Promotion Management deals with the advancement of an employee's rank or position in an organizational hierachy system. Promotion may be an employee's reward for good performance but before a company promotes an employee to a particular position, they must make sure that the person is able to handle the added responsibilities by screening the employee with interviews and tests and giving them training or on-the-job experience. A promotion can involve advancement in terms of designation, salary and benefits, and in some organizations the type of job activities may change a great deal.
Objectives and Benefits
The different specifications discussed in Promotion Management are Promotion Proposal, Review Promotion Proposal and Update Employee Information for Promotion.
Promotion Proposal (For more information click here)
The image above represents the workflow process of a proposed promotion. Across in the green squares are the three staff representatives that are involved in this process. If we start at the Manager at the top left, we can see it is the manager who sends the proposed promotion for review to higher management. In the diamond shape under “higher management” we see “Approve?” This means, that the decision to approve or reject the proposal will now affect the direction we move in the workflow chart. If the proposal is approved, move to the right where you will see that the HR staff will update employee assignment, send the promotion notification and then proceed to the end of the flow; the process is now finished. However, if the proposed promotion has not been approved, move directly down the workflow chart to the finish, the process has now ended.
In Promotion Proposal, the manager proposes a list of candidates from employees that he/she is managing for promotion based on employee’s background such as PA result, training, skills and number of working years.
Review Promotion Proposal (For more information click here)
The review of the promotion proposal is the part in the process where the individual(s) who must approve the proposal receiver a promotion notification via email. The approver(s) must then review the promotion candidates proposed by the manager through the employees’ background. The individual(s) approving the promotion may approve a candidate and notify the result to HR to process next steps of the promotion process, or if required, the approver(s) may reject and provide comments to the manager so it is clear why the decision was made.
Update Employee Information for Promotion
In this part of the process for the promotion proposal, the HR Manager notifies the promotion and update position and salary for the candidate. The update will be effective on organization chart as well. The HR Manager then sends a notification to the employee and might attach a promotion letter to employee’s profile.