Imprest Item Category Details


The purpose of this tab is to store the Imprest Item Category Details.

Imprest Item Category Details Screen and Tabs

Serial NumberA unique serial number for Imprest Item Category.
Fiscal PeriodIt displays the fiscal Period belonging to the Cash Planning Detail.
Planned Net Current Domestic AmountThe field displays (Period)Planned Net Domestic Amounts for the imprest control, that is, the Planned Net Current Amount distributed accordingly to Fiscal Period.
Planned Net Current Foreign AmountThis field displays (Period) Planned Foreign Net Amounts for the imprest control, that is, the Planned Foreign Net Current Amount distributed accordingly to Fiscal Period.
Own Sources Domestic AmountThis is used by the user to input the (Period) Own Sources Domestic amount at period level.
Own Sources Foreign AmountThis is used by the user to input the (Period) Own Sources Foreign amount at period level.
Cash Requirement Domestic AmountThis field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of (Period) Own Sources from (Period) Planned Net Current Amount.
Cash Requirement Foreign AmountThis field displays the calculated amount regarding the subtraction of (Period) Own Sources Foreign from (Period) Planned Net Current Foreign Amount.
Paid Domestic AmountIt displays the paid domestic amount, that is, the Category released amount per period.
Paid Foreign AmountIt displays the paid foreign amount, that is, the Category released amount per period.
Accumulated Cash Requirement Domestic AmountIt displays the calculated amount regarding the  subtraction of the Paid amounts detail from the Cash Requirement detail with the addition the amount of the previous period Accumulated Cash Requirement detail.
Accumulated Cash Requirement Foreign AmountIt displays the calculated amount regarding the  subtraction of the Paid Foreign amounts detail from the Cash Requirement Foreign detail with the addition the amount of the previous period Accumulated Cash Requirement Foreign detail.