When a user logs into the system and has functional rights to the Human Capital module, the system will use this entity to determine, what is the active HC fiscal year for the specific user? This entity holds which session is active for which user and also which is the active fiscal year for production or scenario.
Human Capital ► User Active Session
User Active Session screen Fields
Fields | Description |
Application User | Create and manage users and their security access in the system by a privileged user. It contains the general information related to a user, such as Name, Contact information, Password, Security feature etc. |
Active Fiscal Year | It is important to notice that only one Fiscal Year can have Current Fiscal Year for Budget Execution as true. Such Fiscal Year will be defaulted by the system in every transaction where Fiscal Year is needed. User can temporary change the Fiscal Year that needs to work on (when for some reason there is more than one Fiscal Year Open for Budget Execution), but it can be done only through a specific process and such change will remain only for that specific user and only for that specific session |
Active Session | It holds which scenario (scenario name) and regardless and if the user is in production or scenario mode the user must see the active fiscal year. Note: When the user logs in the system, the Active User Session will be automatically activated. However, the System Administrator can “create” an active user session if needed. He can also grant additional access to the user. |
Active Scenario | Dropdown menu. This attribute appears only if Active Session = 'SCENARIO' otherwise, this attribute is hidden. |
Can Post JVs In Restricted Periods | Default is Unchecked. If checked, the user can approve Manual JVs, in a "Restricted" Fiscal Period. |
Can Process Payroll and JVs In Restricted Periods |
Default is Unchecked. If checked, the user can import/process Pay files and import/process JV files, in a "Restricted" Fiscal Period. |
Can Generate Accruals In Restricted Periods | Default is Unchecked. If checked, the user can generate Month-End Accruals in a "Restricted" Fiscal Period. |
Note: At the first login, a user active session is created for the user where the session is set to production and to current fiscal year.