The FreeBalance Accountability Platform is pure-web Java Enterprise Edition (Java EE) Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) platform designed for government financial management. Applications are deployed via Java Server Pages (JSP) supporting centralized, decentralized and hybrid deployment models. 
Platform The FreeBalance Accountability Platform is a technical software platform designed for government. - Platform Foundation to support GRP modules operating on a wide variety of operating System, database, computer and Internet browser platforms including open source and commercial options.
- Integrated Development Environment built on Eclipse to enable governments to develop specialized and unique GRP modules.
- Systems Management to support maintaining Systems, users and groups while managing archival, retrieval and system integrity check.
Capacity Building Capacity Building functionality is integral to the FreeBalance Accountability Platform design. - Adaptable Help and Documentation updates standard system help and documentation to show government practices and assist users.
- Knowledge Management tools to support government practice knowledge bases.
- Change and Task Management tools to support government reform and modernization.
Information Security The FreeBalance Accountability Suite is deployed securely in government information environments. - Authentication and Authorization includes strong access and identity management.
- Digital and Electronic Signatures includes biometric integration.
- Secure Cheque Printing meets financial standards.
