Finalize Transfer


Once a transfer is released, the last step is finalize the transfer in order to generate an output file format as Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), including different encrypted security methods (if applicable) prior to be sended to the appropriate bank. This step will finish the payment cycle for Treasury department.



Treasury Management ► Payments ► Finalize Transfer


Finalize Transfer screen Fields



Fiscal Year

Extract Fiscal Year. Default is current fiscal year. However users can specify the previous year as long as it is still open.

Fiscal Period

Refers to the fiscal period of the selected fiscal year. Default is current period.

Accounting Office

Refers to the institution falling under the type Accounting office applicable to the Expense Voucher.

Treasury Bank Account

Users needs to select the appropriate Treasury Bank account applicable to the Expense Voucher.

Transfer Number

The transfer number given for every finalization.

Extract number

Users are to select the appropriate Payment Extract number. 

Payment Method

The payment method for which the finalization was.


The vendor ID against whom the transfer was finalized.

Expense Voucher

The Expense Voucher ID to be selected here.