApplicable when this Customer is a branch or a sub-company from a Customer Corporation.
Discount Debit AccountGL offset code for discount debit accounting purposes produced in any Customer Transaction.
Interest Credit AccountGL offset code for interest credit accounting purposes produced in any Customer Transaction.
Exchange Rate Differential AccountGL offset code for accounting the positive or negative exchange rate differential produced in any Customer Transaction.
UACSIt is Partial or Full Coding Block.
Establishment YearEstablishment year of the company.
Payment TermThe payment Terms associated with this Customer.
Payment ModeThe Payment Mode used for Revenue accounting purposes.
Payment LocationThe service office where the Customer will make effective the payments.
Payment MethodThe Payment Method used for this Customer.
Ship ToShipment related to the Customer.

Invoice To

By default, system assign same Customer Application ID.

Collect From

By default, the system assigns same Customer Application ID.

Accepts Credit CardsMode of payment. Unchecked by default.
Accepts ChequesMode of payment. Unchecked by default.
Discount AppliesIf there is any discount provided it should be checked. Unchecked by default.
Interest AppliesIf there is any Interest provided it should be checked. Unchecked by default.
RemarksComments or Remarks regarding this Customer.
Contact TabContact details of the customer
Tax Exempt List TabTab contains one or more tax-exempt information.