Payment Request Process Report


Listing a Payment Request status, workflow information, documents related like commitment, obligation, Expense Voucher, Payment, etc. are shown in this report. This report has two parts, Detailed Report and Summary Report.


Payment Request Process Report screen include the following fields:

Report TypeType of report: Details or Summary is to be selected
Payment RequestPayment request for which the report is to be generated.
Payment Request TypeType of Payment request is selected. Types may be:  Direct payment for goods and services, payment for procurement, apyment for salaries and wages and Apyment per attached list.
Payment Request StatusStatus of Payment request is selected. Status options are: Created, cashed, paid, received, approved, etc.
Request Date FromDate from which payment request for report generation are to be selected.
Request Date ToDate upto which payment request for report generation are to be selected.
From DateDate from which data is to be selected.
To DateDate up to which data is to be selected.
VendorVendor to whom payment is to be made.
Budget OfficeBudget office for Payment request is to be selected.
UserUser by whom Payment request is made, to be selected.
Fiscal YearFiscal year to which the Payment Request relates.
Fiscal PeriodFiscal period to which the payment request relates.
Is RangeWhether the Payment request relates a range of purchase order. 
PO Number FromId of Payment order from which the Payment request relates.
PO Number ToId of Payment order up to which the Payment request relates.
Is RangeWhether the Payment request relates a range of Commitment form.
CPV Number FromId of Commitment form from which the Commitment form relates.
CPV Number ToId of Commitment form up to which the Commitment form relates.
Expense VoucherExpense Voucher to which Payment request relates, is selected in this field.
Check NumberNumber of check is entered in this field.
Coding Block Filter TypeType of coding block with which data is to be filtered. For example, coding block expression filter, hierarchical coding block element and coding block.