Contribution Assignment Termination


This entity keeps records of the termination or a Contribution Assignment and its workflow. 


Social Security Management ► Affiliation and Contribution Management ► Contribution Assignment Termination

Contribution Assignment Termination Screen Fields and Tab

Contribution Assignment TerminationUnique identifier of each record. Automatically assigned by the system.
Contribution AssignmentLookup to select Members having assignments in Institutions.
Cause of TerminationList of the termination realted cause such as Dimisal_Resignation, Decease, Disability, Leave_without_pay
Workflow StatusDisplays the current workflow status of the record. Depending on the workflow configuration setting, the basic stages are: Created, Request for Approval, Active.
Effective DateDate of the effectiveness of the termination.
LanguageUsers can select the language users would like to use in the application.
Additional NotesShort Description.
Support Documentation TabAllows to add any documents related to the process.