Batch Update Requisition


The Batch Update functionality is designed to make a mass change to assignments or global costs in the event of reorganization. The batch update process contains a group of tables that allow the user to perform modifications on field values.

The Batch Update Requisition screen is designed to change identical tables defining a specific date. Since the mass changes are very sensitive, it is recommended that only authorized user, with the appropriate right has to define the changes that are to take place in the Batch Update by entering the information in the tables that will be affected.

The batch Update process is used in the following windows:​

  • Assignment
  • Automatic Cost Item 
  • Global Costs

The Batch Updated Requisition can be entered manually or generated automatically by the synchronization between situation code combination and employee assignments, when performing modifications in the situation code combinations window.


Human Capital ► Batch Update ► Batch Update Requisition

Batch Update Requisition screen fields:

CodeUnique identification code. Manually entered by users or automatically generated based on parameters.
Workflow StatusWorkflow Status of Batch Update Requisition. Default value is 'Created'. The list of possible values are as follows: 'Created', 'Approved', 'Rejected' and 'Cancelled'. When the assignments are updated, by the batch update, new assignments are created with the start date, the coding block and the other changes specified on the request. The rules regarding the Gap and Overlap control will then be applied.
Creation DateDate of Batch Update generated by the system.
ConfigurationThe type of Batch Update to be performed. The lookup button displays the Id, the Entity, and the Type of configuration, as well as the status Active. ReadOnly. Possible values are: “Modify HC Automatic Cost Item”, “Modify HC Employee Assignment” and “Modify HC Global Cost”.
EntityEntity on which the Batch Update is performed. It is generated automatically based on the configuration. Possible values are: “HC Assignment", "HC Automatic Cost Item", and “HC Global Cost".
TypeType of Batch Update, generated based on the selected configuration.
LanguageSelect language to register the descriptions.
ReasonReason for the Batch Update Requisition.
NotesExplanation Note for the Reason.