Revenue Invoice Classifications


Revenue Voucher Classifications are used to categorize Revenue Invoices for grouping uses and provide further details/filtering options in the generation of revenue reports 


Revenue Management ► Support Entity ► Revenue Invoice Classifications

Revenue Invoice Classifications Screen Fields and Tab

IdThe unique identification code, visible to the user, auto-generated by the system.
InstitutionThe Institution is to be selected which is relevant from the lookup button available for this field.
NameName of the Invoice Classification.
DescriptionThe description regarding Invoice classification is to be entered in this field.
Debt InstrumentThe Default value of the field is False. The user can select it as True.
Loan RegisterThe Default value of the field is False. The user can select it as True.
Invoice TypeType of the invoice the possible values are "Cash", "Credit", "No Cash Flow".
CustomerThis Feature allows selecting the customer for the Invoice Classification.
CurrencyThe user to select the Currency. By default, it shows the country domestic currency.
Sales Payment TypeIt allows users to select the sales payment type from the drop-down button.
Payment MethodThe payment method updated by the system. The default value displays from the Revenue Parameters.
Payment LocationPayment Location is selected from drop down box.
RegionThe region for the invoice classification selected from the dropdown list. 
Payment ModePayment Mode is to be selected from the drop-down list.
Offset CodeOffset code is to be selected from the lookup button.
Payment TermsThe system allows users to select the payment term from the lookup button.
Description For Revenue InvoiceDescription of the Revenue Invoice.
Description For Revenue Invoice ItemDescription of the Revenue Invoice Item.
Coding Block Type DefinitionCoding block entered by the user. If it is different from NULL then the system will set the attribute.
Unit Of MeasureThe unit of measurement needs to be selected here from the drop-down list.  
Unit Price DomesticEach unit price in the Domestic currency for the invoice classification.
Customer Name MandatoryThe default value is FALSE. If it is true then system make the Customer Name mandatory for the Invoice Classification.
Customer Id MandatoryThe default value is FALSE. If it is true then system make the Customer ID mandatory for the Invoice Classification.
ActiveIf true, the Invoice Classification can be used in new transactions. If false, the Invoice Classification cannot be used anymore and it would be there for reference purposes.
Sub Ledger TypeType of the Sub Ledger.
Validate Upon SavingThe Default value is FALSE. If the value is TRUE then system validates all default values and the business rule of the Invoice Classification