- Contract Management
- Support Entities
- Managed Contracts
- Contract Line Item Drops
- Contract Inspection
- Contract Payment Retention
- Advance Payment
- Normal Payment
- Select and Integrate a Contract with Procurement Documents
- Contract Management Reports
![]() | Navigation (By default, you will be in Search Mode.) A Contract can be Cancelled from the In Preparation, Approval Requested, or In Execution status. When a user cancels a Contract a Reason(s) for Cancelling must be explained. The conditions of a Cancelled Contract no longer take effect. To CANCEL a Contract, follow the steps below:
Note: By default, users defined to close Contracts will receive an Internal Message:
Or, you can navigate to the module and search for the Managed Contract you wish to Cancel. To do this, go to Step 3 below.
Note: In order to Cancel a Contract, Contract status may be: In Preparation, Approval Requested, and In Execution (refer to Workflow Transitions for Managed Contracts for more information). Note: Once Cancelled the System will allow the creation of a new contract with the same Procurement Document and Vendor.