Notice Assign to a Contact Report


This report is related to a bid process, and are used by the users to track/monitor the Notices with status ‘Award’ only.



Management Reports ► Notice Assign to a Contact Report


Notice Assign to a Contact Report screen fields




Awarded Date From

Starting Date of the Award to be selected from dropdown box.

Awarded Date To

End Date of the Award to be selected from dropdown box.


Comment regarding the notice assigned to a contact person.



User: Admin

  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Notice Assign to a Contact Report screen.
  2. User enters necessary information to filter records for report generation purpose.
  3. Click on Generate Report button.
  4. Report gets generated as per filtered information. 



  1. User is logged into the system and goes to Notice Assign to a Contact Report screen.
  2. User enters necessary information to filter records for report generation purpose.
  3. Click on Generate Report button.
  4. Report gets generated as per filtered information.