Journal Voucher Listing Report


The purpose of this report is to present a full detail of the Journal Voucher, including detailed information from JV including, Status , voucher source,  item details, description JV, description item, workflow information and others.


Journal Voucher Listing Report screen Fields:

Fiscal YearThe Financial Year report for a specific year.
Posting StatusOptional Parameter.
This field shows voucher is either saved or temp saved.
Voucher SourceFilter the report by Voucher Source.
Journal Voucher From Date Filter report by Date from Journal Voucher included in this report.
Journal Voucher To DateFilter report by Date upto Journal Voucher included in this report.
Batch NumberAllow users to select a specific batch or a range of batches to view in the report.
Voucher StatusFilter the report by Voucher Status.
Following values are available.
Approval Requested
Transaction AnalysisFilter report by Journal Voucher Transaction Analysis.
Approved From DateFilter report by the date(starting) from approval of the Journal Voucher.
Approved To DateFilter report by the date (end) upto approval of the Journal Voucher.


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