Payment Item


This entity is a catalog that keeps records of the payment items such as: Member Contributions, Employer Share, loans, etc.


Social Security Management  Affiliation and Contribution Management  Support Entities And Functions  Payment Item

Payment Item Screen Fields

Payment Item IDSystem generated.
ActiveTo indicate if Payment Item can be used and reference. True by default
Is Based on SalaryTo indicate if the item included in a collection payroll is based on salary. False by default
TypeTo classify the type of Payment Item
FrequencyTo indicate the frequency the Payment Item applies.
RateRate. User defined.
Based onTo indicate the basis of the payment item during a collection payroll calculation.
SequenceThis is manually entered by the user.  This will decide the order these payment items will be calculated.  This is not a unique number, Many of the records can have 1 and many can have 2.
Used for ArrearsThis flag indicates if the payment item is an arrear. False by default
Coding BlockA Payment Item can have only 1 coding block associated to it where COA Group entity has budget execution = true.
Inactive DateWhen a date is entered the Payment Item will no longer be available from that date on. Default value is Null
NamePayment Item Name
DescriptionPayment Item Description
Effective DatesCollection of effective date