Workflow Configuration Report


This report provides details of the configured WF transitions, stages, and rules. This report helps implementation specialists to generate configuration blue prints. It provides different filter option to generate a specific report.

A screenshot of the Workflow Configuration Report is available here. Image shown as reference material; position and names for labels, fields and buttons are subject to parameter, rendering control configuration and installed revision.

Users access Workflow Configuration Report from within the menu through this navigation path: Admin ► System Security ► Reports ► Workflow Configuration Report.



The following table lists and describes all filter fields for the Workflow Configuration Report in their default order. Note that some fields depends on system parameters and rendering control configuration to be visible and/or editable by users. Field names are subject to change through language label configuration.

Workflow Process ContextWorkflow process context code entered by users or using lookup as a filter.
Workflow ProcessIt allows users to enter the workflow process ID or select a workflow process ID using lookup as a filter.
Include WP TransitionIf marked checked, the report generates and shows the transition details for the selected workflow process. By default it is set as unmarked.
Include WP Transition Validation RulesIf marked checked, the report generates and display the transition validation rules created for the selected workflow process. By default it is set as unmarked.
CommentAllows users to add a custom comment to the generated report.


Visible Fields

A sample of the report is available here.The following table lists and describes all visible fields for the Workflow Configuration Report, in their default order. Note that some fields depend on filters selection and the language of the report depends on the configuration of the system.

Organization LogoThe organizational logo. 
Report TitleName of the report.
Report DateIndicates the date of report generation.
Report TimeIndicates the time of report generation.
UserShows the user who generated the report.
PageShows page number out of total pages.
Filter CriteriaIt indicates a summary of entered filters by users.
CommentShows the comment entered by users in the report filter.
Workflow Process Report
WP CodeUnique identification code of the workflow process.
WP DescriptionA short description of the workflow process.
ContextReference to the workflow process context code under which the workflow process has been created.
Longest DurationDuration of the workflow activation. 
Time UnitTime unit of the workflow activation duration.
Discriminator PropertyThis value is filtered based on the discriminator property entity selected in the workflow process context, if applicable.
User Assignment ProviderName of user's assignment provider.
Workflow Processes Transition Report (Annex.1)
WP CodeDisplay the code of the workflow process.
Transition Custom KeyThe sequential ID assigned to each validation rule for viewing purposes.
ActiveIndicates whether the transition is active or not.
Transition TypeIndicates whether it is a manual or automatic transition.
From StageDescribes the stage which originated the transition.
To StageDescribes the stage which received the transition.
RoleDescribes the user role (code) assigned to the transition (blank for transition type Automatic).
User AssignmentDescribes the hierarchical level of the assigned user.
Transition Validation Rule Custom KeyThe sequential ID assigned to each validation rule for viewing purposes.
WP Transition Validation Rules (Annex.2)
WP CodeDisplay the code of the workflow process.
Transition Validation Rule Custom KeyThe sequential ID assigned to each validation rule for viewing purposes.
Left Operand TypeLeft component of workflow process transition validation rules.
Left Operand ValueValue of the left component based on selected operand type.
OperatorList of operators for the validation rule.
Right OperandRight component of workflow process transition validation rules.
Right Operand ValueValue of the right component based on the selected operand type.


The following table describes actions associated with the depicted button image. Note that some images are associated with several buttons, used for more than one purpose within the Workflow Configuration Report feature.

Button ImageDescription
This button allows users to generate the report as PDF format.
This button allows users to generate the report as MS Excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in the excel format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODS format.
This button allows users to generate the report in RTF format.
This button allows the users to generate the report in MS Word format.
This button allows users to generate the report in ODT format.
The Lookup tool allows users to browse and select existing items. It is used to select  workflow process context and workflow process.