Create a Standard Letter

Standard Letters contains the standard templates used for generating personnel letters such as for appointments, probation, confirmation, entitlements, etc. To CREATE a Standard Letter, follow the steps below:


By default, you will be in Search Mode.

  1. Click on the New icon   (you will then be in Insert Mode).
  2. Enter the new Standard Letter information.  Fields with an asterisk  are mandatory fields.
  3. Enter the Code, click on the Active checkmark, and select the Language, as required.
  • Code: Unique identification code of the standard letter.
  • Active:  Active Status - if checked, Standard Letter is available.
  • Language: Language used.
  1. Enter Description.   
  • Description: Short description of the standard letter.

5.   Click on the Save icon  at the bottom of the Standard Letter to save your new Standard Letter information. A window will appear to confirm.