My Appraisals


Performance appraisals integrate a company's vision with an employees job performance. In addition, performance appraisals are used to provide personnel evaluations on individual employee's. In My Appraisals, the user can access all of their performance appraisals. The user can search on their appraisal history as well as their current and future appraisals.


How to SEARCH:

  1. Enter the information to be used as retrieval criteria in the appropriate field (s). If you prefer to see a list of all performance appraisals, leave all fields blank.
  2. Click on the Find icon 

The Performance Appraisals screen includes the following fields:


CodeUnique identification code of the Performance Appraisal Template.
Senior ApprovalIf checked, then senior management approved.
Employee AcceptedIf checked, then the employee accepted the performance appraisal.
Apply for PositionIf checked, then the employee is applying for a position.
Scheduled Start DateDate at which the performance appraisal process is scheduled to start. generated automatically.
Scheduled End DateDate at which the performance appraisal process is scheduled to end, generated automatically.
Start DateActual start date of the performance appraisal.
End DateActual end date of the performance appraisal.

Current status of the performance appraisal, generated automatically.  Possible values are: bypassed, finished, in progress, late, not finished, open, scheduled.  Initially the Performance Appraisal Status is set to open. 

When the system reaches the Scheduled Start Date, the status changes to Scheduled. 

When the system reaches the Actual Start Date, the Status changes to In Progress. 

When the first Performance Appraisal Score or Performance Appraisal  Feedback is filled out, the status needs to change to In Progress and if the Actual Start Date is still blank, it should be updated with the system date. 

If the Actual Start Date is reached and the status is still Scheduled, the Status changes to Late.  

If Senior Approval and Employee Accepted are checked, the Status is set to Finished, otherwise, if the Senior Approval or Employee Accepted is not checked, and the system date reached the Scheduled or Actual End Date, the Status changes to Not Finished.

Total ScoresFinal score of the performance appraisal.
EmployeeEmployee ID of the employee undergoing the performance appraisal.
AppraiserEmployee ID of the appraiser.
Senior ReviewerSenior employee who approves the performance appraisal.
Employee StatusCurrent employment status of the employee, generated automatically.  Possible values are: active, not started, and review ready.
Feedback StatusCurrent status of the peer feedback, generated automatically.  Possible values are finished, not started, no peer feedback, partial feedback, peers selected.
InstitutionInstitution of the employee.
PositionPosition that the employee currently holds.
TemplateTemplate that will be used for the performance appraisal.
Cost Item Scale GroupSalary Scale of the Employee.
ConclusionFinal comment from the appraiser.
Bypass RemarksNote on why the employee was bypassed.
Employee CommentsArea to give employee opportunity to comment on any aspect of the review.
Appraiser FeedbackArea for the appraiser to provide a consolidated feedback based on colleague feedback.
Appraiser CommentsArea for the appraiser to provide his/her own feedback.