Unidentified Rejected Payment


This entity will store all payments that were rejected but the system could not find any payment order to match in Payment Control table.


Treasury Management ►Payments ► Unidentified Rejected Payment

Unidentified Rejected Payment screen fields:

IdUnique identifier automatically generated by the system when a new unidentified payment order is received.
Financial InstitutionBank which rejected the payment order.
Beneficiary NameBeneficiary Name inside the rejected message.
Beneficiary AccountBeneficiary Account inside the rejected message
AmountAmount to be paid inside the message
Reason Of RejectionReason for rejection inside the message.
Rejection DateDate and Time when the payment order was Rejected.
StatusStatus may be either "identified" or "unidentified".
Match Payment OrderThe relevant Payment Order regarding Undentified Rejected Payment is selected from dropdown box.