
The Leave Request screen includes the following fields:




Unique Leave request identifier generated by the system.

EmployeeEmployee ID of the person requesting the leave.
Leave TypeType of requested leave. Defined as Leave Types
Start Date

Requested start date for the leave to start.

End Date

Requested end date for the leave to end.

Adjusted Number of DaysNumber of leave days from start to end.
Actual Return DateRequested date to return or end leave. This field is used if actual return date is different from the requested end date.

Leave approval status. Status are:

1. Created

2. Approval Requested.

3. Approved by Supervisor

4. Approved

5. Rejected

6. Canceled

Requested EmployeeEmployee ID of the person requesting the leave will be displayed.
Requested DateDate leave was requested.


Language used.

Request SummaryShort text on the leave request.
Create Temporary PositionCreate a temporary.
Leave Request Required Documents TabThis tab used to attach and validate the required document for the leave request.