Approve a Payment



(By default, you will be in Search Mode.) 


Approving a Payment involves changing the Payment status from Completed to Approved.  Once the Payment status change to Approved is completed, the System will update Payment Progress for all the Drops involved in the Payment (refer to Update of Payment Progress process for more information).

If the Financial Accounting System Installed parameter is set to true, the System will associate a financial transaction (expense voucher) to the FreeBalance Financial Accounting System (refer to Contract Management System Parameters for more information).

To APPROVE an Approval Request for a Payment, follow the steps below:

Note: By default, users defined to oversee setting Payment to Approve will receive an Internal Message: 


  1. Open the message by selecting it; this will open a new window:

  1. Select the Lookup  icon on the new window to locate the Payment you wish to set to Completed. 

Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Payment you wish to set to Completed.  To do this, go to Step 3 below.

  1. Find the Payment which you would like to change the status to Approved (see details in Searching for Records or Elements in the APPENDIX).

Note: In order to Approve a Payment, the previous Payment status must be set to Approval Requested.

Note: Once the Payment Request for Approval is Approved, no further modifications can be made to a Payment (refer to Workflow Transitions for Normal Payments for more information).

  1. Select Approve from the drop down list in the Transition field:

  1. Transition window will be displayed confirming the Transition.  Add a description in the Step Note in the Transition window:

  1. Click on the Finish icon to complete the Transition transaction, or click the Discard icon to abort the Transition.
  2. Upon clicking the Finish icon a window will be displayed confirming the Payment Workflow Transition was executed:


  1. Click Ok on the Workflow Transition Executed window.  The Payment status is now set to Approved: