COA Import Log



The System Administrator should always view the log of the import process to confirm that the import was successful and identify any changes made during the import. This log includes the list of modifications and errors associated with each COA Import, per Import File. All fields are read-only.


Admin ► Chart of Accounts ► Coa Import ► COA Import Log

COA Import Log Screen Fields

Application IdUnique identifier of the Log, generated by the system.
Fiscal YearFiscal Year to which the transaction belongs.
Log Date TimeDate and Time at which the COA Import was executed, generated by the system.
COACOA for which the import is performed.
Imported ByAutomatically populated by the system. Corresponds to the User who imported the COA.
Coa Errors and ModificationCollection of 1 to many Imported Files Errors and Modifications.

Note: The application generates a log for each file imported.