Strength Report


This report shows the strength information of employees who belong to the organization, including employees that are seconded out, acting out or on leave of absence.  However, it excludes employees that are seconded-in or acting-in. It provides different filter option to generate a very specific report.

A screenshot of the Strength Report is available here. Image is shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields, and buttons are subject to the parameter, rendering control configuration and the installed revision.

Users access Strength Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Human Resource ► Reports ► Organization Management ► Strength Report.



The following table lists and describe all filter fields for the Strength Report in their default order. Note that some fields depends on System Parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Report TypeType of the report to be selected as a filter.
Report Calculation DateThe report generation date. The current date is set as the default value. 
EmployeeContains the employee details. Users can select a employee as a filter using the lookup feature.
Employee PositionContains the employee position details. Users can select a employee as a filter using the lookup feature.
CommentRelevent comment for the report.
Salary Classification
Salary GroupLists the salary group and allows users to select a salary group from the list as a filter.
Salary ClassificationLists the salary classification and allows users to select a salary classification from the list as a filter.
Salary StepLists the salary step and allows users to select a salary step from the list as a filter.
Situation Code Level
SCC Level 1Lists the situation code level 1 and allows users to select as a filter.
SCC Level 2Lists the situation code level 2 and allows users to select as a filter.
SCC Level 3Lists the situation code level 3 and allows users to select as a filter.
Group By
Group Individual InstitutionsBy default, it is marked as checked. Users can uncheck it to select the value of group by institution type as a filter.
Group By Institution TypeIt lists the institutions and allows to select as a filter. If group by institution is checked, then this field becomes inactive.
InstitutionIt allows users to select one or multiple institutions.


Visible Fields

A sample of the report is available here.The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Strength Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on Filters selection and the language of the report depends on the configuration of the system.

Fiscal YearFiscal year as per report filter.
DateThe system date when the report is generated.
TimeThe system time when the report is generated.
UserIdentifier of the user who generates the report.
InstitutionThe institution name.
Situation Code CombinationThe coding block details as per the selected filter.
StrengthSituation code wise total strength.
TotalTotal calculated strength.
Grand TotalGrand total strength.



The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Strength Report feature.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in the excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format.
This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format.
This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format.
This button allows users to generate the report as HTML.
The Lookup button allows users to browse and select existing items. It is available in the employee and employee position filters.