Performance Appraisal Templates


Performance Appraisal templates are documents that provides the structure and content for conducting a performance appraisal. They contain the information that the employee will be evaluated on. The templates include the scoring and feedback criteria for the specific performance appraisal. Different templates can be designed and created to reflect the appraisal needs for different groups of civil servants. This is where the reviewer will define and format the files specifically for the different types of performance appraisals. For example the administrators will be evaluated on different criteria than the accountants and therefore will require a different performance appraisal templates.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all performance appraisals templates, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

 The Performance Appraisal Templates screen includes the following fields:  



Unique identification code of the Performance Appraisal Template.
ActiveActive Status - if checked, Performance Appraisal Template is available and can be used.  If not checked, the Template cannot be used.
Use Personal Learning PlanIf checked, an employee Personal Learning Plan is required.
Lowest Possible Template ScoreLowest score of all the Performance Appraisal Score Rate of the Performance Appraisal Score Rate Scales referenced in the Performance Appraisal Template.
Highest Possible Template ScoreHighest score of all Performance Appraisal Score Rate of the Performance Appraisal Score Rate Scales referenced in the Performance Appraisal Template.
Template StatusTemplate issued/not-issued status.  If set to Issued, the Performance Appraisal Template can be used.  If set to Not-Issued, the Template cannot be used for conducting appraisals.
Score Rate ScaleRating scale for this Performance Appraisal Template.
Organization UnitOrganization Unit(s) in which the Performance Appraisal Template is referenced.
LanguageLanguage Used.
NameName of the Performance Appraisal Template.
DescriptionDescription of the Performance Appraisal Template.