Service Suppliers


This represents the summary for Service Suppliers.



Service Suppliers screen include the following fields:





Auto Assigned by the System

Internal Code

Manually entered by the user or auto generated by the system depending on parameter configuration.

Note: Must be unique in all table

Vendor Code

Reference to an existing vendor code.

Note: Must be unique in entire table allowing this way to link a single vendor to a single supplier.

Tax Identification Number

Vendor’s tax identification number.

Reference to entity when in this table has a valid value (when this happen user can’t change this attribute)

Supplier Name

Indicates the full name of the vendor

Reference to entity when in this table has a valid value (when this happen user can’t change this attribute)

Supplier Short Name

Indicates the short name of the vendor in case the vendor has one. 

Preferred Language communication

Indicates the preferred language to receive communication from the Government or any other communication channel.

Provide Services/Goods

zero or more references to a specific maintenance type indicating that the Supplier can provide those specific types.

Provide insurances

Indicates if the supplier provides insurance services for vehicles.

False by default.


Indicates if the supplier is active or not, true or false respectively.

"True" always assigned by default when creating new record.