Create A Per Diem Rate

To CREATE a Per Diem Rate Table that includes the Per Diem Rates by country and city, follow the steps below:


By default, you will be in Search Mode.

1. Click on the New icon .  You will then be in Insert Mode.

2. Enter the new Per Diem information. Fields with an asterisk  are mandatory fields.

3. Choose the Country, and the Currency from the drop down menus.

4. Fill in the Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner, Miscellaneous, and Total Amount as required.

- Miscellaneous: Refers to Miscellaneous (general) expenses.

5. Choose the Language from the drop down menu.

6. Fill in the City name and the Remarks in the fields as required.

- Remarks: Refers to a brief description on the types of of miscellaneous expenses typical the country/city

- City: Refers to a city for which the Per Diem Rate applies.

7. Click on the Save icon  at the bottom to save your new Per Diem information.  A window will appear to confirm the new Per Diem creation. Click OK to confirm.