Bid Evaluation Method


Bid Evaluation Method screen contains a catalogue of Bid Evaluation Methods, with some predefined, more can be added as required. Users can configure different behaviors of evaluation methods through this entity.

Bid Evaluation Method entity contains the catalogue of Bid Evaluation Methods such as Value for Money, Quality-Cost Based Selection (QCBS), Quality Based Selection (QBS), Least-Cost Selection (LCS), Fixed Budget Selection (FBS), Administrative Evaluation, etc.



Catalogues ► Bid Evaluation Method


Bid Evaluation Method screen Fields




Unique auto-generated numeric code.


If false, the Bid Evaluation Method cannot be used anymore and it would be there for reference purposes.

Is Administrative Evaluation

Indicates that the Bid Evaluation Method will only be used for Administrative Evaluation.

Limit Number of Vendor

Possible values True/False. Default is False.

Apply Minimum Technical Score

If true, the system will require the Minimum Technical Score in Procurement Document Item Lots.


Short Description of the Bid Evaluation Method.


Detailed description of the Bid Evaluation Method.


Possible values are 'Civil Works', 'Goods', 'Consulting Services','Goods - General Support Services','Infrastructure'. Default value is 'Goods'.

Financial Proposal Weight %

Weight for the Financial factor.

If Financial Evaluation By Lowest Price

If true, the system will suggest an Original Ranked Vendors by lowest price.

Bid Evoluation Criteria

The reference for this collection is the entity Bid Evaluation Criteria.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system.
  2. User goes to Bid Evaluation Method option.
  3. System presents Trade Agreement form.
  4. User clicks on ‘Create’ Button.
  5. User fills out the Trade Agreement information form presented by the system.
  6. User attach the Bid Evaluation Method which is the reference for this collection is the entity.
  7. User clicks ‘Save’ button to save the Bid Evaluation Method information.
  8. If user does not save the Bid Evaluation Method information, system does not record it.