To CREATE a Time and Attendance settings and assign it to a particular employee's assignment, follow these steps:
By default, you will be in Search Mode.
1. Click on the New icon . You will then be in Insert Mode.
2. Enter the new Assignment Setting information. Fields with an asterisk are mandatory fields.
3. To enter the Employee Assignment, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Employee Assignment list, then select the Employee Assignment. Refer to Employee Assignment for more information.
- Employee Assignment: The employee's assigned assignment.
4. Select the Time Record Source from the drop down menu.
- Time Record Source: Choose whether the time record is 'External' or 'Manual'.
5. Check the Enter Clock Hours box if required.
6. To enter the Regular Cost Item, if required, click on the Lookup icon , click on Find icon
to retrieve the Regular Cost Item list, then select the Regular Cost Item. Refer to Cost Item for more information.
- Regular Cost Item: Cost Items associated to Regular Pay.
7. Click on the Save icon at the bottom to save your new Assignment Settings information. A window will appear to confirm the new Assignment Settings creation. Click OK to confirm.